maturity model

18 October 2023


Dr__Keith_, Fazio_, giacomo-petri_, janina, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark_M, stacey

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/140 -> #140

<gb> /issues/142 -> #142

<gb> /issues/143 -> #143

<gb> /issues/145 -> #145

<gb> /issues/153 -> #153

<janina> Invited Expert Application is here:

<janina> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/ieapp/

New Business

<Fazio_> Tweet about Maturity Model https://twitter.com/equalsShaun/status/1706961274947432655

fazio: sharing tweet - model page is very long (tweet link is in the irc minutes)

Update on Stacey’s Github Access

<janina> Invited expert Application is here:

<janina> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/ieapp/

stacey: no updates on stacey's end, account looks correct. David will email Roy

Maturity Model Implementation Feedback - Dr. Keith Newton

Dr_Keith_: built a tool looking at the excel spreadsheet, using with clients could be hard for the clients to understand

Dr. Keith: chose this standarized model as it comes from W3C, can point everyone to the same thing. Here are the standrds and how applied and universal guidelines to understand your og and how it should align with a11y guidelines

Dr. Keith: built a form in google sheets with code running behind the scenes (google app scripts). The spreadsheet has company name, version 1 of the model and the scope of the evaluation. Full eval is all 7 dimensions. Can highlight what dimensions are in scope

Fazio: did you create the forumula?

Dr. Keith: no, it is based on the spreadsheet. There are hidden worksheets behind the scenes that are hidden that help run the spreadsheet. There's a tab that has scoring methodology that's used in the system. Maturity stage with weights and values (unweighted and weighted scores)

Dr. Keith: so the sheet then does the math for the weighted and unweighted scores. Is this an accurate reflection of the scoring that you had in mind?

Fazio: that's a Sheri/Jeff question, but they're not on the call

Janina: relavively few conversations on the scoring, happened a long time ago. I expect this to be evolving

Fazio: we figured we would figure out the scoring aggragation later on, needed the model and stages and where you're at first, then fleshed out the scoring, so this is nice to see.

Janina: user expereince in applying the model is valuable to help inform how to finish up the narrative and build the HTML 5 interface. Spreadsheets will go away eventually.

Fazio: question, do we want to leave this barebones so people can create what they need or make it more prescriptive? Big question. Some might be less tech savvy and need more support.

Dr. Keith: scoring methodology is the one in the model's spreadhseet, so there should be alignment with the model spreadsheet and with the one the company has. even though he ran through a spreadsheet which isn't ideal, so if you're moving ot HTML 5, that's a better route. But same risk and regard scenario with current tools. Pages are there to help someone to make/write their own assessment. But we know comapnies go off and do their own thing.[CUT]

continued: as long as there's something to meet their needs...

Lionel: i wasn't aware we had scoring anymore. I knew we had spider diagram.

Dr. Keith: I went directly to the excel document

Dr. Keith: I dove into the code and equations that were being used. Download the file in excel looking for that info and formulas that's how he built his tool in alignment with it

Giacomo: since we have experience with W3C reports and essential for customers to supply prioritization and have to start from something. We know everything is needed, but maybe there are scenarios that are more important than others. We tried to replicate the model with the impact for issue on end user. To me, the current formulas are helpful to understand where you are but might not be so helpful to determine which sections to take first to s[CUT]

continued: don't see an easy way to provide some way to provide some sort of prioritization for companies

Lionel: the spreadsheet totals at the bottom the scores. David, were you aware that we had scoring in the current sheet?

Fazio: yes

Lionel: long range agenda, let's revisit the scoring

Fazio: agreed. Shoring up some of the other areas first, then back to scoring.

continued: struggling with how much prescription vs autonomy. Going to be different for everyone.

Dr. Keith: priority and looking at scoring-from the model...added in subnumbers according to proof points for organization so have clear identification. Practical for writing scripts later too.

continued: each area could be selected on the status (optimize, launch, integrate...) then that score is auto calculated as it was in the excel doc but using drop downs.

continued: at the end of this an easy way to understand what they need to do and where they are and what to tackle first. he had a summary report based on the scores with dash/graph so can quickly say here's where the biggest gap is and what they should address/focus on

continued: reading a dash can be a pain, so he takes all of the info and generates a maturity report document (templates and AI integration) to create the report and structured doc with overal summary, process, org maturity score and key findings in different sections, and then recommendations

Fazio: is all of this text auto populated based on results in previous data set or custom text or a variation?

Dr. Keith: variation of both

continued: report template tab in the sheet that pulls data and populates inside the cells, and dynamically pulled into the report that then gets generated as a google doc.

Fazio: you completed this proof point, that's what auto populated?

Dr. Keith: the entire thing gets populated. there are templates used in the background that get populated and then pulled/generated

Mark: this looks really cool, if you're looking for feedback and willing to share I'd love to poke around

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: stacey

Maybe present: continued, Dr_Keith_, fazio, Giacomo, Lionel, Mark

All speakers: continued, Dr_Keith_, fazio, Giacomo, Janina, Lionel, Mark, stacey

Active on IRC: Dr__Keith_, Fazio_, giacomo-petri_, janina, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark_M, stacey