Maturity Model Teleconference

17 May 2023


CharlesL, Lionel, nadine, Sheri_B-H, stacey, Susi
CharlesL, janina

Meeting minutes

<janina> Date 17 May 2023

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023May/0008.html

Janina: we are still on the old zoom there is a complication. stay tuned.
… old link will still work.

Sheri_B-H: if we switch and can't connect email Sheri for the new link.

Stakeholders and tasks

<Lionel> https://www.w3.org/community/silver/stakeholder-job-stories/

<Lionel> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/preview

Lionel: there are multiple stakeholders, there should be an expression of what the role is expected to do.
… go to maturity model these roles don't exactly fit anymore by the language we use.
… task is to update the evidence sheet, if I start doing this, I would take tasks of implementing the maturity model.

Sheri_B-H: this came before me, from Jean. I do like it. I agree we should use RACI and align the language with the maturity model, this is ~ 5 years or more old. could be improved. open for discussion.

jlkline: I remember this we put it on the back burner. didn't have a lot of relevance. if we went through the model and the dimensions and assign the roles to that or recommended roles. up to the org. I don't know if we need to spend a lot of time on this? shoud be focused on this, tool, spreadsheet, scoring metrics etc.

janina: I think this is important, I believe Jean was a driver of how this reads. I think we should request Jean to a couple of these meetings. She has a lot of history here.

Sheri_B-H: I can contact her.

janina: I can also invite her, I just need a date.

<Lionel> ghurlhub: janina to check with Jean to discuss https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/preview

Lionel: should we start in parallel? meaningful updated tasks meaingful RACI against.

Sheri_B-H: just RACI to maturity model.

Lionel: Jeff would you be able to work with me on this?

<Sheri_B-H> adding to Sheri's comment RACI to maturity model to start with

jlkline: Yes I am happy to work with you on that.

Lionel: I will schedule with Jeff to use meaningful RACI

 Revisit Susanna’s updates to Support Dimension https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0013.html

Susi: We haven't started this yet.

<Susi> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/att-0013/First_Draft_-_Support_-_updated_MM_spreadsheet.xlsx

ghurlhub: janina to check with Jean to discuss https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/preview

Stacey: I don't have permission to open this document.

Susi: organized some of the items, employee support, organization support, training programs. and then external support for customers
… I marked in a different color the changes made.

Sheri_B-H: I like the additions, there are some overlap with other dimensions. Some of these implicate legal requirements some countries don't require vouchers for transportation as an example. We need to make this more generic.
… R&D conference at VMWare, gave me an Uber voucher. If your company is providing transportation it needs to be accessibly. could be to pay to provide accessible transportation.
… blind employees in India are paid for transportation to/from work but not here in the US. We can leave it in but keep it optional, and keep it generic.

Susi: public issue where the company is located, pay more to use a taxi should not impact salary. should that be covered by company or not?

janina: I think we need to be careful about that.
… on my own I paid myself to / from work.

jlkline: I heard requirements, what we are talking about is proof points for maturity. with regards to accessble transportation, move away from built env. to enabling technology to obtain accessible transportation.

Susi: I agree.

jlkline: provide IT solutions to provide accessible transportation.

janina: we don't want to imply there may be a requirement as W3C is about web not full accessibility.
… I can help with language Susi, I can do my best.

stacey: what do you mean Jeff?

jlkline: organization may provide a service to move people around (campus to campus) digital infrastructure, someone could get online and order some accessible transportation. could be a solution for this.

stacey: provide extra context would be great.

Susi: Yes agreed

janina: Standing desk etc.

Susi: remote job you may need to go to the office, its an exception, or workplace activities.
… may not be digital based, but is in support of the employee experience.

Susi: Carrier Paths are accessible.

Sheri_B-H: carrier path associated activities are accessible.

stacey: recruiting / onboarding experience / tools we use internally are not accessible
… all those pre-hire to retirement.

jlkline: "Barriers" to career paths are not put in place. Digital barriers are not put in place.

Sheri_B-H: we want to see a positive for proof points

jlkline: could be a personnel or a culture proof point.

stacey: depends on how its worded. typical employee experience.
… staff support training, could be a organizational support.

jlkline: we just need to make sure they are put in the correct place.

Susi: employees with disabilities can use their own AT.

Sheri_B-H: I like it but it needs to focus around support.

janina: this is a touchy point for companies to get permissions as it may need to be locked down.

Sheri_B-H: support AT sufficient to do the job.
… ensure there is support for employees with disabilities to use assistive technologies adequate to perform assigned tasks.

susi: employee support, offer flexible work arrangements to employees with disabilities.

janina: we can't require it. Consider the full range of accommodations to help employees with disabilities to accomplish there job duties in a timely manor such as flexible work hours.different office furniture, environmental lighting
… cloudflare.com is doing this.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: CharlesL

Maybe present: ghurlhub, Janina, jlkline

All speakers: ghurlhub, Janina, jlkline, Lionel, Sheri_B-H, Stacey, Susi

Active on IRC: CharlesL, janina, jlkline, Lionel, nadine, Sheri_B-H, stacey, Susi