09 June 2022


dakahn, jamesn, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, pkra, spectranaut, StefanS
BryanGaraventa, CurtBellew, CurtBellew SarahHigley, HarrisSchneiderman

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

valerie: 1.4 milestone?

jnurthen: different names - also pills, tags etc.
… close as duplicate?

valerieyoung: other one has lots of comments.
… let's close as duplicate.

New PR Triage

valerieyoung: no new PRs

Deep Dive planning

valerieyoung: currently no deep dives planned.
… any interest?

dakahn: notification deep dive still planned?

jnurthen: did we want to?

dakahn: thought so.

jnurthen: I'll double check
… did you mean pop ups?

dakahn: yes.

valerieyoung: waiting for Aaron to be back.

jnurthen: there's a google doc somewhere with significantly different proposal

cyns: sounds about right.

<aaronlev> I can't make it today, but I'll listen in on IRC in case anyone needs anything

jnurthen: aaron waiting for more feedback first.

OpenUI is asking the TAG for the review of focus groups

valerieyoung: just an announcement. early design review for focusgroup

Does aria-hidden obey DOM or AX tree ancestors?

valerieyoung: continuing the discussion from last meeting
… first we decided that hidden should obey AX tree. But James Teh disagreed, Aaron thinks it's worth discussing.
… what is the intution for authors.

<aaronlev> James Teh's POV makes sense to me

<aaronlev> on aria-hidden + aria-owns

mattking: also practicality. Are there some real use cases to think about where someone would put aria-hidden on an element that owns something - and what do they expect.

cyns: I raised this. Probalby good to check what's being used / what we might break.

mattking: so what does the current world look like? Not propagating down AX tree - but descendants?

cyns: descendants yes, owns no.

mattking: aria-owns is meant to affect AX tree structure so what is the expectation that aria-hidden.

valerieyoung: no browsers hide owned elements.

cyns: is there content out there? how much? does it rely on that?

mattking: how did this start?

<aaronlev> There wasn't a real known example

<aaronlev> It was theoretical

valerieyoung: aaron asked, trying to decide what's meant.

cyns: spec is unclear.

valerieyoung: let's look at the spec
… element considered hidden if it or its ancestors are not rendered or aria-hidden=true

cyns: unclear which kinds of ancestor.

mattking: we had similar issues around descendant

cyns: implementors tend to assume 'dom'

mattking: we tend to not limit ARIA to DOM

cyns: we could use "host language tree" vs "accessibility tree"

mattking: feels like we need to give ourselves the language to talk about this clearly
… feels to me we should do no change until then

<aaronlev> How about:

<aaronlev> We could say ancestor/descendant always means AX tree

<aaronlev> except in case of aria-hidden

<aaronlev> Because the aria-hidden property could say "Use of aria-hidden combined with aria-owns is undefined"

<aaronlev> to scare ppl away

<aaronlev> undefined or invalid

mattking: since this didn't come from practices but implementors it might not be too urgent

cyns: if we don't find use cases, we can just go ahead and clarify

jnurthen: I think it's possible there are uses cases and they might just have propagated aria-hidden to aria-owned elements
… aria-owns is already complex, so that seems likely.

mattking: makes sense.

jnurthen: not just element, but also walking down the tree etc.

cyns: might shadow boundaries get in the way?

jnurthen: certainly

mattking: you don't always know how to walk the tree. you might have a container and you don't know what's inside.

jnurthen: seems odd for a container to aria-own something outside the parent

mattking: fair point. I don't want to make up use cases.

cyns: we could make a PR to clarify and share it with people writing component libraries

valerieyoung: sounds great. any volunteers?

cyns: can help sharing them.

mattking: we should sort out the vocabulary

valerieyoung: good point. we should double check.

