27 May 2021


Greta, harris, jamesn, Joanmarie_Diggs, Jory, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, msumner, pkra, StefanS
CarolynMacLeod, JamesCraig

Meeting minutes

<Greta> +present

scribe pkra

[New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/34gp5hL)

jnurthen: 1489 from wilco. Seems to have a point. Is it 1.3?
… can we punt to 1.4?

siri: is it false by default?

brian: originally, was intended to expose it to AT but not visually.
… and false would expose it.

jnurthen: but this is about role=presentation.
… button with role=presentation would become a button again with aria-hidden false.
… doesn't seem intentional from user.
… is it 1.4?

mattking: 1.4.

brian: validators should flag this

jnurthen: 1.4 it is.
… issue 1488
… I tend disagree with the proposal.
… any takers?

melanie: I'll take a look.

jnurthen: issue 1486.
… will be in 1.3
… others are on the agenda

[New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3cboD95)

jnurthen: issue 1491 as discussed previously. Needs more reviewers.

mattking: did we document the decision that aria-labelledby provides equivalent to HTML labels, so we do not need additional role=label?

jnurthen: yes. unless implementors ask us.

mattking: right. this is a coding convenience

jnurthen: right. In a space with plenty of complexity.
… but noted only in minutes. This was never in the stable branch.

mattking: it would be good to make this easier to find for future reference..
… worth it as we (in particular Jon) put a lot of effort into it.

jnurthen: right. the main point is that this doesn't seem anything right now.
… accname PRs.

melanie: I added implementors and Brian as reviewers.

brian: looked through them and will approve them.

jnurthen: PR 1484. I had some comments but forgot to post them.
… as the group, we need to work out how we want to deprecate things.
… in the past, I think we've just removed things. Is that about right?

mattking: going straight for remove seems bad. Deprecate first.
… deprecating globalness was different (and difficult).

jnurthen: this case seems different.

joanie: is it prohibited?

jnurthen: no. just proposing to remove support.
… prohibiting was just for global

joanie: do we expect user agent's to stop supporting it?

jnurthen: yes.

joanie: then I'd remove it.

jnurthen: @william this should make the PR actually simpler. Ping me and we can coordinate.

william: will do.

[Meaty topic for next week](https://bit.ly/3oOnOYI)

jnurthen: would like to propose accname.
… melanie, brian, would next week work?

brian: I'm out.

jnurthen: ok. any other topics?

<jamesn> Secondary actions on items in composite widget roles #1440

sarah: Secondary actions on items in composite widget roles #1440 ?

jnurthen: great. Will do.

sarah: I had a partial PR for this.
… I'll remake it and add it to the issue

[Exit Criteria Testing: Need test cases and results for Authors MUST/MUST NOT statements in ARIA 1.2](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1492)

joanie: aria 1.2 is in CR and we want it to move forward.
… for normative changes, we need verification and documentation of two implementations.
… historically, user agent implementations were the focus.
… we probably should also focus on validators (and should have in the past)
… we also have author-only changes.

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1492

joanie: we had a comment "the list of test results and implementations is small. Is combobox 1.2 really working out?"

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Authors-MUST---MUST-NOT-inventory#12-only

joanie: I've created issue 1492.
… pointing to the wiki page.

jnurthen: "both" means 1.1 and 1.2
… some are very similar.

joanie: e.g., aria-owns / aria-controls change in combobox change.
… figure out what do we need to do.

mattking: they might be different from 1.1 MUST

jnurthen: looks like my list is incomplete.

joanie: so we need people to write tests, put them through validators, record results.
… the critical stuff (e.g., combobox) needs to be in the inventory.
… makes sense?

jnurthen: the aria-controls was in 1.1 so maybe my list is ok.

mattking: but is the wording the same?

jnurthen: right, it has.

mattking: this sounds like a real project.

joanie: if you're a new member and have lots of experience with validators, this is for you. Write some HTML, push through validators, record on wiki. Done.

mattking: the tricky part is looking at the author must and creating a failing test case.

joanie: correct. I can help with generating something from the UA tests.

jnurthen: sounds like validator people could help...

harris: I'm happy to help.

jory: I'm happy to help.

joanie: I'll make volunteers assignees, organize yourselves, ping me with questions

greta: I'm in.

[Problematic User Agents MUST NOT statement needs to be qualified](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1476)

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1487

jnurthen: related to issue 1487
… e.g., aria-label on div. If browsers are forbidden from doing error correction, that seems like a bad ida.
… we need to work out what to do in 1.3
… maybe "may expose them"

joanie: I've been working on this for 6 weeks, huge commits, changing hundreds of (mostly test) files.
… finally got it far enough but now here

mattking: what are the "counters"?

joanie: google looking for content and potential AT that takes advantage of this.
… in retrospect, this was probably a mistake.
… I'm working on a proposal for Google where we log something in the console.
… if authors don't use validators, they'll get this at least.
… if google likes it, this might be a good idea.

mattking: to clarify: if author puts label on generic, there would be output on the console?

joanie: only if something is actively asking for name calculation.
… if AT asks for name, that triggers a calculation in Chromium.
… if authors don't actively test for this, they won't see the warning.

mattking: do validators test with AT?

joanie: yes.

cynthia: but won't help developers who don't care about accessiblity?

joanie: yes. but would google want to spam all authors?

cynthia: probably no.
… but is the group large enough to make this useful?

joanie: right.

mattking: if we all the author must not parts are good for the ARIA-AT project, then we can help.

joanie: we're not looking for aria-labels as ATs. User hits tab, screenreader says "foo". It doesn't know where foo comes from, how came to be.

mattking: but if it didn't get a role or a generic role, we could spit it out?

joanie: it might be a hint.

mattking: currently, we're looking at VO with Chrome, if you put an aria-label on it, it creates an empty group.
… if it's a title, it's treated as an aria-label. So you end up with a lot of empty groups that shouldn't be there at all.

jnurthen: sounds like a Chromium issue.

mattking: if naming is not prohibited on generic. should we change the definition of prohibited to be only probibited for authors.

jnurthen: that's what we had changed.

<msumner> I would prefer "should not" to removing it completely

jnurthen: would encourage them not to expose it.

mattking: I'm in favour of changing it.

joanie: I'm ok with any consensus.

cynthia: I suspect the concerns will persist.

mattking: I spoke with James about this. Seemed like it could be solved with VoiceOver 2.

joanie: orca has logic that says what should have a name and what shouldn't. Text objects shouldn't have them so they're there but ignored.

jnurthen: do we have a path forward?
… "should not" seems one path.

jnurthen: let's jump to accname 57

[When is hidden content taken into calculation of name and description?](https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/57)

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/57#issuecomment-843282332

jnurthen: this was a bit shocking but I think joanie is right.

joanie: I'd suggest to read it from last comment up.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: brian, cynthia, jnurthen, joanie, mattking, melanie, sarah, siri, william