04 January 2024


Adam_Page, CurtBellew, giacomo-petri, melsumner, Rahim, scotto, spectranaut_

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

JN: Just 2 new issues
… First, I am hessitant to document something in the ARIA spec.

Valerie: It has agenda

JN: You can talk about it next week

JN: I am off on sabatical for the next month, I'll be back early February

Computed role for role="treegrid" there is a PR for that

New PR Triage

JN: There are a few. The first is I added a changelog for ARIA 1.3 in prep for publishing
… It's a commit log from before the 1.3 changes started, then took the 1.2 commits and checked if they were common
… Unfortunately tihs is not automatic as the commits in to the stable branch are cherry picks
… Then I filtered out what I thought it's editorial
… I am asking people to look if everything in there is necessary there
… I will be merging it this week

JC: You can assign me to that one

JN: I used the RS Changelog stuff but I just copied it over to our repo

JN: The next one is to revert the association list stuff. Do we agree we want to revert this association? We can still put in something in the future, but probably not a good idea for FPWD

JC: I need to review this one

Scott: Would we be removing this from the changelog?

JN: It would be good, I guess we'll merge the other one first

JC: I added the comment to that particular line in #2096

JN: Next one sounds like an editors thing

JN: Next one was created by Matt, we need some reviewers for this

JN: Adam and Rahim will review this

JN: Next is the treegrid role. Any reason we can't merge this?

JC: If you don't mind assigning me too

Valerie: Assign me, I'll merge when done

JN: Another about trees, needs some reviewers. Same people would be preferred.

JN: Next -- we need James Craig to review + implementation tests

JC: This is the value false is the same

Scott: We discussed a couple of weeks ago. This is aria-hidden="False" doing anything. IF we wnat something to happen probably that'd need to be a new value

JC: I don't want to merge this until tests pass I'll use the review to flag things specially on the empty check box

Rahim: Is MDN and similar updated when things like these are merged?

Valerie: We should probably add a check to make sure we at least keep track of these things

WPT Open PRs

JC: I think these are being addressed, thank you Rahim

JC: Alternate spelling for labelledby (one or two ls)
… It's been around forever, not sure what the state was. Thanks Rahimn for writing these tests
… Browsers are doing different things, no need to discuss this right now, but interesting to see these interoperability issues

BG: Is this used a lot?

JC: Not a great figure but still relevant

JC: I think we should tackle this like if there are two the first should win

Deep Dive planning

JN: No Deep Dive for next week. If anyone has anything please propose something

Reviewers: Fixed handling of surrounding whitespace for CSS pseudo elements, inline and block level elements, and embedded widgets.

JN: We need to get this reviewed. JC and Aron especially as you are implementers

BG: It's holding us up

JN: We need to get AccName to CR

JN: I was re-requested review because there were some unresolved conflicts which I think is fixed now

BG: Yes, these are corrected

Valerie: I sent a ping to Aron

JC: I think I never got back to it because my comment from Dec 2022 does not seem addressed
… Line 479
… "Spacing" is ambiguous.

JN: There is a link to the definition of whitespace

JC: We may resolve this if we say whitespace
… And also whitespace is merely text, I don't think it's ready yet

BG: I don't understand. When you say whitespace is textual content, I'm thinking of printed characters. Whitespace isn't something you can read

JC: That's one clarification that needs to happen
… I'll try to review and add additional comments. I'll provide a suggested change. I think we have now ASCII whitespace definition

BG: Any clarifications are welcome

Valerie: Aron took a look and left a comment with a question

BG: I need to check it, it was a long time ago when I last checked

Valerie: Are there tests for this?

JC: I and Rahim wrote soome tests for the pseudos but it was difficult because of the whitespace issues

Status update: aria-controls spec update

JN: Where are we with this?

Scot: I am not really sure. I am not sure if it's worth doing anything at this point

JN: I kind of lean towards that as well

Scott: Aria-details is for content that provides more details, whereas aria-controls indicates which interactive elements modify that in particular. I don't really know what we would be adding if we force that and what we would lose if we don't have it

JN: Is it even necessary for combo boxes?

