23 June 2022


jamesn, StefanS
BryanGaraventa, PeterKrautzberger

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

#415 htmlaam dont do anythng wo scott


get filed on OWL w/ flag




accname computation,

for input type image

5 can never be true

in 4.3.1 in accname computation

clarify what a usable text string is

empty string is not valid

#162, accname lazy loading script

jamesn: accname cant do anything with it

because visibility hidden is one them

script cant differentiate between normal functionality of the page and visiblity hidden

bug in the the lazy loading script

#DA its an implementation detail


revisit aria setsize = 1

jamesn: fix browsers to do this

anyone can comment on it



put in 1.3

by jamesn

jcraig: why expose disallowed value to platform API?

jamesn: confused by spec last week

jamesn: doing different things depending on mapping

treated differently on different platforms super wierd

jcraig: spelling grammer, parsing error,

pass to API if not disallowed phasing is wierd

jamesn: which, ones are platform a11y api attributes?

jcraig: nm re: git blame, since this was brought in by joanie with other merged content

jamesn: might have made sense when it was in coreaam

rather than in ARIA

jamesn: needs writing that is understandable when there is an unknown or disallowed value

9.2 states and properties

New PR Triage

Deep Dive planning

no prs

deep dive on generic mappings ok for next week

Consider adding a 'decorative image' role

jamesn: tips app most images are decorative

jcraig: explore by touch

you will want a desc of an image that takes up 90% of the page

calling this decorative is part of the baggage

StefanS: mentions project that required a desc of decoratibe image

jamesn: more of a continuum

jamesn: meaningful, stuff in the middle, spacer


things in middle


alt text on avatar

level of 0-10

tie in with adaptive personilation

jamesn: simplify UI

how much visual fluff do you want

jcraig: similar to verbosity

if critical it's clickable

verbosity set so high it doesn't matter

screen reader decides to render based on heading

DA middle ground is very important

to finding your way around

look for a persons profile

shows posts, contributions

revealing those with some level of verbosity will help if wayfinding

potietiallity for exposing patterns is worth exploring

jcraig: more detail would he needed for avatar

almost like roles

some people will want to minimize text

can't achieve w/ verbosity

jcraig: something as simple as a single spectrum should not cloud the solution

jamesn: simplification doesn't address this

jcraig: wai-adapt;content module

jcraig: distracted overwhelmed

num of controls

jamesn: that is a better direction

Tidying up section "Characteristics of Roles"

peter is not here

it makes no sense

jamesn: children presentation can't own anything

jamesn: to me that's an error

we should document that

jamesn: user agents should not be exposing the children anyway

jamesn: proposing feature for update to aria owns on roles with presentation children

assinged to himself

will tack aria owns restrictions in #1760

I'll review #1733

arigilmore: as well

Does aria-hidden obey DOM or AX tree ancestors?

jcraig: open questions

jcraig: did we define the order of the owned elements


jamesn: not defined but generally works

jamesn: used this before

jcraig: if you don't point to actual children they come first

jamesn: thinks the owned ones come first then everything else

jcraig: can you reverse order?

that would remove it

from DOM relationships

jcraig: surprised if these rules are interoperable between browesers

jcraig: learned since last time, unlikely that we need to

prolematic, more bugs

an owns relationship that reorders will be a major feature project for next year


flowto failure

owns solves these cases

AT buyin is hard for new properties

we have browser devs here

flowto and grabbed failed due to half baked


flowto is a11y only navition pattertn

palindrome mirrors

flow to doesn't solve

jamesn: only now are we doing complexity

1.3 issues

jamesn: excel sheet ordered by assigners

go through this if you have anything assinged for 1.3

jcraig: paste this into a wiki page?

jamesn: conversion is the problem

jcraig: saved github query


jamesn: no sort by assignee

<jamesn> gh issue list --search 'milestone:"ARIA 1.3"' --limit 200 --state open --json number,title,assignees,state,url | jq -r '["number","title","assignees","state","url"], (.[] | [.number, .title, (.assignees | if .|length==0 then "Unassigned" elif .|length>1 then map(.login)|join(",") else .[].login end) , .state, .url]) | @tsv' > issues-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').tsv

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/make sense/might have made sense when it was/

Succeeded: s/git blame/nm re: git blame, since this was brought in by joanie with other merged content/

Succeeded: s/githug/github/

Maybe present: arigilmore, jcraig