ARIA Editors

02 February 2022


Bryan, Jemma, MichaelC, Peter

Meeting minutes

Source code maintenance tools <https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1106>

Potential tools in issue

a HTML prettifier to deal with whitespace

Validator, though W3C validator does pre-respec

can start with APG to steal some

link checking

<Jem> linknator for link checking

<Jem> APG uses cSpell for spell check

Accname checkin

It´s complex, changing one thing messes up others

difficult to identify where this happens

also need a path to implementation once changes in spec

chasing implementation and getting agreement on proposals has been a challenge

put agenda label on some issues to trigger WG discussion

interdependencies on issues

editors to put their heads together

Mapping tables issue <https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/pull/105>


Towards retiring aria-common

want to retire aria-common

terms moving to terms database

biblio also using biblio database

need a plan to retire

please note uses of common resources in your specs that can be removed

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/tree/main/common

acknowledgements, generate?

css? do we need common css?

need to share mappings tables script

is the <pref> etc. code pattern still useful?

might be a better way nowadays

Cleaning up terms list to essentials


Learning ARIA test framework

We need to spread the knowledge on how to do testing

most of us don´t have bandwidth

defining test files, and running them

Next meeting

<MichaelC> Next meeting: 16 Feb

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Found 'Next meeting:' not followed by a URL: '16 Feb'.