Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

30 Sep 2021


KarenHerr, trevor, kathyeng, Daniel


<scribe> scribe: trevor

Recruitment for ACT

wilco: aron will not be participating for the moment, need to get some more members.
... on the verge of the work becoming more relevant to implementors. Might have people joining through that

kathyeng: Mobile working group was struggling with membership.

wilco: Lots of groups have been struggling with membership. Even silver seems to be down on members.
... Daniel, how broad of a problem is this?

dmontalvo: Not really discussed but can see the tendency. Some others are better than other

wilco: Would it be worth taking something to the WAI coordination call?

dmontalvo: Could go a few ways, WAI CC, will talk with other WAI colleagues

wilco: Trevor, Karen how did you join?

trevor: Added by rachael bradley-montgomery
... what's the status of Todd and Shadi?

wilco: Somewhat uncertain

kathy: Reached out and todd didn't say anything about problems with joining

wilco: Shadi may be able to. Will talk with previous members to see if any are interested in joining again.
... Could try to create more complete introduction material and use that to promote/recruit. E.g., use twitter or slack
... Were doing well with recruiting earlier this year, had the intro to ACT meeting

kathy: Could post the recordings

wilco: Would we want to make recruitment materials?

kathy: Think that we should

KarenHerr: Yes it is definitely a learning curve, more intro material would help

wilco: Can kathy and karen put together some materials? Would like to have a page to point to that we can just share.

<kathyeng> https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/

wilco: Aligns with aron''s work of moving the documentation over to the new site.

KarenHerr: Going to add presentations to that site as well

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/

wilco: We will post this on the community page linked above. May eventually move the content on to the WAI site eventually.
... can put it somewhere for sure. Figure out what to put on the pages first

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/community/act-r/

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/

wilco: any or all of these pages could use extra information.
... Kathy, let us know when you have something worth sharing.

ACT rules sheet

<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0&fvid=507619053

wilco: autocomplete rule, looks like everything is done, daniel will take a further look at it
... line height rule?

trevor: slammed, getting to it this week

wilco: element marked as decorative is exposed, busy as well
... element with aria-hidden has no focusable content

kathyeng: started, draft pr, but not done

Update website migration

wilco: Still working, ran into a couple issues with expand collapse. Temporarily have table of contents, will eventually have expand and collapse. Don't want to write more unnecessary/throw away code
... can we merge this and get the content live then?

daniel: Need to coordinate on the merge.

wilco: Hoping to get around to opening the PR today.

RESOLUTION: Accepting Table of Contents, but will try to add expand and collapse later

Open ACT pull requests

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pulls

wilco: Draft from kathy, a couple typo PRs for me.
... daniel's PR on removing passed example, in call for review, will be merged next week.
... kathy editorial, good to merge
... gonna need to figure out what to do with the PRs from Aron

Surveying proposed rules

wilco: Element with presentation children has no focusable content rule
... my comment, aria-hidden not part of 1.3.1 so remove it and just keep 4.1.2
... needs to be fixed
... PR just opened. open issue 1507 that doesn't need to be resolved.
... kathy comment on ensuring the whole list was in the rule.

kathyeng: Will create a PR to add this.

KarenHerr: Do we want to cross reference with another rule and discussion with another rule

wilco: we could do that in the background section which is how we normally do it. Helen is working on adding sections to the background for related rules.
... would suggest to grab the link to the rule and put it in the background section.
... this rule is almost ready. A few prs that need to created.

<dmontalvo> s/Daniels/Daniel's/

<dmontalvo> s/Arons/Aron's/

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accepting Table of Contents, but will try to add expand and collapse later
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/09/30 14:36:55 $