07 January 2021


carmacleod, harris, jcraig, Jemma, Joanmarie_Diggs, MarkMccarthy, Matt_King, msumner
Curt_Bellew, Irfan_Ali, Peter_Krautzberger, Sarah_Higley, Scott_OHara, Sina_Bahram
carmacleod, jcraig

Meeting minutes



Harris: I can volunteer to refactor out jQuery


jamesn: 1.4


Should just be merged into #995




joanie: It needs tests and UA agreement


jamesn: Is this editorial enough that I can merge this?

jcraig: Do we need to define containing? No, it's ok.

jamesn: User actions next week

jamesn: accname not on the deep dive agenda yet... just user actions #2

Changing minutes from email to github?

jamesn: considering storing meeting minutes in GH. any objections?

carmacleod: no pref

Matt_King: easy to find with a wiki page

Jemma: +1 to github

jamesn: could also send an email link to GH page

carmacleod: does W3C have a req for minutes?

jamesn: no w3c req

still using zakim, but new bot to cross reference them to GH

jcraig: chair's prerogative as long as it's accessible. but I also think it's a good idea

carmacleod: could also work into future idea of using auto-generated transcript

zakim. next item

Privacy Statement<https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues>

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1371

Detectability of assistive technology #1371

jamesn: not a blocker to 1.2 (consensus and agreement from OP)

propose that we add a privacy section before wide-review draft of 1.3

meet in ARIA prior to joint meeting with Privacy group, prior to drafting the new section

Jemma: +1

carmacleod: +1

also review Leonie's comment in design principles: "that principle 2.7 from the TAG WebPlatform Design Principles](https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/) is referenced."

<Jemma> https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement-20140324

Matt_King: will other specs get accessibility mentions in other specs..

jamesn: likely, yes

MichaelC_: could get WHATWG to include it too...

Accname & self-reference aria-labelledby<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2021Jan/0000.html>

related to this Chromium issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1159567

Bryan G's harness and the 3 major browsers all differ in their results... unfortunate.

Matt_King: the algorithm seems out of sync with _that_ example

carmacleod: pointed out that Firefox is wrong. everyone agrees that it should be choice a in example referenced:


<jamesn> If traversal of the current node is due to recursion and the current node is an embedded control as defined in step 2E, ignore aria-label and skip to rule 2E.

Aaron L referenced AccName 2E (quoting here in prior line)

so dispute between Options A and B

Aaron contending the value should replace aria-label

joanie mentioned if you read recursion the way Aaron is, you would end up with a different result entirely

Matt_King: I feel like the spec if clear, but the algorithm is hard to read

msumner: what do users prefer?

jamesn: or what did the author intend?

bryan: current node can't include itself (as root node) so it excludes itself... remove that and it will always include the value with every change...

Matt_King: how does the self referencing example work

Bryan: it doesn't.. we need an explicit exclusion for self-referencing items

jamesn: which step that includes total accumulated text cannot re-reference themselves

Bryan: states later that nodes (strings?) can only be included once

jamesn: that note is specific to its own section

Bryan: total accumulated text refers to the total for the root node in the algo

"up to but not including the current node" how that that be if its not the current node? the current node has moved at the point of dispute.

carmacleod: we need to decide is the example should work, and then determine changes... I did not find an elegant way to do this. anyone else?

Bryan: we should add an exclusion

jcraig: propose Bryan take assignment of the issue

Action: jamesn to file issue and assign to bryan

<carmacleod> regrets

Summary of action items

  1. jamesn to file issue and assign to bryan
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/car/carmacleod: no pref

Succeeded: s/sill/still

Succeeded: s/refernced AccName 2E/referenced AccName 2E (quoting here in prior line)/

Succeeded: s/example entirely/result entirely/

Maybe present: bryan, jamesn, joanie, MichaelC_