17 November 2022


Adam_Page, bgaraventa, chlane, cyns, jaunita_george, Matt_King, pkra, scotto

Meeting minutes

<scotto> mark is a wonderful person and i hope good things happen to him

New Issue Triage

jamesn: no new issues today? wow

jamesn: lets peek in one more place

jamesn: okay, cool!

New PR Triage

jamesn: no new PRs? wow! holidays...

scotto: maybe ARIA just works now


Deep Dive planning

jamesn: anyone want to plan a deep dive? we have one on Dec 8

jamesn: aria-flowto is scheduled for Dec 8. only slots we have are Dec 1 and 15

jamesn: hearing none, moving on. I cancelled lots of upcoming meetings, so make sure to check your calendars. Nothing between Dec 15 and Jan 5

Support aria-description - can this be merged? It will unblock a lot.

jamesn: where are we on this one? waiting on the accname editors?

BGaraventa: it's fine with me, i just need to mark it as approved

jamesn: i fixed the merge conflict

jamesn: hoping for Melanie to check it out, too

scotto: i'm okay with it, but i need reviewers on #444

jamesn: jcraig, aaron, and BGaraventa have been assigned

scotto: it's essentially all the same stuff, but in a different spec

BGaraventa: i'll take a look this afternoon

Aaron: I can check it out too

jamesn: once that's done, all the other PRs will have to be rebased on that, since it changes accname a lot

AccName Role Traversal Proposal

jamesn: james teh and BGaraventa have been having some discussions. where are we BGaraventa?

BGaraventa: james teh would like the 'always' and 'never' speced out, and elements that receive focus. he seems against adding that in, based on the github comments. what does the group think?

scotto: i'll give it a read through

scotto: his example of a listbox inside a link... seems like a legitimately weird use case.

BGaraventa: not sure that's a good example

jamesn: essentially what he's saying is correct - it never makes sense to traverse inside certain roles (like a <select>)

aaron: when select-size=1, we take the value of the object to put it in the name

jamesn: but you wouldn't traverse into its children, right?

BGaraventa: we do have examples like that, or like a listbox in a label

aaron: the precedent should be if the thing has a value

jamesn: could result in getting something without an accessible name, if there's no value though, right?

BGaraventa: if that's the only thing you had, sure

jamesn: if the aim of this is to make sure everything gets an accname, we'd want to avoid something like that. but that's not the goal here right?

BGaraventa: yeah

jamesn: i wouldn't want to complicate the algorithm any more than necessary

BGaraventa: an option is that if a focusable element doesn't have a name, then it's an author error

jamesn: yes AND we can state browsers MAY correct that if they want to

BGaraventa: what do you think scotto ?

scotto: i'd rather we go with the least complicated option, and we could take another look at what needs to be done

scotto: we should look into what common situations come up where an accessible name should be returned and isn't

scotto: having it completely reliant on focusability - what does that do with virtual cursors and other forms of non-focusing navigation?

scotto: i'd rathre keep it simple for now and check into the rest later

mck: i'd like to suggest that naming is never dependent on focus, that seems like an inconsistency that could only have negative impact for screen reader users

scotto: the one counterpoint I have is where generics get named by contents, if they have tabindex=-1, resulting in the entirey of an ENTIRE div's contents being the name for a container

scotto: other than that, i totally agree with you Matt

mck: that's a situation where i would argue that, if it does get focused, it's a generic, so it shouldn't be named by content ANYWAY

mck: if we give the browser some wiggle room to do some kind of processing to decide if SOMETHING is better than NOTHING, then that can exist in the spec too

cyns: want to make sure that visually hidden things don't get broken by things like that too, in case they have tabindex=-1 (not that they always have that)

mck: if it's offscreen for the purpose of helping screenreaders, they should be giving it an accname

cyns: yes they SHOULD be, but historically hasn't always been the case

jamesn: can we agree that if tabindex shouldn't effect this?

aaron: if something has tabindex=0 though, that might be a case where we want to

mck: what i have the biggest problem with is something GAINING an accname ONLY when it's focused. that mismatches the reading and focus experiences

aaron: if it COULD be tabbed to (not tabindex=-1), we assign names proactively

jamesn: so when doing that, if you inspect those elements in the dev tools, what does it say about the accname calculation?

aaron: i don't think we have something saying it's been repaired, probably just says "named from contents"

BGaraventa: that's part of our concern - language around that needs to be fairly consistent in Firefox and Chrome

mck: even a junior engineer might find problems otherwise ("Oh, Chrome is doing a repair - what's firefox doing?")

aaron: a good feature add might be to say where the name is from, and something like "repaired" included

jamesn: would you be happy if the accname doesn't include that? or should it be?

aaron: I don't have a specific opinion

aaron: i do see the benefit of cross browser consistency

jamesn: could you point to the code for the repair, so those interested could see what it's doing?

aaron: i'll post a link

BGaraventa: instead of writing something normative, could just be a note that "some browsers may provide error correction" or similar

jamesn: we COULD detail how browsers should do that

jamesn: i'd like to see dev tools getting better, at least where the browser is actively correcting author errors

<aaronlev> In Chrome, the code that decides whether we should traverse an object for it's accessible name computation is called AXObject::SupportsNameFromContents() at https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_object.cc;l=6306

scotto: it would make it clear that there's a mistake

<aaronlev> It takes a boolean argument, |recursive|, which is true when it's in the middle of computing the name of an ancestor

<aaronlev> there are lots of comments in there -- please let me know if there are areas you see that need clarification

jamesn: this sounds similar to what James Teh wants to do for a title on an image - the author needs to be aware they did something wrong. if dev tools can expose that, great, rather than "I guess it works fine, great, ship it"

cyns: could we make this an issue so we could pass it along to those that can do it?

