16 Apr 2020


jamesn, Joanmarie_Diggs, MarkMccarthy, MichaelC, pkra, StefanSchnabel, Matt_King, carmacleod
BryanGaraventa, HarrisSchneiderman, CurtBellew


<scribe> scribe: MarkMccarthy

New Issue Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2020-04-09+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

jamesn: 1239 - if someone wants to do a PR I'll be happy to consider
... 1.3?

sina: yeah

jamesn: 1237 - Sarah did this and opened a PR for it; MichaelC can you review?

MichaelC: yep

jamesn: PR 41 in aria-common
... there's general agreement?

jongund: sounds good to me

jamesn: we'll rely on MichaelC reviewing, anyone else is welcome

MichaelC: i'll merge right now, seems simple enough

jamesn: i think that where this might be coming form is we didn't have a name from author section

MichaelC: looks responsive to a condition, so maybe an oversight?

jamesn: well an oversight we didnt have until recently
... question is do we want name required on any of them?
... it's not a change to normative content, right?

MichaelC: so lets get some other folx reviewing then, I just want to make sure everyone's happy with it

matt_king: we have this guide in APG

jamesn: okay, let's not merge this right now, I'll take a look. we might not need this here
... 1236 - this is a 1.3 issue?

joanie: i think it's redundant and can be removed, then put into 1.2

jamesn: let's target 1.3 but if done sooner, great

Require user agents to expose a value for combobox elements

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1225

jamesn: matt, where are we?

mck: i tagged in jamesC

jamesn: he approved, we have enough approving reviews to merge. propose merging, objections?


jamesn: merged after meeting

Diagram in 5.3 need fixing or removing

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1222

jamesn: i prototyped this, came out messy. may need to be done manually regardless

sina: graphvis might be able to cluster

jamesn: maybe, anyone is welcome to do so

<pkra> jnurthen, could you share it via https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/# ? It stores the data in the URL.

MichaelC: i was doing an export/import into the UML pool and move things around manually. reimporting data meant relaying out and it became difficult

jamesn: if the graphic isn't completely optimized but usable, it should be good

sina: is there a way to get this done in 1.2?

jamesn: MichaelC, maybe a webpage or something?

MichaelC: that's what I was thinking anyway

jamesn: can we prioritize that?

MichaelC: i'm happy with that, just have to decide where it lives. assign to me

sina: happy to help with accessibility improvements

jamesn: pkra yes, soon I can

double check normative and informative references for aria 1.2

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1214

carmacleod: this is waiting on me, I just have to answer each point etc. it's almost ready

jamesn: awesome

carmacleod: i have something going in aria-common and something into spec ref; dunno if that'll ping people to review. the links might be old until people check it

jamesn: spec ref is done quick, right?

MichaelC: depends

carmacleod: everything's already there

<carmacleod> https://github.com/tobie/specref/pull/598

MichaelC: yep I see that one
... let's wait on specref before doing anything in our biblio

carmacleod: for these, the only place they're defined is in specref

MichaelC: yep, let's just wait a bit on these

carmacleod: a whole bunch of minor editorial updates, almost ready to go
... was looking at your PR jamesn, followed logic of classnames etc., so should be right!
... i did see that AGP version names were taken out, will they be readded visually?

jamesn: don't think we need to mention versions

carmacleod: so maybe if it could be like "See the [APG]", but the link goes to the right place, that seems better

jamesn: APG is aiming to be versionless soon anyway, so..

carmacleod: great!

Matt_King: gonna be awesome

Add UA requirements for ARIA 1.1 under combobox

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1178

Matt_King: didn't get these changes done yet, hoping to this weekend

jamesn: thanks

Deprecate global attributes instead of removing them

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1164

jamesn: made some updates on this, PR 1198 might have to change

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1164

jamesn: made updates to that PR, if people could look and review that'd be great

Matt_King: this includes last week's changes?

jamesn: yes

Matt_King: we talked about modifying wording so it'd be good for abstract and concrete, right?

jamesn: it's not implying it's usable now

Matt_King: okay

jamesn: it lists other inheritied states and properties too, not any different right?

Matt_King: yeah, it makes sense, that's what's going to happen when non-global

jamesn: so if that closes it, we just need reviews
... have carmacleod, scottO, and Matt_King

Matt_King: can you mark me for re-review?
... I already did a review and requested changes

jamesn: I did that yesterday

Matt_King: ah okok, it'll be in my list

jamesn: do we have a third reviewer?

joanie: sure, I can

2.3.2 Information for User Agents: account for aria-owns

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1151

jamesn: jongund was working on this, this is from wilco.

carmacleod: PR 1224

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1151

Matt_King: this is on my unfinished todo list

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1224

jamesn: need reviews from Matt_King, carmacleod, myself, and JamesC

Matt_King: mine's a re-review, jon put in the changes I reviewed originally...

jongund: I had a question about this though - i used the wording "container element" but that's not in the list of terms
... do we want the container type wording or "owning element"?

Matt_King: i think in the cases where "container" shows up, it's not always meaning "owning."
... when I review I can check, but I don't think it's all that critical

jongund: the other thing about "owning element" is that it's only used for tooltip

Matt_King: interesting

jongund: if it's only used once, is it worth having a term? maybe something to let the editors know about

jamesn: sounds like we just need reviews - let's get to this soon!

