Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

25 Aug 2022


Wilco, kathy, thbrunet, trevor, ToddL, JennC__, Daniel


<scribe> scribe: kathy

ACT rules sheet

wilco: object element needs reviewers
... iframe - I have change requests
... scrollable element - no activity yet

daniel: will send to TF group

wilco: met with will on image accname is descriptive

Open ACT pull requests

wilco: daniel's #1912 call for review for 1 week
... #1852 needs reviews
... the rest look like cg work

Priority issues

wilco: looked into presentation role conflict does not work on iframe.
... role=none with aria-label is still role none
... #1875 related to secondary requirements

CFC: Line height in style attributes is not !important

wilco: I will send it out
... taking rules to AGWG after TPAC

Element in sequential focus order has visible focus (oj04fd)

wilco: 5 responses
... kathy's comment

tom: applicability is to 2 or more elements

wilco: can raise with AG to update understanding article

kathy: no that's ok

wilco: open issue #1599 should be closed if no change is needed
... rule expectation says any pixel changes color, then rule is pass
... #1599 says adding a border doesn't change the color
... can understand why expectation is unclear

tom: it is technically accurate

wilco: will add survey note to clarify expectation
... Q7 comment from wilco on HSL color value phrasing and inapplicable ex 4
... Expectation HSL language used because wcag includes luminance in color

tom: if just hue changes is it a valid focus indicator

wilco: about a year ago, color of link and color of text discussion separated hue from luminance
... rules were updated to be more explicit for hue and HSL color values
... instead of HSL color value, just color value and link to HSL color value to improve readability
... all other rules use HSL color value

kathy: ok with leaving it since all other rules use HSL color value

tom: ok, maybe add a note to explain

wilco: let's leave as is
... inapplicable ex 4 single focusable control has a visible focus so implementer would pass this example

tom: still consistent

wilco: inapplicable examples should fail if they aren't inapplicable

tom: same of inapplicable ex 2

wilco: in rule writing guidance, inapplicable exs should be failures if they weren't inapplicable
... examples are good examples of the applicability

kathy: removing visible focus on inapplicable ex 2, it would still be inapplicable

wilco: would you pass if there is one focusable element without a visible focus?

trevor and jenn: no

kathy: no

wilco: me either
... suggest going to AGWG to remove exception of one focusable element in understanding

tom: common redirect page has only one link, would expect to be able to tab and see focus on link

wilco: I will raise an issue with AG about the one focusable element exception
... mark this as "on hold" in rule sheet

trevor: will take over one of wilco's liaison rules

Heading is descriptive (b49b2e)

wilco: 6 responses, 1 reject
... Q2 comment from wilco - 2 rules in 1
... 2 expectations and 2 things in applicability
... structures complicated
... don't worry about headings with aria-hidden which is already in another rule
... applicability could be just headings in accessibility tree
... with first expectation only

tom: my Q7 comment for inapplicable exs 3 and 4 are in accessibility tree. not visible because they are empty

wilco: lots of comments on those examples

kathy: the "or" in Applicability is unusual and not in other rules.

wilco: anyone disagree to simplify this rule?

jenn: no

wilco: add note in survey to simplify
... Q5 wilco comment - passed ex 2 same as pass ex 3, no default aria-level in ARIA 1.2
... failed ex 3 needs an aria-level
... Q7 comments. already have a rule for empty headings.


link to PR for secondary requirements

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/08/27 09:57:41 $