29 September 2022


Adam_Page, CurtBellew, jcraig, MarkMcCarthy, pkra, scotto

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

spectranaut: aria#1817 about aria-owns

jnurthen: first bit could use work, the rest seems already covered in the spec.
… label clarification

spectranaut: there's a 1.3 blocking issue on aria-owns. maybe related?
… #1161 about owned by

<aaronlev> There are some good notes on now Google avoids problems with aria-owns here

<aaronlev> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhztcbvUWS4_QGtKmWMxVBLnMkl5ZAAqRCVTcLfdl4o/edit#heading=h.4qp85atck7yr

jnurthen: related but not same.

aaron: I added link in IRC on chrome's aria-owns implementation details.
… more about interaction with HTML.

jnurthen: first part would be 1.3ed // clarification.

spectranaut: assign to jnurthen, wait to hear back.

aaron: chrome is pretty complicated about, e.g., changing ids, removing elements with id, multiple elements with same ID

jnurthen: maybe a note "there are limitations, known issues etc"

aaron: the doc is more for other user agents since our implementation seems a good basis.

New PR Triage

spectranaut: core-aam#142
… @jcraig please review.
… core-aam#140, mapping update.
… aria#1816 editorial

jnurthen: question for screenreader users about the notes in the spec.
… headings are just "note"
… in respec, you can add a title attribute to use as part of the heading. could add context

bryan: that would be an improvement

jcraig: respec adds this, so could we automate something like "note for section ..."

jnurthen: if there's more than one, we'd need a bit more but yes, I'll file an issue

jcraig: seems generally useful

spectranaut: aria#1814 draft PR

jnurthen: made one change but: do we really want to do this?
… phrasing content describes a things in HTML that we might not want to include in ARIA
… so maybe we want something completely different after all.

jcraig: I didn't like the name but would be ok if it matched HTML

scotto: really "textyMcTextFace"

Proposal: process Deep Dive next week!

spectranaut: follow up to TPAC discussions.
… come up with some suggestions.

siri: is there info on the results from TPAC?

spectranaut: yes, email was sent to list.

jcraig: can make Oct 6.

bryan: same.

jnurthen: sarah and scotto would be good.

spectranaut: any other topics?

jcraig: had some internal discussion about aria-actions
… heuristic detection seems implementable.
… some author techniques might interfere
… maybe a deep dive might be useful to gather implementation interest.

aaron: I haven't looked in detail yet. We should get James Teh, Matt King to look at it.

jcraig: idea is aria-action=idrefs. then AT will generate synth click events for them.

aaron: sounds like a good deep dive.

spectranaut: aaron, please take a look and say if you want a deep dive
… but matt and jamie are important

<jcraig> Draft PR https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1805

jcraig: issues are ...
… most of the discussion is in #1440

<jcraig> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1440

mattking: at tpac we talked about needing some example web pages, screenreader expectations, experimental implementation.

jcraig: we'd ship it behind a flag to begin with in any case

Placeholder for next meeting discussion: Changing "2F.i" to "2F" in step 2H

bryan: step 2h deals with recursion process. When it recurses, it should check if name-from-content is supported.
… then continues into sub steps of process.
… it was pointed out, it was bypassing the process and going directly.
… bypassing all conditional statements
… no handling of circumstances where you wouldn't want name-from-content
… e.g., heading, button, opens up a menu. Then all of the contents of the menu would be part of the heading name.
… without checking if name-from-content was supported.
… filed it at TPAC
… if someone knows the background to the previous change, that would be very helpful.

spectranaut: change from 2017.
… linked on issue now.

jcraig: I have a related issue I filed a while back. We need to stop using numbered labels for steps.
… this is a good example. It's confusing, adding steps changes numbering.
… if the step was called "aria-labelledBy", then I'd know.
… if we use logical IDs, we might avoid such confusion.

bryan: I like that idea. But for now, are we in agreement that this is how it's supposed to work.