Unclear use of the term "descendant"

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1150

jongund_: think I worked on that some, is there a PR?

jamesn: don't see a PR, JamesC says see 1161

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1235

jongund_: one of the things that's unclear is can these things be owned by others; the approach I was taking was saying elements with the menu role should only own menuitem- elements, groups or separators

Matt_King: jon there is the requirement that if there's a group it has to be owned by a menu or menubar

jamesn: to me, wilco's comment stems from the confusion about direct ownership or further down the subtree; can there be intermediate roles

Matt_King: that's 1161?

jamesn: from the issue - "Reading through the document, there seem to be cases where "owned by" is meant to be either all descendants (as defined) but there are other places where it is strongly implied "owned by" is a parent/child relationship."
... seems to me that the want is for this to be tighter rather than looser

Matt_King: i've been unclear about this too

jongund_: do we like the idea of what types of things CAN be included as descendents?

Matt_King: is this meaning something like an intervening generic? i'm unclear as to whether or not that's a problem
... is this referring to parent/child in a11y tree vs. DOM?

jamesn: I know i've seen problems, particularly on webkit, where it counts number of menuitems etc., generics can mess things up.

Matt_King: so mark with role=none?

jamesn: i've had to do that, yeah

Matt_King: is this a bug in browser implementation?

jamesn: yeah

aaron: for counts or in general?

jamesn: both

sina: i've ran into this many times too Matt_King

Matt_King: is this a spec problem or an implemenation problem?

aaron: sounds like both

jamesn: i'd encourage people to read wilco's proposal

<jamesn> Proposal

<jamesn> I think the simplest solution here would be to split the "owned elements" definition, into "owned children" and "owned descendants". That seems to address most of these issues. Additionally, you'd have to do something about "presentation" and "none", make it clear those elements can't "own" anything.

<jamesn> We'd also get an answer on whether or not "generic" should be included in the accessibility tree or not. Browsers don't seem to agree on that.

<jamesn> A final little bonus thing would be to make it explicit that element referenced with "aria-owns" are owned children of the first element with that attribute, and that other elements can not own them.

Matt_King: is this a 1.2 issue?

jamesn: what about 1.3?

Matt_King: i think we need to dig into this

sina: if this is fixed upstream, it would help a lot

jamesn: agree

Matt_King: YES

jamesn: but probably a 1.3 issue
... we definitely need to fix 1151, need someone to take a look.
... someone who knows a bit about DOM4 and all that.

1.2 ARIA references 1.1 APG

jamesn: I've done a PR for this, can I have some reviewers?

Matt_King: yep I'll check

joanie: i will too

jamesn: thanks you two

Update Managing Focus "Information for User Agents" section to include 1.2 combobox

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1121

jamesn: no PR for this one. assigned to carmacleod

carmacleod: yep, think it's the last one i need to do

jamesn: we'll discuss this as soon as is ready

EDITORIAL: Clarify what it means to support "ARIA 1.0 combobox"

jamesn: asking Simon if it's okay to make this a dupe of 1178?
... i'm going to close it as a dupe of 1178 and refer discussion there

Editorial: Remove parenthesis from headings

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1108

jamesn: this is plainly removing parenthesis, it doesn't visually look confusing. any disagreement?

Matt_King: fine w/ me, are we doing it for states and props too?

jamesn: yep I already did
... merging

AriaAttributes cannot be nullable

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1058

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/pull/39

jamesn: are we okay having 1.2 without this?
... moving to 1.3, reasonable?

Matt_King: i'm not sure enough about the consequences

jamesn: it might only be aaron and joanie that would have enough to comment on this right now

joanie: i'd have to get up to speed on it

aaron: email alice boxhall?

carmacleod: +1

jamesn: i'll get emails off and CC joanie, that might work the remainder of our issues today

carmacleod: good idea


jamesn: i wonder if it's useful, and if it's not, is it helpful?

carmacleod: it was one of the comments in 1100 so here we are
... wanted to make sure to clarify that things can be focusable by script or user

Matt_King: problem we're trying to resolve is including or excluding elements from a11y tree

sina: this is a general parent focusable situation?

carmacleod: yep

Matt_King: is input focus the right term? like the same or similar in DOM spec?

jamesn: we need to make sure our usage of focusable here doesn't conflict with anything else explicit in our docs

sina: this definition is a superset of those other definitions. this doesn't -harm- those other definitions

jamesn: as long as it doesn't cause harm

sina: well in one sense, it could cause harm if "focusable" means "to be tabbed to."

Matt_King: might need a term "user focusable" vs "focusable"

jamesn: don't need to do that now

aaron: i differentiate with "focusable" and "tabbable"

<pkra> gotta go. bye!

Matt_King: the text jamesn just read had that differentiation

jamesn: so, if a seperator with tabindex=-1, is it then focusable? it is right?

Matt_King: yes

jamesn: as long as we're clear. so, for reviewers, i'd like someone to go through the 59 instances of "focusable" and make sure it's not contradicted

carmacleod: i did do that but would appreciate a bigger look. didn't see anything

sina: this doesn't -weaken- the requirement jamesn read right?

jamesn: i don't think so

Matt_King: it'd weaken it in the sense if it was tabbable it'd be considered focusable
... what jamesn read was informative not normative.

jamesn: but it -was- a normative section
... it's a SHOULD

sina: afraid that it'll cause some folx to do the minimum with -just- tabindex=-1 and move on

jamesn: add a review - if something sounds wrong it might need fixing

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2020/04/16 18:08:19 $

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Succeeded: s/[who else?]/JamesC/
Present: jamesn Joanmarie_Diggs MarkMccarthy MichaelC pkra StefanSchnabel Matt_King carmacleod
Regrets: BryanGaraventa HarrisSchneiderman CurtBellew
Found Scribe: MarkMccarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: MarkMccarthy

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People with action items: 

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