19 April 2023


CharlesL, Fazio, janina, jlkline, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark, nadine, Sheri_B-H, SusanaPallero, SusiPallero
Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark

Meeting minutes

<Fazio> meeting Maturity Model

Confirm TLDR and Use Case Integration

<janina> Stacy's email: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0015.html

<Fazio> +1 to adding global

sheri: Read TLDR

Sheri: I would add globally

<sheri_b-h> 1 in 6 people in the world live with a disability. Working-age people with disabilities have a discretionary income of around $21 billion. Yet, only 4% of businesses are focused on making offerings inclusive of disability. Providing accessible digital products and services is the right thing to do–and it’s good business. It’s also required by law in many countries.

<sheri_b-h> 1 in 6 people in the world live with a disability. Working-age people with disabilities have a global discretionary income of around $21 billion. Yet, only 4% of businesses are focused on making offerings inclusive of disability. Providing accessible digital products and services is the right thing to do–and it’s good business. It’s also required by law in many countries.

lionel: Yet, most businesses can improve

Fazio: Available research indicates…

<sheri_b-h> 1 in 6 people in the world live with a disability. Working-age people with disabilities have a discretionary income of around $21 billion. Yet few businesses are focused on disability inclusive products and services. Providing accessible digital products and services is the right thing to do–and it’s good business. It’s also required by law in many countries.

SusiPallero: Questioning number around how much money PWD make…

SusiPallero: Maturity for long term

<sheri_b-h> Whether your company is just starting its cultural transformation on disability inclusion or looking to improve existing processes, the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model can help.

Fazio: Hook reader with business case

SusiPallero: Many companies have attempted to and failed – this model will help

<sheri_b-h> Whether your company is just starting its disability inclusion efforts or looking to improve existing processes, the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model can help.

<SusiPallero> Whether your company is just starting its disability inclusion efforts or looking to improve existing processes in a sustainable way, the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model can help.

<sheri_b-h> thanks Susi, I like that

jlkline: Not a great business case it’s a civil rights issues

Fazio: You can do the math and get the discretionary income number

jlkline: Working age PWD have the right to the same experiences as everyone else in the world.

<janina> Mark: ROI argument goes two directions; in orgs can shift a11y out of a project ba/me Yes, I did hit enter, seems I have trouble with that key

janina: Making monetary arguments make me nervous

Janina: Civil rights aspect is stronger

janina: Not a single market

lionel: Jeff’s comments are a breath of fresh air. Focus on elderly, business feel this isn’t their problem – if were we’re addressing, we’d remind car industry didn’t want seat belts etc. – not my problem, it is your problem. We need to articulate obvious things. Pay down technical debt.

<SusiPallero> Would it make sense to have some headings like Business, Civil Rights, Reputation, Education, and so on. And add few bullet points to each? That way each stakeholder from private or public sector could go find the points they need. Because truth to be told, if someone is in that page reading our presentation is because they want to implement accessibility and probably they could use some points to push the topic into their organizatio[CUT]

sheri_b-h: We’re all enlightened. Audience in unenlightened. We need write something that is going to convince our audience.

jlkline: Three kinds: Government to serve communities, Large IT, Private Sector – only way to get to them is risk mitigation strategy. The business case is not interesting.

fazio: Misconception PWD are not buying.

<janina> +1 to Jeff

<SusiPallero> Risk mitigation and reputational harm

fazio: Happy medium that it is a large market

charlesl: More blind people that people with red hair, more with dyslexia than are left handed.

Mark: This conversation really strikes a chord. There is clear passion motivating this discussion.
… it's about risk mitigation, that's how it relates to civil rights
… Let's focus on the purpose of this section

<jlkline> https://jeffklinesstrategicitaccessibilityblog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4&action=edit

jeff: https://jeffklinesstrategicitaccessibilityblog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4&action=edit

Fazio: It's like insurance, you buy it because you have to

Fazio: Nobody buys insurance because they want to – may not need to mitigate risk.

<SusiPallero> +1 to David

fazio: Need to come back to this next week.

lionel_wolberger_: Can help to focus on whose the audience. Liked the paragraph when it was read. Person starting out won’t come to maturity model. They’ll already have and idea.

Lionel_Wolberger_: I suggest that the person coming to maturity model, out audience, will not be a total newbie

sheri_b-h: Got threw all of use cases last week. Need to list participants. Will have next week.

fazio: Where in document

<Fazio> and disability 0

<CharlesL> +1 to new chapter

sheri_b-h: After culture and before acknowledgement

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/

<CharlesL> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0019.html

<janina> link from sheri: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0019.html

sheri_b-h: Can put it in. Who should be involved. We can flush it out in a future meeting. Use same language as W3C existing accepted titles.

jlkline: Document is great. Need to discuss. We have discussion fatigue.

<jlkline> jeffklinesstrategicitaccessibilityblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/first-blog-post/

Discuss future publication

sheri_b-h: Copy my document, reference job titles.

sheri_b-h: Will forward stake holder doc

<jlkline> jeffklinesstrategicitaccessibilityblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/first-blog-post/

Lionel_Wolberger_: Will work on writing

Fazio: Once we plug in TLD, ideal time to publish new iteration and will decide as a group to move forward.

sheri_b-h: Working on excel, made changes.

Fazio: Spreadsheet, TLDR, use cases then ready to publish.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Mark

Maybe present: jeff, lionel, sheri

All speakers: charlesl, Fazio, janina, jeff, jlkline, lionel, lionel_wolberger_, Mark, sheri, sheri_b-h, SusiPallero

Active on IRC: CharlesL, Fazio, janina, jlkline, Lionel_Wolberger_, Mark, nadine, sheri_b-h, SusiPallero