Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

26 Mar 2020


JakeAbma, kim_patch, Kathy, Jennifer



2.2 spacing between touch targets comments

Kathy: some additional exceptions, which I think is fine

Jake: there's a long list that's missing. And what's added was resizing, meaning if those links get bigger it will also be fine.

<JakeAbma> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sszSUKB8t3VuRzxHtOjLfQZjNYCw-xr_EbuMwW7WiGc/edit

<Kathy> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sszSUKB8t3VuRzxHtOjLfQZjNYCw-xr_EbuMwW7WiGc/edit#heading=h.ejhdd51oh9l9

<Kathy> Original Exceptions: Inline: The target is in a sentence or block of text; Long List of Menu Items: A list of menu items where the list cannot fit on the screen without scrolling the page when the target size plus spacing between targets is 44 CSS pixels; Essential: A particular presentation of the target is essential to the information being conveyed.

<Kathy> Proposed Changes: Resize: A mechanism is available to change the size of all targets so that the width and height is at least 44 CSS pixels; Inline: The target is in a sentence or block of text; Layers: If the target is part of additional content (such as a menu drop-down), the targets from the lower layer are not in scope for the targets on additional content; Essential: A particular presentation of the target is essential to the information being con[CUT]

Jake: Wording change issues in theory you can comply with this perfectly but still stack them on top of each other in a way or with margins almost overlapping each other and then you do not have the distance between the targets but they are 44
... just use a negative margin and they'll be closer to other elements
... you can still move them so they overlap

Kathy: so the CSS would be different from what's on the screen

Jake: it would be good to mention or indicate that when you check out an interactive touch element the edge of an element is where the next one starts so they're not allowed to overlap

Kathy: changing text in the document to reflect this

under task force update

Jake: what is the definition of adjacent – if you have a two pixel margin between adjacent items are they considered adjacent or does the margin have to be zero, 10, 8?

Kathy: we could indicate margin

<Kathy> SC Text update: Pointer target spacing: For adjacent targets, the minimum height and width is 44 CSS pixels each, where the height and width include the target size plus spacing between targets, except when:

Kathy: we should probably leave the long list of menu items out – they were worried about how it would impact zooming
... we should work on this independently and reconvene next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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