30 Apr 2020


Joanmarie_Diggs, harris, Jemma, jamesn, carmacleod, Matt_King, StefanSchnabel, BGaraventa, pkra, CurtBellew, jongund, aaronlev, sina


<scribe> scribe: carmacleod

New Issue Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2020-04-23+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/81

Survey for additional meeting time

survey for additional meeting time either before or after this call

<Jemma> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83726/meetingTimes/

jamesn: still open - please give your answers

Deprecate Global attributed instead of removing #1164 – James - hopefully will be merged before the meeting

jamesn: want to merge this shortly - broken out into aria and aria-common - if anyone has any last minute changes, let me know
... will be merged in the next day or two, will push to master as well

Account for aria-owns - Jon - https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1224 - waiting on reviews from James N, James C, Matt

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1224

mck: this is on my priority list to review

<harris> does it show up here? https://github.com/pulls/review-requested

Unclear use of descendent – James

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1150

jamesn: what do we really mean by "descendant"? There are 96 instances in the spec.
... do not (usually?) mean "direct descendant" or "child" - usually mean "any descendant"
... we are not really clear in all cases whether we allow intermediary descendants

jcraig: the OP mentions that we changed from DOM3 to DOM4

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#informative-references

jamesn: ARIA 1.1 references DOM - the living standard (which is "DOM4")
... moving this issue to ARIA 1.3

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1058

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/978

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/834

jamesc: both of the IDL issues assigned to me I moved to 1.3

<jcraig> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1058#issuecomment-548544675

jcraig: I will assign the other one #978 to myself as well
... Domenic D's comment gives a line of prose that seems good
... in #1058

<jcraig> Dominic's comment: At a quick look, it seems like a reasonable fix here would be some glue at the top of the ARIA spec, which says something like "when we have a table enumerating the values for an attribute, then that attribute is an enumerated attribute. When we notate one of the values as (default), then that value is the missing value default and invalid value default for the attribute."

jamesn: looking at #978 - in the 1.2 current working draft, these are just strings - we need to change that for 1.2

jcraig: agree this needs to be done for 1.2

jamesn: is 978 the way to solve 834?

jcraig: maybe, but maybe for 1.2, just remove them for 834. want to wait for element reflection to be finalized first.

jamesn: I'm ok with that - joanie?

joanie: sure

jamesn: I will assign 834 to myself

jcraig: ok, will mention that in 978 - we are removing 834 for 1.2

mck: so we should be ready for CR in the next couple of weeks?

jamesn: depends on if joanie is ok for core-aam

joanie: should be good to go

In-Depth topic if we have time: aria-hidden-pocalypse

<jamesn> All of the ways aria-hidden is misunderstood and misused, and what can be done about it?

<jamesn> - People using aria-hidden=false, thinking it gets undone

<jamesn> - aria-hidden on the <html> or <body>

<jamesn> - aria-hidden on content that is visible and tabbable, or aria-hidden on something that actually gets focused

jamesn: aleventhal, please introduce the aria-hidden-pocalypse

aaronlev: can't blame authors for getting aria-hidden wrong because it'

s confusing

aaronlev: people put it on the root element or body element
... people think that aria-hidden="false" undoes it
... try to define a set of rules where aria-hidden is used illegally, i.e. if on body, browser should disallow
... if aria-hidden="false" on subtree, let browser have it in a11y tree

jcraig: only if subtree is rendered

<jcraig> 1. aria-hidden on root element on entire page contents

<jcraig> 2. aria-hidden on elements that are currently focused

<jcraig> 3. aria-hidden=false on visible elements inside some ancestor with aria-hidden=true

<jcraig> 4. defined API for "marked as hidden, but still in the accessibility tree

<jcraig> my opinion is that #4 is the most controversial. The rest seem reasonable

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1190

aaronlev: I see 4 areas: aria-hidden on roots, on focusable things or things that get focus, on things that are rendered subtrees marked false, on platforms where the API allows authors to say what is hidden

<jcraig> I think exposing focused elements in #2 negates the need for #4 (I may be missing a use case though)

sina: let the screen reader decide

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to say I think exposing focused elements in #2 negates the need for #4 (I may be missing a use case though) and to disagree with Sina that AT should not need to

jcraig: disagree, because it is a lot of logic to add to every AT

<joanie> +1 to James' statement that it's up to the user agents and not the ATs.

