06 May 2021


carmacleod_, harris, jamesn, Jaunita_G, jcraig, Joanmarie_Diggs, Jory, MarkMccarthy, Matt_King, msumner, pkra, scottohara, siri, StefanS, William_T
jcraig, jcrvaig

Meeting minutes

<jamesn> May 13: Data Viz Pt 2

<jamesn> May 20: Accessible Name Prohibited

[New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3vKCtGM)



jamesn: Scott's discussion on slack

Scott: not necessary now

jamesn: 1.4 or not at all


already in 1.3


also triaged

[New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/33juvIs)

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1477

Scott: PR after last weeks discussion

jamesn: reviewers?

jcraig, siri, and mark m

[New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3vKCtGM)

[Meaty topic for next week](https://bit.ly/2RwBvic)

deep dive: dataviz next week

"accessible name prohibited" #324 the following week

Scott and Joanie, please help clarify the intro/prep for that discussion

[Feedback on ARIA in HTML](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2021May/0000.html)

jamesn: thanks Cynthia for reviewing this doc

do you propose these as personal or WG comments?

cyns: Leonie asked for group comments

and create issues

<jamesn> * Why can an <a> with no href take any role but <area> with no href can take no roles? Shouldn't these be consistent? Seems like <area role=button> would be useful.

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/

cyns: and anchor with no href can take any role, but an area with no href cannot

jamesn: sounds like a reasonable issue to file

<jamesn> * Should <iframe> support role=dialog?

Scott: agreed

cyns: should iframe support dialog role? these are used as dialogs sometimes.

Scott: cross-origin iframe should have the close button outside the iframe rather than one the frame

<jcraig> s/Mozilla-specific problem/there are Mozilla-specific implementation problems/

jcraig: if people are using this for non-x-origin dialogs, the question stands

<jamesn> * should <img> support role=figure?

Scott: yes, file the issue

jcraig: and with SVG where child nodes can be accessible

Scott: is it okay to mask the default role of img?

group: yes file

group agrees to file any editorial issues

cyns: found the TR text confusing. would like feedback here.

(TR = table row in that context)

[1.3 triage](https://bit.ly/3en3k5W)


aria-haspopup needs to spec default of false "if the attribute is not present"

GitHub process discussion

cyns: assign to me (thanks Cyns)

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1255 aria-hidden error case: remove attribute aria-hidden=true on elements that become focused, and any ancestor of the element that is currently focused.

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1256 Consider allowing aria-hidden=false on visibly rendered elements inside an ancestor with aria-hidden=true

jamesn: both to 1.4

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1264 Consider camelCasing for markup languages

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#case-sensitivity

Scott: html is not case sensitive, so author *could* use camel case.... Presumably it should just work.

If it works in all user agents, we need to make sure the validators also accept it

cyns: allow but don't require

Scott: would be useful, with testing, to remove the authors MUST NOT

jamesn: can you link an ARIA in HTML? will push this one to 1.4

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1288 Prohibit authors from causing conflict resolutions

jamesn: this is not resolved by aria-label/labelledby being prohibited. Any other global attr would do the same. We've recently moved this to "resolving author errors" section... Does that resolve Wilco's issue?

Matt_King: "prohibit" means "MUST NOT" Error versus the validator SHOULD NOT warning

jamesn: moved it to handling author error...

Action: jamesn will discuss #1288 with Wilco...

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1290 conflict resolution for multiple uses of aria-modal

jamesn: 1.4

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1296 add to author errors section info about aria-pressed and aria-checked on switch

Matt_King: tied to NVDA bug... might be overcome by events

comment to Sina or James S

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1303 Prohibit rowcount and rowindex on rows in treegrid and prohibit posinset and setsize on rows in tables and grids

jamesn: 1.4

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1316 Expand translatable properties section

jamesn: assigning to myself

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1320 Reword banner, contentinfo, main to use "on a page" instead of "within any document or application"


https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1324 Discourage use of grid role for pure layout purposes

Matt_King: editorial wording change

StefanS: aria is missing a ~"grid-like layout role" maybe "layout grid"

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1345 Consider prefixing abstract role names (e.g. abstract-composite) to decrease likelihood that they'll be used by authors


https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1346 Recommendations for using the lang attribute with live regions?


https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1369 Deprecate aria-level on listitem

Matt_King: could not find justification to keep it.

jamesn: assignee?

Action: jamesn to comment #1369 that William will take assignment

Action: MichaelC to add William and Jaunita to the org and group

<jcraig> s/action: jamesn to add/action: MichaelC to add/

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1385 New ARIA attribute for possible interactions like delete, edit, move


https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1388 Presentational role conflict resolution and aria-hidden=true

Scott assigned for 1.3

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1389 Does the "Presentational Roles Conflict Resolution" always apply?

assigned to cyns

Summary of action items

  1. jamesn will discuss #1288 with Wilco...
  2. jamesn to comment #1369 that William will take assignment
  3. MichaelC to add William and Jaunita to the org and group
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/reviewers?/jamesn: reviewers?/

Succeeded: s/sounds reasonable/sounds like a reasonable issue to file/

Succeeded: s/jamesn: Mozilla-specific problem/

Failed: s/Mozilla-specific problem/there are Mozilla-specific implementation problems/

Succeeded: s/discussoin/discussion/

Succeeded: s/html is not case/Scott: html is not case/

Succeeded: s/action: jamesn to add/action: MichaelC to add

Failed: s/action: jamesn to add/action: MichaelC to add/

Maybe present: cyns, group, Scott