Silver Task Force & Community Group

09 December 2022


janina, jeanne, JenStrickland, Lauriat, Makoto, maryjom, Rachael, sarahhorton
jeanne, Shawn

Meeting minutes

December into January schedule

Lauriat: Proposal is NOT to meet 23rd and 30th.

Lauriat: But how about Jan 6?

<Chuck> NO call first week of january for AGWG

Chuck: It's a 3 week pause, so also Jan 6

Lauriat: So, since we're presenting Tuesday, should we also take next Friday 16 December off?

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to discuss feedback

Lauriat: Would make this group's next meeting Friday 13 January

<Lauriat> +1, sounds good

jeanne: We'll have feedback from the Tuesday presentation and should meet to make sure we don't lose it.

<Chuck> +1 to meeting next Friday

Lauriat: OK, we'll keep next Friday.

Tuesday AG WG agenda preview

Lauriat: But after next Friday our next meeting will be Friday 13 January

<jeanne> ACT Rules

jeanne: We're first! Outcomes approach; followed by ACT rules, etc

<jeanne> WCAG 2.2 survey

Finishing up the presentation for Tuesday

<Lauriat> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UpBHL1DBezcFu-IuExakvEYJkWzZwFniE0gelPkDDkI/edit#slide=id.p

Lauriat: Walks first through overall structure

Lauriat: Asks whether anything to clarify on goals?

Lauriat: PS: Looking at the slide deck ...


Lauriat: moves on ...

jeanne: suggests adjusting from comment on title slide

sarahhorton: Looking at the slides I'm not certain what we're proposing

sarahhorton: We derived outcomes from user needs; believe that's not clear, i.e. we didn't "write them"

sarahhorton: Would like more explicit mapping for what's being proposed

<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to answer sarah

jeanne: Confusion is understandable, because we shifted from our actual tasking

<Rachael> +1 to that wrap up

sarahhorton: asks for an example

<Chuck> +1 to Jeanne's summary

jeanne: We tried, but it didn't work out. So, we never did what we were tasked.

<Lauriat> +1

sarahhorton: Notes we derived outcomes from user needs

jeanne: Suggests adding that

Lauriat: continues with slides ...

Makoto: Notes many clients get lost in 1.1.1, but the decision tree helps immensly for creating alt text

Makoto: Suggests decision tree might be only useful with images; though we can explore other applications

jeanne: appreciates this contribution, gives us something to show

jeanne: suggests interpolating a slide ahead of this one

jeanne: would show progression better, and how we got to our results

<jeanne> User Flows

<Lauriat> +1

Chuck: Conclusions are as Jeanne states; but work done is important to keep and use

<jeanne> +1 to rearranging

<sarahhorton> +1

<Makoto> +1

Lauriat: suggest avoiding two different conclusions

<Chuck> ack

<Lauriat> Big +1 to that framing!

<Chuck> Janina: Along lines of Sarah, Mathew and I both participated in the permissions workshop (virtuall) of this past week. We heard from others...

<Chuck> Janina: Turned it into a slogan, that APA is on board user agents becoming smarter for users. It was coming from others in the group having nothing to do with accessibility.

jeanne: What questions do we have for AGWG?

sarahhorton: Question for this group: is there a proposal here?

Lauriat: Report on our findings which is NOT writing outcomes based on user needs, but deriving as we've found helpful.

<Makoto> +1 to Shawn

Lauriat: We can then describe how we want to continue down this path

sarahhorton: how does this align with other user needs focussed activities?

Lauriat: Phps propose to look at other work to see whether this approach also works there

Lauriat: phps propose a path forward for each

Lauriat: notes distinction between alt tree and audio tree

jeanne: Asks people to make comments by Monday

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Is/Question for this group: is/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: janina

Maybe present: Chuck

All speakers: Chuck, jeanne, Lauriat, Makoto, sarahhorton

Active on IRC: Chuck, janina, jeanne, JenStrickland, Lauriat, Makoto, maryjom, Rachael, sarahhorton