Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

02 Jun 2022


Will_C, Helen, trevor, kathy, Daniel, present, thbrunet
kathy, Wilco


<kathy> scribe: kathy

Chris: new member, introduces himself
... test lead for Oracle, want to contribute and learn

Group introductions

ACT rules sheet and Survey Results

<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0

wilco: we use this sheet to track our work

kathy: audio element PR ready to merge, send out CFC

will: 1831 change requested

trevor: comment for jym to respond

wilco: I will look and talk to jean yves
... Tom's 1835 has a change request

helen: new PR for iframe #1855
... add reviewers daniel, kathy

<thbrunet> +present

<thbrunet> Apologies for running late

trevor: 1854 PR for role attribute

wilco: assign myself and helen and chris as reviewers.

<ChrisLoiselle> https://github.com/ChrisLoiselle

Open ACT pull requests

wilco: 1852 has reviewers assigned
... 1850 waiting on review

daniel: will do today or tomorrow

wilco: 1833 needs reviews
... 1832 needs reviews
... call for reviews for tom's PRs

tom: 1835 has merge conflicts

helen: license issues

wilco: I will help if those get in the way

Rules Format and state

<trevor> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1010/files?short_path=32079a0#diff-32079a0602a5a909b242b4e0961e7c5ddd6b6f5c9906b216d5bf21cf2ba13a77

trevor: example rule by carlos, review
... this is for links that appear inside a paragraph of text
... looking at if the link is distinguishable from text around it
... depending on state, the link style will change

<trevor> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1836

trevor: first draft attempt at including state in rules, chose to use pseudo classes
... how do we like use of pseudo class?

helen: repeated words "any state" makes it harder to read

trevor: this particular rule might not need "any state" but other rules may

wilco: not sure it's helpful to list any state. more interested in what states the rule might not apply than when it does
... this direction makes the rule very big

trevor: how would you write applicability for states when rule doesn't apply

wilco: maybe an animation
... this makes rules less atomic to have to test all of the states

trevor: better to have an atomic rule for each state?
... trying to make clear when testing needs to be done
... not expecting examples to go through all states, just a rough estimate
... agree over specifying is bad, but under specifying leads to inconsistent testing

wilco: do implementations have to have multi-state testing?

trevor: that's a fair concern
... these rules might be feasible for manual testing, more challenging for automated
... need human to get into the right state

tom: can automate some of it
... any state with and without - isn't that all states?

trevor: this is just for the link

tom: hovered is without focus
... thinking default state and then the other states
... not the withouts

trevor: agree

wilco: could be many variations and combinations of states

trevor: how to reduce the number of states to manageable

tom: default, add focus, remove focus

trevor: yes, click on it to check visited

helen: in practice, look for common states and investigate when there are issues

trevor: some states are more valuable like focus and hover
... other less common states, do we forget about them?

wilco: not convinced this is a problem that needs to be solved
... want to list exceptions, where rule is not applied like aria busy
... and where multi-state testing is required, aria-expanded false changes to true when clicked

trevor: thought link might be an easy place to start

<Wilco> scribe: Wilco

Kathy: I'm looking at how states are listed...
... Could it be an atomic rule for the default state, separate rule for focused, separate for hovered?
... That makes this rule quite a lot to cover. Breaking it apart seems to make sense.
... That way you don't have to cover the withouts.
... If we had one for each state, and use composite to combine makes sense to me.

<scribe> scribe: kathy

trevor: agree but may have duplicate rules with just a difference of state

wilco: feels very redundant
... is the problem that all states are not being tested?

trevor: some are tested, but need to be covered in rules
... cautious about combining state with subjective

helen: readability is more difficult
... would want it to be simpler
... with so many states to test, what if one is missed
... provide enough guidance without spelling it out too much

will: agree

wilco: could make rule implementations difficult
... if listing states, maybe in an informal place and not explicitly listing all states

Update from ACT implementations on WAI website

wilco: AGWG survey this week
... implementation matrix was approved with a few editorial comments
... updated banner to bring back ACT Rules also approved pending editorial changes
... update to common input aspect approved also
... other updates on survey for next week: 3 rules and minor updates to existing published rules

helen: happy to review

daniel: hope to find middle ground on issues

wilco: will try to end meetings early

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/06/07 10:26:39 $