25 Jun 2020


StefanS, jamesn, pkra, MichaelC, Scott_O, MarkMccarthy, jongund, CurtBellew, BGaraventa, harris, carmacleod, Jemma, Sina, Joanmarie_Diggs


<scribe> scribe: MarkMccarthy

New Issue Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2020-06-18+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

jamesn: only one new issue logged, looked at it last time, should be good

New PR Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2020-06-18+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

jamesn: 2 new PRs


jamesn: this needs reviewing, we talked about this last week, re-adding haspopup on links
... jcraig are you reviewing this too?

jcraig: yes, just haven't looked at it yet

jamesn: i'll merge once you do


jamesn: this is 1.3, 3 approving reviews, i'll merge shortly

pkra: quick question for jcraig on that PR - jcraig approved but made a suggestion

jcraig: if you can't update it that's fine with me

pkra: i'll think on it and see what i can do
... no worries on merging

jcraig: +1

pkra: i won't forget, i'll make a note

No meetings next week

jamesn: reminder, no meeting next week. holiday week in US and chairs are busy

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Adeep-dive

Meaty topics for July meetings?

jamesn: only 2 issues that have deep dive tags, put off because we wouldn't be able to spend enough time on them
... if folx could tag some issues or send me an email, we can log an issue and see about chatting about it

jcraig: proposal - custom sliders in mobile with touch events
... some good ideas around AOM events but privacy concerns, other problems with other examples.
... sina's reminder this week prompted some more conversation, there are some old issues that might be helpful
... handful of things that are in APG that are window's specific, some things that don't have AT actions/gestures, but generally, reps from major browsers have decided this is a good idea
... alice put up a patch for webkit, they're proof of concept, but still worth discussing

mck: that's a GREAT topic

sina: WORLDS of yes

jcraig: just have to think about LTR or RTL

mck: we have aria-orientation for /that?/

jcraig: let's discuss next deep dive

jamesn: fun fact, they worked okay on Windows phones!

jcraig: yeah...

jamesn: i'll send out a note once it's closer, still need topics for july

No meetings next week

Closing out 1.2 Issues

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.2%22

jamesn: only a couple things left open, one we already talked about and have a PR for
... the other is the aria-owns one, but i think there's many new issues that need to be logged based on it
... ready to merge and 1.2 is closed out (woohoo!) but we do need to log follow-up issues
... i'm not super familiar with it, but if someone is more familiar with this and can help out Alex, then we can put this to bed

jongund: seems like the major concern was aria-owns to aria-controls?

jamesn: matt has a few issues too, maybe aria-busy should be 1.3 and idk if that's been logged. i don't want to lose any issues that came up from the comments, that's all
... if you don't feel your comment has been resolved and you would like to, PLEASE log an issue, even if it links back to this
... otherwise, once everyone is happy, i'll close and merge this
... i myself am not familiar enough with this, but i'll try and see if i can log a meta-issue
... aaronlev if you can check through that'd be great

ARIA-AT (Matt)

mck: for context: the way i like to talk about the goal of this is to think about AT as UI rendering tech
... for instance, we'll compare a screen reader to visual displays
... for vis displays, we have a stack of tech that helps engineers be confident that the pixels appear on the glass in a way they can anticipate -- it's deterministic
... with screen readers, you can write a bunch of ARIA, but the syllables spoken or dots raised are less deterministic
... we agreed not to tell UI designers how to design, and we intend to respect that. there's room for creativity and innovation in the AT space
... at the same time, engineers need to be sure that designs rendering a screen reader or AT experience render something faithful to the design
... what we haven't done yet is say what aspects of the semantics have to be rendered, and what does meaningful rendering look like?
... so first we have to agree on what is spoken is sufficient, and what is equivalent to the pixels on glass
... what does support -actually- mean, in a given circumstance?
... second, how do we create a tech stack that scales with these expectations across ATs?
... frankly, it's not fair that folx using vis displays have tech to make sure they get a reliable, robust experience. but there isn't a way to assure that when releasing a new version of SR or browser
... not a way -yet-
... providing a means to say "here's how well X AT is supporting ARIA etc." will help with that. ideally in the future, this can be automated and easy to run
... i'm partnering with folx in Beaucoup, a community group supporting/guiding, but the people doing lots of engineering work are people behind WPT.FYI
... need to make sure this scales over time.
... questions?


jamesn: please continue Matt!

mck: at aria-at.w3.org -- right now it's a little basic for the default user
... have to be a member of one of the aria-at teams in github (admin or user). if you're not, all you get is a homepage and how to sign up
... there's a test platform, which i won't dive too deep into, but right now all testing is manual.
... we envision running a cycle of tests, certain number of patterns with certain AT/browser combos
... noting versions of all software and tests themselves.
... once all that is defined it creates a queue.
... starting, though, with test reports. so we've run one pilot test cycle with checkbox and menubar patterns using JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox
... and published one report from that (checkbox with Safari and VO). This is all with desktop for now.
... Within the tests themselves, we have required and optional tests. Sometimes there are optional tests depending on the overall architecture of the example.
... tests were organized around user tasks, so when the user does X, does the expected behavior result?
... in the example, there's 9 means to navigate to an unchecked checkbox.
... Overall we see that 93% of required behaviors were observed, and only 54%.
... One thing about optional behaviors, they are -optional-. Percents are purely qualitative .
... We're trying to focus on basics first, but there's lots of behaviors worth tracking and testing, and what that means to users might need more discussion.
... We also track unexpected behaviors. So things that interfere with testing or positive results. So maybe a screen reader said what it was supposed to, but then a lot more.
... We track what commands we used, then capture the specific output from the screen reader, with breakdowns of role, name, and state (at least in checkbox example).
... It's the job of the tester to determine if the output captured meets the need.
... "Conveyed" was carefully chosen to be AT agnostic. "Spoken" doesn't work for Braille displays, or a SR may not "speak," but it still conveys its meaning to the user.

