ARIA Deep Dive -- Merge Process

02 November 2023



Meeting minutes

spectranaut_: Want to lock down process for merging

spectranaut_: Suggested not merging unless implemented

spectranaut_: This is what JS does

spectranaut_: HTML requires implementation commitment not implementation

spectranaut_: jcraig prefers that we merge when we have consensus but with a note that it hasn't been implemented yet

spectranaut_: can't test all of aria so can't rely on just linking to tests

spectranaut_: goal is to ease implementors but allow folks reading the spec to know what is implemented

spectranaut_: under discussion particularly if we move to evergreen

<jcraig> issue that spawned the deep dive w3c/aria#2055

jcraig: some more background could be useful

jcraig: issue that spawned is #2055

<Jem> w3c/aria#2055

jcraig: wanted the spec to be more permissive - but group went a different way adding name from heading. PR went through review many years ago then counterpart issues filed - bugs filed against user agents etc. Trying to follow process

jcraig: PR still not merged, bugs not fixed. Reason brought this up - ideally would have wpt tests merged ahead of implemetation

jcraig: seemed unintentionally circular. not sure how to move forward

jcraig: spectranaut_ proposed a few different options

jcraig: have a couple of different proposals

<jcraig> w3c/aria#2055 (comment)

jcraig: effectively what I would like is write spec prose - get signoff. Including notes with links to details including wpt tests etc. Point is it would unblock downstream changes.

<Jem> only difference from Val's two suggestion seems to be only note section. is that right?

spectranaut_: process I suggested is that have a slight preference for a spec which only has implemented stuff in it

<Jem> It would be also great we have one place - index page - to go which one is implemneted or not.

spectranaut_: 2nd proposal is to write spec prose and get signoff from the wg. Then write and land wpt tests. Has precedent in wpt itself - each spec follows their own way of landing changes. Then implementors have something to go off

spectranaut_: at that time you open bugs on browsers

<Jem> who would write and land wpt test? valerie or james?

spectranaut_: then when have at least 1 implementation AND commitments can then land it

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to ask how this can work for features which impact large parts of the spec

Matt: 3 questions

Matt: When there are changes from 2 different PRs which affects multiple parts of the spec someone would have to distinguish between them

Matt: would need to be some way of indicating which changes to word in the spec are related to each feature change when there are multiple that are not yet implemented

Matt: don't have that problem in spectranaut_ proposal

Matt: so it is easy to read and understand

Matt: when we go evergreen is the editors draft the evergreen spec

jamesn: normally yes but doesn't have to be

Matt: is the fundamental problem that it is hard to make inter-spec dependencies

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask how it the PR proposal could work for large changes... concerns are: multiple PRs, implementers time constraints (we're potentially adding confusion for the front line engineers) and to mention conflicts with multi-year PRs

jcraig: opposite is that I can't see how proposal 1 works for anything with large changes

jcraig: concern is that have features which hang around for a long time

jcraig: potentially discourages additional contributors to WG

jcraig: ideally the spec PR could reference accname

jcraig: and vice versa

jcraig: merge conflicts is one of the big issues

<Zakim> Jem, you wanted to ask about the ownership of each process such as wpt and how and when would you be ableto confirm "commitment"

jcraig: core differnce between proposals the implemeting engineers would not have the cross referencing issue

jcraig: we have something in the spec that is known not to be implmented

Matt: linking is a technical issue so want a technical solution

Matt: merge conflicts is a non technical issue

Matt: you shouldn't feel like once it is merged it is done - you can't move on until it is implemented

Matt: it is important that someone leading a change moves it from start to end

Matt: if implmentations are really slow on small changes then that might create a problem

<Jem> one way to think about this topic may be categorizing complex issues vs simple issue and each have the different process.

Matt: idea... for the specs with most inderdepencies

Matt: what if they were all in the same repo - then you could have a PR with links from each

<Jem> I like the one repo idea! interconnectivity of the ARIA work.

<Jem> united world

Matt: could solve the technical challenge of linking across documents

spectranaut_: responding to 3 points

spectranaut_: new contributors would hopefully not run across large issues like these

spectranaut_: clear issues on browsers - Need to add the links to all the specs in browser PRs

spectranaut_: it is true the links between specs wouldn't work but language in issues is

spectranaut_: merge conflicts would help

<Jem> /me I think we are talking about the base problem, ownership, commitment, "sheperding" which block us to move on.

Matt: if small changes haven't been implemented soon then it is maybe a problem

Matt: would rather a PR with merge conficts that is 2 years old

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to add-on… We could keep the issue tracker repos separately, but have all the PRs in the main ARIA repo...

<spectranaut_> Jem: I want to hear your thoughts about those thing

jcraig: I think your proposal could solve the largest issues

jcraig: issue trackers can be separate like WPT

jcraig: could move the source files to aria

jcraig: could work

jcraig: pointing to one PR could maybe work.

<Jem> I like warning idea a lot.

<spectranaut_> +1 to link to tests, good idea about link to issues

<Jem> warning idea is also similar to "current status"

jcraig: for things that aren't testable could have links still

<jcraig> add an "implementation notes" section to each relevant feature?

aaron: imagining the different things - some things change an already implemented feature. Like the idea of flagging - don't like fixing merge conflicts. Wonder how flags will work with the messy reality

<Jem> flagging = warning = current status?

aaron: each change is interesting in its own right

<Jem> flagging = warning = current status = implementation note?

<Jem> +1 to explore the idea of one repo

<Jem> how about warning?

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Dee /Deep /

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: jamesn

Maybe present: aaron, jamesn, jcraig, Matt, spectranaut_

All speakers: aaron, jamesn, jcraig, Matt, spectranaut_

Active on IRC: dmontalvo, jamesn, jcraig, Jem, spectranaut_