Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

13 Jan 2022


Helen, Wilco, Todd, Trevor, Daniel, Kathy


ACT-Rules sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=1477174325

Trevor: line spacing - how do we feel about specifying viewports
... need one more person to review
... may need to cut down width of screen to do line wrapping.
... how do we ensure line breaks happen when we want them
... the problem with specifying a viewport - so many variations on viewport size can be used.

Helen: what if we use the reflow

<Helen> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/reflow.html

Helen: 1.4.10 specifies a starting viewport

Wilco: if we can avoid a viewport specification, we should

trevor: we wanted to make an inapplicable example where the line did not wrap
... specifying width of element forcing it to wrap. I took that out. If you zoomed in enough, it causes it to wrap
... one way is to specify a viewport size to test it
... instead I have an overflow container that just has a scroll window. That creates an inapplicable example

Wilco: propose we move forward
... this needs one more reviewer. Kathy?

kathyeng: sure

Wilco: will put into survey

kathyeng: #1444 needs some resolution
... will check to see if carlos has responded

Wilco: take this on again
... took #1740 out of draft. need reviewers
... new section added that splits background up into different sections
... reviewers added

dmontalvo: 1771 1772 merged editorial
... can put into CFC

Open ACT pull requests

Wilco: 1779 has a failing test
... will pre-assign a couple of people
... Helen?
... todd and trevor

kherr: will reach out to trevor

dmontalvo: 1760 will send call for review

Wilco: 1756 could get merged

iframe with negative tabindex has no interactive elements (akn7bn)

Wilco: we have a few responses we didn't look at
... daniel can you please look at this again and if you have a suggestion, open up a pull request
... karen working on updates, reviewers assigned

Heading has non-empty accessible name (1ec09b)

Wilco: 8 responses. 4 accept, 4 reject

trevor: agree it's at least confusing

Wilco: let's change it. pas example 3 should have a consistent accessible name
... technique h42. are empty headings actually a failure of WCAG

Helen: empty headings do not fail 1.3.1


<Helen> -1

<ToddL> -1

<trevor> -1

<kathyeng> -1

<dmontalvo> -1

kathyeng: part of the requirement is that you shouldn't have heading tags on things that aren't headings

dmontalvo: jaws doesn't detect the headings
... this seems to be more robust

Wilco: this includes custom presentations. including stylesheets - custom styles on headings

Helen: using a heading tag to wrap an image of text as a logo. not coded well on the inside

Wilco: todd? what's your take on this?

ToddL: think it passes

Wilco: many failed examples.
... couple options. either leave as is, give feedback to community group, we could also propose to deprecate the rule

kherr: should we take this to AGWG for interpretation?

Wilco: we will take this up again next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/01/13 16:41:33 $