jcraig: for instance, VO speaks roles, but you could alternatively choose a sound icon to reduce speech.

mck: that brings up another important part of testing, in that they require assertions are met with -default- settings.
... we plan in the future to also look into custom settings etc., to make sure semantics are still conveyed or rendered.
... we still want to measure SR support for them.
... The test queue is organized from tester's perspective, including what combo they're testing with.

[technical demo difficulties]

mck: As an admin, I can open the test plan and view it as the person who tested it, and a couple other options.
... because there's interpretation involved, our protocol says two people run each test. for each test, the system makes a diff and tries to reconcile an agreement. if they don't agree, there's an option for tester to raise an issue.
... they can then discuss, get resolved on public Github. Once there's concensus from two testers across all test plans, then admin has the option to mark the results as "Draft Results."
... The system will explain exactly where the differences are, can copy to the clipboard, and provide quick means to file an issue.
... The only way to edit results is to start over, the form can't yet be rehydrated.
... Intention is that, after "Draft Results" stage, we review with the AT vendor and see if they agree, then we publish the report.
... Goal is to go through the entire APG. First round is to go through desktop screen readers.
... This year's goal is to go through 10 examples, and I'd love to have one person dedicated to writing tests, though that's an uphill battle.
... Questions?

Greg: two questions. based on initial context, it seems primary focus is on testing that the AT doesn't regress based on browser changes. Is that right?

mck: eventually, yes. at this point, we're trying to -establish- a baseline.
... AT is trying its best, but sometimes it's goofy. Hasn't been enough discussion of what it means to render ARIA, so that's the overarching goal.
... But yes, eventually we hope to get to regression testing.

Greg: I think that long term, it'd be great to automate this. We did this at MS with the UIA tree a few years ago.
... It'd be worth having discussion about a planning doc, maybe a report for cost of a headless implementation of various AT?
... One of the main reasons we did so is that someone would change something in Windows that would break Edge and make lots of bugs.
... Now, doesn't matter where you are in Windows org, but it tests to make sure that thing doesn't regress.
... Should be able to run with Selenium to check on pressing a key command, did AT report this back?
... Would of course have to talk to AT vendors about cost etc.

mck: Absolutely! Manual testing now is just to establish expectations, level of support, etc. baselines. But figuring out automation is key.
... And I hope to start that by end of the year.
... Seems like there IS a need for AT protocol, not unlike web driver.

Greg: https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/A11y
... An AT Driver would be interesting to extract stuff, get an answer.
... this is a really cool project!

MichaelC: you mentioned Beaucoup were involved in web platform tests - is there an idea this can be part of those tests and central QA?

mck: ultimately yes, we'd love to get to a place like that

Greg: wanted to tie it back to open UI and the overlap - it's very similar to the tests that we do. ultimately, when i talk to component libraries, there's desire for that to be part of the test suites.
... everytime they have a build or commit, they want to run these suites to make sure they're not regressing
... and solving end to end

mck: kind of orthoganol though, as the patterns we choose to test we did partly because ARIA semantics are what we're focused on

jcraig: to MichaelC's comments, one of things is that computed label and role has been added to web driver; the group added a web platform test.
... even now, could apply some WPT tests that access this web driver, but may be tedious.
... on the other hand, something all the way on the end of an AT driver, it might not -fully- happen, but there might be an intermediary way to handle that
... intermediary might be easier to standardize, or what's in browsers/exposed to platform APIs might be easier.

sina: for automation piece, i played with this a while ago. you can extract NVDA output before synthesis, so that's something
... to do so consistently to capture audio and run ASR. if you do that and figure out the most accurate voice settings, you -could- make an automated tester bot that could at least report what's happening. could be fun
... there were some accessibility issues during test running phase, it'd be good to improve some of that so we can really walk the walk/talk the talk

mck: absolutely!!

jamesn: thanks Matt for an excellent demo!

<pkra> bye everyone.

<jongund> James have a good vacation, you deserve a break

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/06/25 18:07:28 $

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Succeeded: s/that//that?/
Succeeded: s/"speak,/"speak," but it still conveys its meaning to the user./
Succeeded: s/Results"/Results."/
Succeeded: s/dedicated to this/dedicated to writing tests/
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Present: StefanS jamesn pkra MichaelC Scott_O MarkMccarthy jongund CurtBellew BGaraventa harris carmacleod Jemma Sina Joanmarie_Diggs
Found Scribe: MarkMccarthy
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<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

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