Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

28 Jul 2022


WillC, Helen, kathy, ChrisLoiselle, trevor, thbrunet, Daniel


<scribe> Scribe: Helen

Daniel: Oops Shadi left and the meeting was his - and it ended so we need a new link for Zoom

ACT rules sheet

<kathy> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit?pli=1#gid=0

Kathy: For Meta refresh PR, the update has not been shown in the standards so not ready to go to CFC?
... last time this happened, Wilco had to figure out how it did not update, but I am unsure of how to get it to update?
... I will send a note to the Community Group chairs for help
... for the Object name and iFrame ones?

Helen: Being worked on and will be discussing the iFrame one in the CG meeting

Trevor: I have not had a chance yet
... to look at the Role attribute one

Chris: I need to work on some change requests for the HTML graphics from Jean-Yves

Daniel: Page title - working on it

Kathy: Menuitem has a new PR

Open ACT pull requests

Kathy: 1898 - add a better description to failed example number 2 - reviewers wanted - Trevor and?
... we are skipping the ARIA ones
... #1873 - just need to action the PR request for change. I am not sure on the next steps - so will update these to be committed

Priority issues

Kathy: Issue #1875 - holding off for now
... #1810 - we have looked at this as it is mapped to 1.3.1 and a lot of the discussion is does it cause 1.3.1 to fail?
... last comments from Daniel says there are issues when using JAWS and I added a related failure for 1.3.1 explaining the use of incorrect structural markup can cause confusion, and Tom added that although not explicitly call this out but we need to confirm it
... I tested with the failed example, and described how NVDA treats it, as a tree item is in the middle of a root item that is not a tree
... All the others except #1172 are assigned to Wilco, #1172 is assigned to Will any updates?

Will: No, not yet.

Kathy: These are added from implementers who are not running tests as disagree with the results

Secondary accessibility requirements

Kathy: This relates to updates I have done for PR #531
... when they pass the test case, it is satisfied or more testing needed - as I removed that and agreed to add it back in
... I made an additional example
... I need to address some comments from Wilco, and did not take up the suggested naming of "additional" from Helen
... please feel free to add them to the PR or mention them now?

<kathy> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/531

Will: Can you expand on this?

Kathy: Sure we have the accessibility rule format, expects the failing SC in the requirements
... So if you fail the AA 1.4.3 it also fails the AAA 1.4.9
... but some do not test AAA so these can cause issues

<thbrunet> I got booted and need Daniel's permission to rejoin

Kathy: so they are not in full alignment with the rules, and are having issues in how to include the requirements so they can include or not include the AAA
... The secondary ones are being drafted to allow those with issues with the AAA side can show they are implementing the rules regardless of their support. So AAA are secondary to the A or AA primary ones
... Wilco is wanting this completed so he can update the rules

Image accessible name is descriptive (qt1vmo)

Kathy: We have a note from Chris, but it seems to be resolved. But Wilco has a few comments.
... I added a comment that a non-empty accname it is in the accessibility tree - this is addressed
... Passed and failed example 1 from Daniel - "W3C" is not enough as a brand name, Passed and failed 2 and 3 examples are not clear why one fails and one passes

Daniel: The descriptions need updating as not called out why it fails exactly

Kathy: So update needed - Will?

Will: Sure!

Text content that changes automatically can be paused, stopped or hidden (efbfc7)

Kathy: Wilco added a comment on the first assumption about how can we assume it is essential?
... we would have to update the applicability to allow for a change here?
... how do we work this out as an essential update?

Will: For automation, it is hard to check this as a manual check we need
... but it is not up to us to figure this out

Tom: I agree

Will: I want to add a note that manual checks are required

Trevor: We do not add a note for that though, like for images

Kathy: So can an automated tool check this?

Tom: We would flag it as a need review

Kathy: To be continued...

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/07/28 16:56:56 $