cyns: accessibility tree appears in spec. but still

pkra: there's at least one issue to go through spec to sort out language for owned/descendant

jnurthen: element now references concept in DOM
… hidden we still reference ARIA hidden since it's not anywhere else

cyns: sounds like editorial work

1.3 triage

valerieyoung: Name from author on column header & structural relationships #1219

pkra: scott comments points to html-aam

valerieyoung: great. closing.
… May a treeitem contain interactive elements? #1251

pkra: more editorial, "good first issue" tag

valerieyoung: good first issue should probably have a template.

pkra: I'll do it.

valerieyoung: aria-busy language update in Required Owned Element section #1300

jnurthen: this probably goes away if Sarah's PR is merged.

mattking: allowed owned is less restrictive than required owned?

jnurthen: is it though? There seems to be a dual intent, mish mash / different sets of expected

mattking: I remember now. We've used it but inconsistently.
… do we list everything that could be allowed? Not sure.

jnurthen: I think so but should double check
… we really only use it on composite widgets
… so it's limited in scope

mattking: there's a PR?

jnurthen: not sure. Sarah was working on something.

valerieyoung: james, can you ask Sarah?

jnurthen: will look.

valerieyoung: update owned element definition #1301
… I'll take that.

valerieyoung: Reword banner, contentinfo, main to use "on a page" instead of "within any document or application" #1320

ari: I can do it.

valeriyoung: next: aria-haspopup with value treegrid? #1333

mattking: aaron and I had discussed hasPopUp. I should probably do this alongside the other hasPopUp

valeriyoung: next: Extend support for aria-expanded to the radio role #1404

mattking: did we not discuss this already?

jnurthen: we have but it keeps coming up.
… from people with UX research.
… here, gov UK

stephan: a lot of good questions in there.

mattking: I don't know if I comment but there's a risk for overload for AT users.

stephan: these patterns appear all over
… I think there's some reasoning for this

<MarkMcCarthy> +1 Stefan

mattking: would this be an easy change (from the spec)?

jnurthen: is there a benefit for users?

mattking: I'm imagining arrowing through a radio group. I'd assume the name of the radio would give some indication.
… if you hear "selected" and "expanded", how often would you have a case where they don't mean the same thing?
… if the expected behavior is expansion, then it's noise. Compare haspopup on combobox.

stephan: problem that radio button groups that don't have it and some have it. how do we differentiate.

mattking: I don't think it helps to add "expanded". You learn by selecting it and hitting tab, finding new content.
… feels to me the content designer, writing copy for radios, should be responsible to ensure the context is understood; then it won't be surprising.

stephan: because there's a visual change in the UI.
… isn't it beneficial that a blind user gets informed?

mattking: the assumption would be that a blind user understands that

jnurthen: reading through it, they did user testing.
… positive case of checkbox. For radio button, unclear.
… maybe ask for follow up study.

valerieyoung: sounds like we should ask about user research

jnurthen: later on "we don't have the resources to do extra research' :(
… we have something from the last discussion.

valerieyoung: do we want to say that we move it to 1.4 but if use cases / research comes in we'll reconsidered.

jnurthen: feels to me something wants to satisify an interpretation of wcag rather than user benefits.

mattking: +1. You don't need to explain everything. You drown people in instructions.

stephan: last comment: checkbox is reversible, radio button is not. this makes it more complicated.

mattking: expanded is normally on something that you can expand and collapse. here you can't.

jnurthen: reading through this, example of "email / phone / text message". Email would be expanded, the others would not say "collapsed". Is that potentially useful if using a virtual cursor.

mattking: what are the clues that any user has about how it works.
… if they were doing something different to these radio buttons that would be an interesting question.
… is it from looking at UI or interacting with UI.

jnurthen: might this be more useful

cyns: there's also a vertical line to associate it.

jnurthen: but doesn't show it will go away

mattking: feels to me selected has same meaning as expanded here.

cyns: here yes, but not always.

valerieyoung: there's also the case "other" with a text field. like matt said, that's a sign.

mattking: right. that's very common.

valerieyoung: ok. let's move to 1.4

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: ari, cyns, jnurthen, mattking, stephan, valerie, valerieyoung, valeriyoung