jcraig: it is the business of the user agent to decide what is an authoring error

sina: I mean in the explicit case where there is an authoring error - the screen reader can do remediation

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/258

jcraig: I think aaron's idea that we spec what are the authoring errors are, and that lets the user agents figure out what to expose

sina: unintentional presence or absence of content is really frustrating for a screen reader user

jcraig: aaron's solution will probably expose more content

jamesn: agree that we should look at the places where people get this wrong and spec them out

jcraig: for point 2 above, I said "aria-hidden on elements that are currently focused" where "focused" is important (not "focusable")

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1045

aaronlev: we do "focusable" in Chrome

<Jemma> +q

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to respond to jcraig

mck: at the high level, I'm really on board with the 4 points
... since we are only talking about making content that would have been unavailable to the screen reader available

<BGaraventa> +q

mck: this can be bad, but it's never as bad as the other direction (making content that is supposed to be available unavailable)

<pkra> gotta run. bye.

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to say I agree the user needs context on the focused element (such as label) but exposing everything around it (like heading) seems extreme and potentially

bryan: I think this discussion is important, and I see it a lot, particularly aria-hidden="false" on a dialog, but we need to discuss recursion, i.e. aria-hidden="true" on something in the dialog

jcraig: I don't see that being a problem, we can address recursion in the user agent
... focused: land on an element, it's aria-hidden, where am I

<Jemma> Jemma: I peppered related APG link and issues to the IRC. I wonder what we can do at ARIA APG, adding more contextual information about using aria-hidden?

jcraig: there might be other form elements around it that have valid aria-hidden=true - need to solve that

aaronlev: I don't have a problem exposing too much content - this is an authoring error

bryan: web page with aria-hidden true, dialog with aria-hidden false, and you swipe on ios, then will not fire focus, so will never be focused

jcraig: there are some scenarios where we do expose aria-hidden=false, but they are complicated

sina: scenario: aria-hidden=true on body and aria-hidden=false on an input
... and I swipe on touch screen

jcraig: that's point 3 of the 4 - aria-hidden=false on visible elements inside some ancestor with aria-hidden=true
... I think we can do something about that

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to reference inert

mck: we need to make it more difficult, and maybe even illegal to hide rendered content

sina: can't do that because carousel authors may need to render stuff offscreen to make their animations work

jcraig: inert
... tabindex=-1 is "click focusable" not "tab focusable"
... with inert, which is coming soon, events - including focus, click, key... - are suppresed
... so ideally, should map inert to aria-hidden, which will prevent focus, many of these problems will magically go away with inert
... so we shouldn't go overboard undoing aria-hidden now, because inert will solve most of these problems

mck: rather than just making it harder for authors to hide stuff using aria-hidden, but the rules have to be super clear
... if "I'm going to show this to people who can see the screen, but not to people who are using a screen reader", then need rules for when to use
... if an element receives focus, aria-hidden=true is invalid, page gets exposed, then tab away - content is still rendered

jcraig: if focus event, and element was aria-hidden=true, then remove aria-hidden from that element

sina: so developer will see it disappear in devtools - agree completely

bryan: scan upward to the nearest aria-hidden and remove that

sina: if it's on a dialog and you focus the dialog, then remove aria-hidden from the dialog

<jamesn> /me I have to leave

jcraig: aria-hidden can be on multiple elements so can walk up the tree and remove from all ancestors

aaronlev: should I just add it to a map, or really remove it?

jcraig: if you add it to a map, the author will be really confused

aaronlev: can warn in the console log

mck: if aria-hidden on a dialog, and a focus change event is triggered within the dialog, then that's the only time we would remove aria-hidden

aaronlev: I like making aria-hidden="false" a viable thing to do, but I think it will break some implementations - just want to point out that others may disagree
... accessibility focus event

jcraig: should probably differentiate between iframe and shadow dom as well
... I will take the action to open issues for the 2 clear cases
... focused aria-hidden, and aria-hidden on large areas of content (body, etc)
... the last one I file will be aria-hidden=false within aria-hidden=true region, and I will loop Alex S and James Teh in on that one

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/04/30 18:46:45 $

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