04 Nov 2021


JonAvila, DanieleMarano, ShawN, Bhoomika, Bruce
Chris, Laura


<jon_avila> agena?

<scribe> scribe:bruce

<scribe> scribe: bruce

please see survey for availability over the next couple of months


welcome and introductions to DanieleMarano

SLH: lots of details, we are appreciative and patient

Process and template - Open issues on template

Danielel: i work with non-for-profit blindness advocacy organization based in Vienna
... long time user of screen magnification (zoom text for dos, now 2020 windows version)
... also tracking Windows-native features
... my org also addresses built enviroment as well

JonAvaila: please see template link

<jon_avila> https://deploy-preview-21--wai-wcag-supplemental.netlify.app/lv/template/

Jon: wanted to over areas of templat
... i want to go over some features of templatee, give an example of using GitHub Issue
... there was some concern about term "user needs"

Bruce and and Bhoomike will provide feedback via Issue , no immediate feedback on "user needs" today

Bhoomika asks for clarification on user stories.

Jon: We are not planning for "user stories" or personas as you might have encountered on WAI resources or elsewhere...
... but we might mention a user needing to use high contrast mode or screen magnification...
... so not a personal as such, but we do want to provide some example and details of user experience and why accessibility feature is needed...
... to help developers new to disability issues to understand some of the intent behind our requirements
... we are not planning for research or interviews, but drawing upon existing experiences and resources.
... one example of something we have not brought up too often is someone with a limited range of vision
... it might be the case that the wiki might be a better start for initial drafting of some of these sort of examples

JLH: I can help with inititial creation or framing out of starter pages on wiki, but what sort of things are we looking for?

Jon: I am thinking of a diverse set of careers, student, office worker...

broad see to fimpairments, broad set of types of technologies.

JLH: seems like synergy with EO examples

Jon: wiki is good resource for starting

<shawn> Bruce: list of this range of things?

bruce ask Jon if he has some of these idea in narrative

Jon: not yet, will work with SLH and link from wiki index page

Bhoomika askes for more details about what sort of user stories might we start with first

Jon: these can just be examples , can be less common situations
... we have a user needs document, which can be drawn from as well

Bhoomika: I personally have some experience with barriers, but some don't have a good work around

Jon: Diverse set of example is valueable. Pull from things in user needs documents

Supplemental guidance table (updated document coming later)

Jon: I will create discussion page on wiki page and / or GitHub

<jon_avila> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/blob/gh-pages/sandbox/Supplemental%20Guidance.html

(users stories should also include context, for example office work, games, VR )

Chairs would ask folks to sign up for topics, but a smaller group on todays calls.

Bruce and Bhoomika please sign up.

scribe: would like to be making more progress

Boomika: No one has signed up for alternative teams, and I would like to sign up for that
... would like some clarity about work expectations

That is providing support for things like dark mode or Windows HCI

scribe: but could be author perspective , working through issues , can be bit of a seed
... for example, I have experience with box shadow disappearing even though other visual cues are good
... so specific features or elements that maybe disappear when HCI turned on

Bhoomika: yes , that is similar to some of my experience, and would like to help document that

JLH: I can start GitHub discussion thread to help facilitate that conversation. Would that help?

<shawn> Bruce: About to go on leave for a while. Yet I would ask for a difficult assignment

Bruce asks for something ugly but does not need to start soon.

SLH: mentions printing issue being long and hairy

<shawn> - Printing?

<shawn> - Communicate disable controls without contrast issues (disabled state)

Jon: another one is conveying disabled state without hight contrast.

Bruce will be off line week before / of / after Thanksgiving

Bruce volunteers to review Printing issue and (later) disabled controls

Jon: please do sign up
... we are sensitive some difficulties people have had with Google Docs, but if that is good medium for you , please don't stop contributing while we work on facilition other channels
... any other future items ?

SLH: i am updating table assignment

Jon: Sign me up as well

<shawn> open topics:

<shawn> 1. Visual access to alternative text

<shawn> 2. Loss of focus on form submit

<shawn> 3. Minimum viewport and text input size

<shawn> 4. Feedback within viewport

<shawn> 5. Limit large areas of white space

<shawn> 6. Content over other content.

<shawn> 7. Maximize use of viewport

<shawn> 8. UI components have clear affordance

<shawn> 9. Disambiguation of icons

SLH: This may be a bit ad hoc

Jon: sign me up for 5 , large areas of white space
... We don't actually have to write specific pixel-based requirement -- focus on guidence
... describe the problem , why, what is helpful to user, what is not helpful to user
... please see Lauras example

<jon_avila> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/133

<shawn> Proximity example: https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/133

Jon: good model
... any other questions:
... See folks in a couple weeks, please keep drafting in the meantime

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/11/04 15:48:48 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/welll/well/
Succeeded: s/templat/template/
Succeeded: s/JLH: mentions/SLH: mentions/
Succeeded: s/up as long/up as well/
Default Present: JonAvila, DanieleMarano, ShawN, Bhoomika, Bruce
Present: JonAvila, DanieleMarano, ShawN, Bhoomika, Bruce
Regrets: Chris, Laura
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: bruce_bailey
Found Scribe: bruce
Found Scribe: bruce

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]