Maturity Model

23 August 2023


CharlesL, Fazio, janina, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark, stacey, SusiPallero_

Meeting minutes

<Fazio> don't us scribe colon unless you want to erase all past scribes during meeting

New Business

David: will be putting together the TPAC breakout session. Emailed Brian Oday if he can give a small update with their experience. Charles and Sheri will also give updates on using the MM.
… any other suggestions on who has used the model?

janina: Breakouts are open to everyone. zoom into the teleconference in Spain without being registered for TPAC
… opportunity to give a presentation to the AC.
… Called Lightening talks 3min presentation 2 min Q&A. Separate submission.
… overview where we are in the process, whats next, invite w3c members to start using the model in their own companies. We hope VM Ware will help with the forms, build a front end to databases to formalize in html forms.

David: we do have a backup on that html work.
… know the audience. are we pushing for something to happen in the W3C? or just to use it?
… We can do that great idea.

Janina: Matthew suggested this.

Charles: who will write it?

David: I can do it today. when I do the other Breakout session.

publishing update

<Lionel_Wolberger_> present_

David: thanks Charles getting this update ready.

Charles: updated the old references to the google doc for all dimensions and instead point to 2.4.1 where we discuss downloading the latest excel spreadsheet. this was done yesterday and David approved Charles's PR. We are now ready for publishing.

Janina: I will ping Roy to do this.

David: Yes we are ready to publish. Which should be published tommorow.

Lionel_Wolberger_: Not sure of my sub-task. I was on a vacation. Jeff and Stacey was with me on this task.

what is next on Roles?

stacey: we have a working draft, its in the working document, its been merged in the appendix. we know we will make updates in the future.

Lionel_Wolberger_: that mini task force is done for now?

stacey: we will iterate on those once we get feedback.

David: yes we will wait for feedback then iterate.


janina: there is more we can do, we can give credit, list of editors, however, we have the opportunity Respec JSON file, for Authors, should be credited as an author, I would like to see that to be used instead of just contributor.
… we can add this in the next round JSON file for authors section. references W3C id.

David: I don't want this to be an argument. we can discuss this later, but very deserving to say this.

Janina: these are resume builders.

David: some of the original authors etc.

Jeff: Yes I agree.

Janina: its a listing just like Authors.
… , we need a list to add the following people David: missing Suzanna, Stacey, Lionel, Janina, Mark, Irfan,
… , editor is more about the syntax, respec, commas, etc.
… , editors should be short list, authors usually is a longer list.
… , quicker than doing the authors, adding to the appendix for contributors.

Janina: over time we will figure out who is authors.
… I will follow up on this.

cleanup GitHub issues from 1st publication

David: Mary Jo we have 96 open issues.
… we wont hold off on publishing WG to close these. Lot from Jake who hasn't been here.
… I will go though a boilerplate and start closing them.

Charles: most of my issues are still outstanding.

janina: Jason, we may still need to get back to.

<SusiPallero_> +1 to David

janina: we keep open those that haven't been resolved
… W3C process document says at least every 6 months.
… on the slow side. We are well past this.

David: get Jake's stuff out of the way.

Janina: this WD doesn't need to close all issues.

David: I will do my best to do that.
… does look good to close some of them. 96 looks bad.
… love the oxford comma :)

Charles: After TPAC we can start going through all the issues and start resolving them.

David: make those aware of the new update and see if there is still an issue.
… ie. we mahave addressed some of those issues i.e. Jason White's concerns.

SusiPallero_: regarding the Support Dimension. This should be added to an agenda.

David: we decided to publish as is and then ask for feedback then we can go over your updates etc.

Zakim: next item

Task Force Page update

Janina: Roy will do it Mark was looking at it.

Mark: sent around last week regarding the wiki.
… Lionel was also going to look at a different piece. mostly get rid of it.
… I didn't look at the TF page.

<Fazio> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/maturity-model/#:~:text=The%20mission%20of%20the%20Maturity,ARIA)%2C%20in%20consultation%20with%20the

David: decided remove the wiki and we were going to use the MM TF page to point to the page. what do we want to add/ take away instead of the wiki have this instead.
… look at this page and what needs to change.
… colaborative working session what is there / not there.

Stacey: I can help with this.

David: if you want to find some time this week to get this done together.


David: look at other TF pages and emulate that.
… provide a recommendation to Roy all at once.
… finding hard to find participants in the TF
… no pressure to get it done on timeline. sooner the better

Janina: getting it done before TPAC on our TF page. maybe the video
… Introduction should cover the rational

David: the people behind it, who came up with this and why should I care.

Janina: our TF page can't get into promos

David: just having a link to the TF

Janina: Status of this Document. auto generated point to github.
… good place to put the pointer email contact and our TF home page is here. etc.
… give it to Roy and he will take care of it.

David: feedback point to the Home Page etc.
… when Mark and Stacey can get to it that would be great.
… any last minute questios?

Janina: Thanks to everyone for your hard work.

David: see you all soon, hopefully in Spain!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: CharlesL

Maybe present: Charles, David, Jeff, Zakim

All speakers: Charles, David, janina, Jeff, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark, stacey, SusiPallero_, Zakim

Active on IRC: CharlesL, Fazio, janina, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark, stacey, SusiPallero_