Scott: Good questions

JC: I'd be hessitant to change anything about existing specs when testability is not there yet
… That would lead towards more divergence
… Aria-controls has more potential that has still not been realized
… Instead of closing, we can mark it as "blocked for testability" or similar
… Maybe this year we could make some progress on testing these things

JN: I think we are so far away from being able to test that in AT, which is where the problem is ...
… If itis not doing anything useful, why don't we deprecate it

JC: I know there was a previous iteration on combo boxes that relied on the controls relationships instead of in active descendents

JN: I'd agree with that. We would need to fully test it in all places where we think it's useful

JN: But deprecating if something works in at least one implementations it's more likely to break that one implementation

JC: I do recall it was used in the past

JN: Then we should not deprecate it becuase it seems it's used somewhere for combo boxes

Rahim: Isn't this also used in other widgets such as tabs or disclosures?

JN: The thing is whether it does something useful

Scott: Not really

JN: Seems like busy work for authors instead of being useful

Scott: If we know where to use it it could serve a purpose

Adam: It's good for authors to build up the programatic associations

JC: I don't think it meets the bar that we've had in the past for deprecating stuff
… Past deprecated features where weird APIs, this one is not particularly weird and is already used

Scott: aria-details was far more descriptive than aria-controls. Feedback suggests that we have not done enough to communicate purpose of aria-controls
… We can either close this or further editorialize the spec with further descriptions of where this works

JN: Does this make aria-controls better or not?

Scott: I'm fine with either direction: closing it or doing some mor wordsmithing

JN: If it makes the spec better we should probably do it

Valerie: Let's update the title to "editorial"

Scott: I'll write some additional notes in the issue

JN: Thank you

Web devs attempt to nest headings; what to do?

JC: With this code example, I'm not sure what should be exposed

JN: What happens in HTML if you have an h3 and an h2 inside that

Scott: You get an empty h2 and then an h3 with whatever text you had

JC: So it treats it like a malformed element continaution

Scott: Some AT may also ignore these empty constructs

Melanie: IF you pull up the VO rotor you'll see h2 and h3 with the text

<Rahim> I believe this is described in the "in body" insertion mode in the HTML spec: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inbody

JC: It seems it is concatenating then. HTMLO parsing works but the platform does not
… IF it matches HTML parsing then it may make sense evey if it's more difficult form an implementation perspective

Scott: Do we wnat to clearly scope it for just headings? IT could easily be extended to paragraphs and other structures

JN: What's currently exposed with this markup?

JC: It'd depend on the engines

Adam: IN Chrome I got what Melanie was saying

JN: Do we need to do anything with this? It's not what they wanted but they coded it wrong

JC: We should have consistency

JN: This doesn't sound great for the users but you can't look at everybody's wrong markup and try to fix it

JC: But now that we've found this, we should do something. We should not write interop test if the spec is not clear on this

Scott: With a similar code, I can tell that using JAWS only the heading level 4 is exposed. With narrator aria-level 2 is exposed and the nested heading is not exposed. Different screen readers yielddifferent experiences

BG: I would say not to nest headings. If we qualify then we are implcitly saying it's OK to do so

JC: We could do the two things. This should not be done but if you do here's what should happen

JC: Then we should write some test. Tihs is a multi nesting thing. We can make assumptions as to which of this are. We'd still be at the browser level, we still cannot test AT specifically

Adam: I'll take that WPT work

JC: No need to open a specific interop accessibility issue, just link the PR to this issue and use the "do not merge yet" label

Melanie: Do we have and SC that would support this, for example 1.3.1?
… I think the HTML element should take precedence

JC: I agree with this being an approach, but there's currently nothin in the spec
… The div with the role of heading does not conflict with the HTML h2
… There is not an author error in any spec as far as I can tell
… IF we think that's an author error ,we sshould clarify it in the spec

Scott: With Chrome and MSAA2 the three headings are exposed. With UIA they are not exposed

Adam: I think there was a typo in the issue comment

JC: Yes, I'll correct it

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/that particular line/that particular line in #2096/

Succeeded: s/list/combo/

Succeeded: s/exposed?/exposed with this markup?/

Succeeded: s/wrongly/wrong/

Maybe present: Adam, BG, JC, JN, Melanie, Scot, Scott, Valerie

All speakers: Adam, BG, JC, JN, Melanie, Rahim, Scot, Scott, Valerie

Active on IRC: Adam_Page, CurtBellew, dmontalvo, giacomo-petri, jamesn, jcraig, melsumner, Rahim, scotto, spectranaut_