ARIA deep dive

06 October 2022


Adam_Page_, scotto, spectranaut

Meeting minutes


<spectranaut> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14dOVzG-nB1P-uLBET3BYC2v_LvfPpUPWvRfqGLUnBzg/edit#

spectranaut: talked about different ways of handling 2 branches

spectranaut: also about whether PRs should be open for a long time

spectranaut: decided that wanted a single branch so the editors draft and WD would be the same thing

spectranaut: 1 branch which will help with merge conflicts. all non-normative merged as soon as appropriate. Normative changes will need merge conflicts to be fixed.

spectranaut: made PR templates on all the main repos which we can review in a minute

spectranaut: everyone comfortable with that change for now

<murmurs of agreement>

spectranaut: to go back to previous topic.... how to prioritize new issues

will keep with milestones for now

spectranaut: think of them as year based

spectranaut: still using milestones

jcraig: on board with close 1.3 with no new feaatures

discussion on versioning which scribe missed

mking: have a question about earlier discussion.... was thinking of aria-actions. I can imagine us doing the work in practices and in aria on the spec.... in expermintental spaces. Could do it all next year. then the idea we would wait for a spec to be final is what I want to be reversed. woiuld like everything to be end to end implemented before it goes to CR

scotto: sounds like the process in html-aam i have been doing for a while

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention in theory, role and label can have WPT or WebDriver tests

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: jcraig, mking