19 Nov 2020



carmacleod, jamesn, pkra, MarkMccarthy, StefanS, harris, Matt_King, jcraig, CurtBellew, Sina
SarahHigley, JonGunderson
jcraig, carmacleod


<jamesn> agendabot, find agenda

<agendabot> jamesn, OK. This may take a minute...

<agendabot> clear agenda

<jcraig> scribe: jcraig

jamesn: dropped first two items

Custom Actions part 2 for two weeks from today

any other proposals?

agreed, custom actions

Future meetings - no meetings Nov 26, Dec 24, Dec 31

jamesn: US thanksgiving next week... Also no meetings the last two Thursdays in December

happy holidays

Listbox and tree: clarify requirements for selected and checked<https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1340>

Matt_King: re: used of the word "recommended" for checked

I'm happy to change the word "recommended" but want to question why we'd change it. The objections aren't resonating with me...

Sarah H had done some research re: aria-checked... Users thought that meant, could use spacebar without shift key.

that interaction more associated with checkboxes than select

sina: can we replace "recommended" with "preferable" or "preferred"

to keep the prose recommendation, but removes the RFC-like language

<carmacleod> original words: "because it is common for authors to use selection in single-select list boxes and check marks in multi-select list boxes."

Matt_King: I will revert back to that wording

jamesn and sina: +1

carmacleod: remember treeitem as well as option

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1340

jamesn: see James Teh's comment that it's not "common"
... maybe "relatively common"

Matt_King: "sometimes common" ;-)

would like to see HTML <select> implementations revised this way too

sina: "rule of three" here still stands

shouldn't do this unless these three things are true... if you want to use both checked and selected

<jamesn> <li>The meaning and purpose of <sref>aria-selected</sref> is different from the meaning and purpose of <sref>aria-checked</sref> in the user interface.</li>

<jamesn> <li>The user interface makes the meaning and purpose of each state apparent.</li>

<jamesn> <li>The user interface provides a separate method for controlling each state.</li>

Matt_King: yes, that is still in the PR

carmacleod: mentioned minor editorial issues in reply to Matt's question about outstanding changes

Add a conditional on when aria-controls is needed<https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1335>

jamesn: brought back on agenda. pending for a review... requested review from Matt during a previous meeting.

need advice as which way to go

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1335

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/771

<carmacleod> scribe: carmacleod

pkra: Do we need a separate meeting for this, or a Deep Dive, maybe?

jamesn: Go ahead

pkra: This is the last Braille issue, would like to finish this up

jcraig: Summary? Are you asking for keyup/down on Braille keys?

sina: If translation tables are turned on, eg. Nemeth enteres into raw braille field, want it to show up as integral symbol, not as ?
... Screen reader does not run through translation table
... It's very nice - you don't have to memorize esoteric key strokes just to enter raw braille

jcraig: Ok, so no braille commands

sina: right

jcraig: would sighted user see dots?

sina: no, sighted user would probably see integral sign on screen

jcraig: ok, so you have a nemeth editor, and you want the editor to visibly display nemeth math symbols

sina: pearson already has this working
... set translation table to "computer braille raw"

jcraig: how are you translating this back to the user

sina: the editor has already handled this

jcraig: is it self-voicing?

sina: kind of, but only when it needs to be
... just let the student type in the raw braille

jcraig: blind speech + braille users can hear the character and have the braille output

sina: we have aria-braillelabel for the math speech, and raw braille for the braille output - it's a very inclusive experience

jcraig: can you use the same input field as the output

pkra: I have a suggestion in the interest of time - can we move this to a deep dive, and then we can bring in Arnaut and other braille screen reader users

jcraig: I see some demos, but would be nice to have a reduced test case of how you would expect this to work.
... it would be easier to understand some of the magic if there was a mini test case instead of a polished demo

sina: I think if we don't talk about the math, because it can be used for other things, and for the aria perspective, we just need something for raw braille

jcraig: untranslated in, nemeth braille out, might require more

sina: that's what aria-braillelabel is for - it takes unicode braille (as long as there's no other characters)

jcraig: so as long as you are putting raw braille in there, it's not going to translate

sina: correct

<pkra> https://sinabahram.github.io/aria-playground/BrailleInput.html

pkra: Sina, the test case you built several years ago... is that still live?

jcraig: let's set up Dec 10 for a deep dive into this

sina: if we get this done, it's a really big deal - it makes braille math on the web a real thing

1.3 triage<https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+no%3Aproject+sort%3Acreated-asc>

<CurtBellew> I've got to drop off. Something work related has become urgent

jamesn: move https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/940
... https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/975 - seems related to "required owned elements" issues
... https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/976 - it does seem contradictory

james: aria-atomic is not required, so it's just the default value, with is false

jamesn: if the value is not true or false, then the handling author errors section does come into play

mck: what did we do with other boolean values that are undefined or not present?

jamesn: treat as false

<jamesn> When exposing as a platform API Boolean state:

<jamesn> For values of "" (empty string), "undefined" or no attribute present:

<jamesn> - Follow the guidance in the Fallback values for missing required attributes table below, if applicable.

<jamesn> - Otherwise, treat as false.

<jamesn> Treat any other value as true.

sina: any other value, i.e. aria-atomic="foo" would map to true - other languages do this

jamesn: ok, keep this in 1.3

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/11/19 19:10:06 $

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Succeeded: s/all?//
Succeeded: s/all?//
Present: carmacleod jamesn pkra MarkMccarthy StefanS harris Matt_King jcraig CurtBellew Sina
Regrets: SarahHigley JonGunderson
Found Scribe: jcraig
Inferring ScribeNick: jcraig
Found Scribe: carmacleod
Inferring ScribeNick: carmacleod
Scribes: jcraig, carmacleod
ScribeNicks: jcraig, carmacleod
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2020Nov/0021.html

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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