jnurthen: I don't think we can do all the checks. When checking child nodes, e.g., div doesn't have name but you still want the child text.

bryan: I feel like the number of cases where it should be processed is less than those where it shouldn't.

jnurthen: I disagree. spans and divs occure too frequently.
… if you rule those out, it will break a lot of stuff

<jcraig> https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/139 Permalinks in computations should NOT use specific numbering in the link (because the numbering will change) #139

mattking: it's about number of conditions in the algorithm, right?

bryan: yes. I could put in logic that it's an element that's perceived.

spectranaut: feels like there's something to discuss. Chrome has 2F implemented.

jnurthen: not completely. aaron pointed me to code where for each role, it does different things, depending on the situation
… feels like this is closer to what we want to do

<jamesn> q/

spectranaut: this would be a change affecting implementations
… so we need to clarify what they need to do.
… can we make this a PR?

bryan: I can. But we need implemetors to give input on which conditions make sense.

scotto: is this essentially tyring to fix the problem of, e.g., anchor with article in it but article has no explicit name, so the link technically has no name.

bryan: yes.

scotto: have been working on this with teams a lot recently.
… it shouldn't stop if the article has no accessible name.

bryan: right. it's hard to make a PR without knowing what should change.

<jamesn> is https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/128 not related to this?

<jamesn> see my comment here - https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/128#issuecomment-834864769

siri: question on anchor containing an article. doesn't the text get used?

scotto: it isn't and that's the problem.
… the way the algorithm is right now, it won't.

bryan: Reversely, say you have multiple options. should they all be part of the name? Probably not but right now they would.

<jamesn> / Get their own name from contents, or contribute to ancestors

<jamesn> examples button, checkbox, heading, link, switch, tab

<jamesn> // ----- No name from contents -------------------------

<jamesn> // These never have or contribute a name from contents, as they are

<jamesn> // containers for many subobjects. Superset of nameFrom:author ARIA roles.

<jamesn> examples alert, comment, grid, table, menu

<jamesn> // ----- Conditional: contribute to ancestor only, unless focusable -------

<jamesn> // Some objects can contribute their contents to ancestor names, but

<jamesn> // only have their own name if they are focusable

<jamesn> examples canvas, caption, details, footer, generic, list, listitem, paragraph

jnurthen: acc-name#128 has the link I mentioned.
… some suggestions in that issue

bryan: sounds good but we'd need an implementor to draft the PR in spec language

spectranaut: maybe start with what Chrome's doing?

jnurthen: I believe firefox is similar.
… then we can get more input

mattking: is there something in the aria spec that separates these roles from another?

jnurthen: maybe. perhaps instead of "named by content" could be "not only from author", getting us closer.

mattking: feels like this logic needs to be a reflection of some characteristic in the aria specification.

jnurthen: agreed. chrome's heuristic should identify _something_

mattking: do we need an aria issue as well?

jnurthen: I think it's an accname. if that feels like there's something missing from ARIA, then we file a cross issue.

spectranaut: I'd suggest to go through #128, go through it, see if there's enough information on what Chrome does, then possibly suggest a spec change to accname.
… then file an issue on aria

bryan: will do.

jcraig: bryan, could you ping me when it's a good time to make the label changes? It has to fit and avoid merge conflicts.

bryan: will do.

Support aria-description

spectranaut: scott PR on html-aam, but also blocking issue from jcraig.

<scotto> correction: html aam, not core aam

spectranaut: jcraig will make a few changes

scotto: will take alignment with html aam, 2 PRs todo

spectranaut: should be a simple check.

scotto: I'll still have to remove the relevant lines

1.3 blocking issues

jnurthen: check if you're assigned. get to work :-)

rss-agent, make minuets

rss-agent, make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/1.3/1.3ed/

Succeeded: s/core-aam/html-aam

Maybe present: aaron, bryan, jnurthen, mattking, siri, spectranaut