cyns: no urgency, but it'd be helpful to have

scotto: where could I file it?

cyns: cr-bug, cr-featurerequest? against Chrome

jamesn: could this be a deep dive topic? With James Teh? He works with Firefox so it'd be good to have Google and Mozilla convos

jamesn: before the holidays?

scotto: no [laughter]

jamesn: january would be great

cyns: i'll find some folks to join us, too

BGaraventa: how should we get James to reply/come?

jamesn: pretty responsive via github

cyns: and email

BGaraventa: can we summarize this proposal?

jamesn: we would allow browsers to repair things as they like, but WHEN repaired, we want them to flag it as such, so authors don't have a false sense of correctness

cyns: to make it clear in dev tools that it works because it was repaired, not because it was correct. not visible to the average user

BGaraventa: support for adding a note to accname spec, that this repair might happen?

jamesn: that seems a natural place to put it

cyns: might even be a MAY, not a note

aaron: another good thing might be to say browsers need to document what repairs were done so we can compare results as testers

cyns: browsers must?

jamesn: it'd be hard to get through CR without checking on that

jamesn: browsers SHOULD, might work

BGaraventa: i like SHOULD over MAY

jamesn: in some cases, it might be do nothing and don't repair, with good cause

mck: documenting what repairs are done sounds good. a requirement to reveal a repair could be a SHOULD

jamesn: maybe a MUST if we can get the browsers to agree

cyns: that might be a separate issue then

BGaraventa: i'd need help with the actual wording of that from the implementers

BGaraventa: but i'll make a comment of all this to james teh, and let jcraig know about this

cyns: two actions - 1) browsers SHOULD repair ... 2) an issue about adding "browsers MUST document repairs" or similar

scotto: is that to be done here or in ARIA proper?

jamesn: we'll figure that out later

mck: why would we change browsers MAY repair to browsers SHOULD repair? not sure we entirely want them to

mck: when authors do something incorrect, having inconsistency across browsers can be advantageous to give authors incentive to correct things

<jamesn> we have may, should and must in the correcting author errors section

<jamesn> https://w3c.github.io/aria/#document-handling_author-errors_states-properties

cyns: assuming people test a11y cross browser

cyns: assuming that people don't just use what they're comfortable with, rather than checking everywhere

cyns: i'm fine with MAY or SHOULD

jamesn: in that section about repairs, Matt, we have MAYs, SHOULDs, and MUST NOTs

mck: sounds like we need a MUST [laughs] "MUST reveal repairs"

BGaraventa: there's the other side of the spec change, always traverse or never traverse, what do people think?

jamesn: if we can infer it without having something split it, great. if it's not there, we can add it.

BGaraventa: james teh is in agreement to adding traversal property to spec

BGaraventa: what's NOT in agreement is what roles should ALWAYS be traversed, and getting that agreement might be difficult

BGaraventa: i'm not exactly sure what everyone wants, we've seen what i suggest, and if people could change that/modify to what they think, so we can get a proposal together, that'd be helpful

jamesn: has anyone gone through what you wrote BGaraventa to see if that's what Mozilla or Google do?

BGaraventa: i haven't done the backend part yet

BGaraventa: i'll ask james teh, he's got ideas of what should and shouldn't be included

aaron: jamie has strong opinions about it

jamesn: in the issue, theres a list of what Chromium and Gecko do for their mappings

aaron: i pasted the link about Chrome's computation above. it's mainly a switch statement, should be pretty readable

jamesn: this is where i got the information for the spreadsheet

aaron: there's some rules for the body element that are kind of unique, is something tabbable just because scrollable, some pragmatic type of rules

aaron: if something has lots of descendents, it's expensive to compute all of that, bad for performance

aaron: there's a max number of nodes with a named from contents calculation

BGaraventa: there should be a character limit in that case, maybe

aaron: doing it by number of nodes is cheaper

aaron: lets table this conversation about repair. it'd be nice to get info from devs about pain points re: browser differences and AT differences, what's making ARIA devs lives difficult, etc. Look at this as PMs rather than cleanup

cyns: +1

BGaraventa: yes, tabling for later sounds good

BGaraventa: i'll ask james teh if he can modify that list with his suggestions

jamesn: sounds like a way forward

ARIAMixin and ElementInternals - Feedback requested by Anne

jamesn: Anne is asking for feedback on his plan - i'm having trouble understanding it

jamesn: is everyone good with the plan, or not understanding it?

aaron: let's find someone who makes custom elements and makes them accessible for their opinion

cyns: i can find some salesforce people, maybe from the AOM meeting

Define how custom elements are exposed to AT

jamesn: an associated issue, can we talk about this with AOM too?

cyns: yes

1.3 blocking issues agendabot]

jamesn: anyone have updates on these? if not, this is your reminder to work on them

jamesn: hearing none, have a great day everyone!

jamesn: no meeting next week - enjoy your holiday! next meeting is Dec 1

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/moving on/moving on. I cancelled lots of upcoming meetings, so make sure to check your calendars. Nothing between Dec 15 and Jan 5

Succeeded: s/would have make/would make

Succeeded: s/results/results as testers

Succeeded: s/peopel/people

Succeeded: s/cheapr/cheaper

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: MarkMcCarthy

Maybe present: Aaron, jamesn, mck

All speakers: Aaron, BGaraventa, cyns, jamesn, mck, scotto

Active on IRC: aaronlev, Adam_Page, BGaraventa, chlane, jamesn, jaunita_george, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, pkra, scotto