WCAG2ICT -- text and terminal applications

09 June 2023


Mary Jo Mueller

Meeting minutes

<dmontalvo> s/- etx/- text/

<janina> Maryjo probably has it somewhere. I have the meeting ID. It's obvious in the hyperlink, but the pwd is hashedYes, you and I are in a side channel

<janina> Yes, I'm reading you!

<janina> OK, let me see if I can get the hyperlink to work on my phone. The Mac isn't recovering it's Internet connectivity!

<janina> Yes, thanks. I do have that, will try to use it. It's just more complex to do with thumbs

<janina> OK, I presume email? Will monitor

Regular filtering tools can help you extract the information which makes programmatic access by a screen reader important in a different way.

Mary Jo added a column to the analysis spreadsheet for content that might be included in the WCAG2ICT document and has not made it through the full list of SC.

Janina still has a work item to handle comments on her Pull Request and Mary Jo will help gather the known comments/discussion to inform the need for changes.

The group will continue work independently this week and intent to review any proposed content at the 16 June meeting.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Failed: s/- etx/- text/

Succeeded: s/- ext/- text/

Succeeded: s/isn't as important/important in a different way/

Succeeded: s/included to/included in/

Succeeded: s/review results/review any proposed content/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: maryjom

Active on IRC: dmontalvo, janina, maryjom