ARIA Editors

17 March 2021


JamesN, Jemma, Joanie, Melanie, MichaelC

Meeting minutes

Introducing Melanie Sumner

Melanie will edit AccName

Next steps on AccName

Melanie and Bryan will sync yup

JamesN suggests quick release now 1.2 and bigger 1.3

1.2 CR

in CR

testing upcoming

need to get back to

everyone, review what tests are missing and if you can, write tests according to the template

need to complete tests via an a11y inspector

for Windows

have good automation for Chromium

web driver might be an approach to enhance

1.3 FPWD

need to update tracking wiki

to see what goes into stable branch for FPWD

for Practices, no 1.3, but hopefully content in the eddraft?

assuming it will go to WAI site or evergreen

need to keep plugging on that




JamesN has set up some calendar entries

there should be an email with new meetings as they´re update

with agenda, minutes

a11y seems ok

(there was request for Team review before deployment)


this is beta, file issues!

Practices might need a DBWG entry to use the calendar

strike that


Jemma working on introducing people to W3C via PWE CG

thinking about application to ARIA


add a ARIA specific message to &^


^AG templaet

JamesN also has a first draft to share with Jemma

Melanie: @@ has a standard process

which has contributor workshop w/ core member

joining ARIA cool and intimidating

some introduction to issues that help ¨get the feet wet¨ would be useful

team new person with a mentor

(need to figure out how to start)

recording some onboarding videos might be helpful

getting through them helps with sense of being ¨onboarded¨

note candidate mentors are busy people, and there are specific tasks people need training on e.g., handling github issues

can make more simple, e.g., just volunteering to receive questions

Abstract roles

please review https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1426

need input on whether it´s a good idea or a bad idea

Code quality maintenance

pull request to put in tools that enforce style like pretty print

note allowing this would create a fissure in the history

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1106

if implementing, do cherry picks first!

Next meeting

<MichaelC> Next meeting: 31 March 2021

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Found 'Next meeting:' not followed by a URL: '31 March 2021'.