Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

17 Oct 2019


Joanmarie_Diggs, jamesn, Scott_O, Irfan, Dorothy, harris, Matt_King, Jemma_, carmacleod
JonGunderson, PeterKrautzberger


<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+-label%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+-label%3AWIP+sort%3Acreated-asc

<Dorothy> am i always number #4?

<Dorothy> k

<Dorothy> it asks for a code but i do not know what to enter.

<scribe> scribe: Irfan

Review PRs

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+-label%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+-label%3AWIP+sort%3Acreated-asc

jn: not tarketing to 1.3. we have 15 PR's need to et as many of them as we can to get merged

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/799

mk: some sentimental issues that we can't close on quickly in next few days.

need to talk about it before we close them

if we can check aria-checked or aria-selected

complicated to resolve partly because we cant get all the people together at the same time

jn: reasonable... need to put a label into in
... need to get back to it soon

mk: need to address it before 1.3 release

jn: I can put it into agenda and we need to address something sooner as soon 1.2 out of the door

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/852

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+-label%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+-label%3AWIP+sort%3Acreated-asc

jn: Editorial cleanup needed to "Presentational Roles Conflict Resolution" section

mk: havent looked into it. but I should look

<carmacleod> Preview of Presentational Roles Conflict Resolution: https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/pull/852.html#conflict_resolution_presentation_none

mk: we do not want to review it in real time in the meeting

jn: I will merge it my end of the week

all my merging will be done by end of this week

if you want time to review this by friday.


carmacleod: Tree Inclusion focus/activedescendant requirements need clarification

<joanie> I think we may wish to rebase or do a new pull request https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/950/files

carmacleod: The only change is the 2nd bullet in 7.2 Including Elements in the Accessibility Tree - the one with 3 sub-bullets.

mk: even if it is aria-hidden, it should still be in a11y tree

dont know if it is sr or browser.. my understanding is aria-hidden hide it completely

not clear if this is normative info

carmacleod: text node must be in the a11y tree. yeah it is normative

jn: i question if it is right thing. if you have tabindex -1 on a link, it will still have focus

mk: visible and non-hidden is confusing. does visible actually means visible on the screen?

in a11y tree, you could be focusable but not focus. -1 tabindex, you want to make focusable only for screen reader users.

jn: we can get in agreement for 1.2 or we can move it to 1.3

carmacleod: are we happy with the words that we have now?

jd: do i need to write test for this? if yes, that suggests that you are making normative changes.

mk: doesnt mean that it is normative changes. it means that it is more clear that previous normative language

??: what is visible means... visible to a11y tree or view port?

<jamesn> this is the 1.1 version - https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.1/#include_elements

mk: we are struggling with words here. the definition of the terms matter here.

jn: it didnt get editorial clarity.. thats why we have this issue now. question, is the new version is the same as previous normative version

carmacleod: hidden has clear definition. it is more clear to use non-hidden

jn: if any user can see if it is non-hidden

mk: non-hidden is the right thing.

jd: I wonder if we are making it too hard.

jn: someone using AT might need to interact with this

mk: perceivable.. if object is there, has to be perceivable

jd: it should technically have an accessible object.

<Jemma_> I also think we make things too complicated for readers of the doc. user should go through each definition, ie hidden and figure out the core concept

<Jemma_> and connected that back to the original intention.

mk: just wondering if we are making it too hard. my understand is that if object is in a11y tree

jn: not sure if we are making any progress, if anyone wants to propose anything by end of the week, please do so.. dont have enough time

<carmacleod> Updated: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria/car/issue841/index.html#tree_inclusion

jd: quick functional request... even if everyone is reviewing this.. if you look actually diff.. something is not right...

mk: after it goes out for wide review, the only thing that could be merge something that is surely editorial. audience for this one is like 4 people.

jn: dont want to spend time on it now until next version.

mk: the reason I am carrying is because I have experienced some situation because, certain browsers are respecting these normative requirements

jn: it is just clarifying language to making things clearer

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1023

jd: give me a test case.. where is the failure

jn: brian had a concern with 1023, are you okay

bg: yes

jd: I am godo with i

jn: believe user agents must

remove 4 Global States and properties

jd: this could be authoring error..

it would have been lot better if it was not authoring error

mk: it is an important issue. i think we had problems whatever specs are now, we should stick to it

<jamesn> "User agents MUST ignore non-global states and properties used on an element without a role supporting the state or property;"

jd: we would like it to see in 1.2 and need to priortize. need to write tons of tests

jn: we are good to merge into masters and Jonnie have tons of stuff to do

mk: I am going to look into it after the meeting. Please dont merge it right away

jn: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1051

mk: we can't leave this combobox issue open

jn: there is a controlling relationship. using aria-controls is proposed

mk: that what we use for all other places.. tab-menu

structural issue here is very fundamental which is on wiki page. leaving these issues open means more and more issues.. and we need to put a stop to it.

some aria wiki page has details

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Resolving-ARIA-1.1-Combobox-Issues

it is good for people to read this. dont have link for pull request or summarize all details. but I think this is something really need to be fixed

having a meeting with MS this afternoon.

jn: if you need me to join, let me know

bg: i can join as well

mk: if we do not do anything and we put off to 1.3, it is a situation, I would change APG prior to spec being final.

this is going to help with whole HTML select thing

jn: we cannot merge it right now

https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1069 ready to go


this is insufficient to close

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1079

remove aria-level from tablist

mk: this one was rempved from tab-list. looking for feedback from people

jn: i assume we can merge

anyone object?


it will go from tab-list

jn: problem is that we have never tested it before.


<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1086

update caption role for 1.2

scott: caption role previously was aria-described by.

This PR changes the current direction to set aria-describedby on the parent element to aria-labelledby to better match how a caption should be used.

added an example

a caption and figcaption are meant to provide an accessible name to their parent table and figure respectively

tried to take care of some stuff 901 as well

jn: are you good with this, everyone?

jd: I am happy

scott: aria-describedby was point to a caption.. this was the issue

didnt want this to go out

mk: that makes sense.

jd: in pull request there is an example.

<Jemma_> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/tables.html#the-caption-element

there is two paragraph children

in original pull request I quoted it.

we need author to not do that. I am the one who wrote this.

jn: are good to merge...

jd: +1

jn: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1087

update introduction sentence to option role

any objection to merging?


will merge


clarify use of alertdialog over alert roles

scott: a notification message, which could be an alert, could very well be persistent until a user decides to dismiss it. this text change is to help indicate that it’s OK for an alert to have a dismissal button to remove it from the DOM. But to specifically indicate that if an alert obsures content / requires a user’s focus move to the alert to close it to unobscure the content, that an alertdialog should be considered instead. additionally updates alert[CUT]

jn: Can we say if the alert takes focus when it is created then ..... To me - that is when alertdialog should be used - it isn't about whether it obscures other content

mk: is it not clear what a dialog is?

an alertdialg is model content

<Jemma_> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#alertdialog

<Jemma_> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#alert

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs jamesn Scott_O Irfan Dorothy harris Matt_King Jemma_ carmacleod
Regrets: JonGunderson PeterKrautzberger
Found Scribe: Irfan
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Found Date: 17 Oct 2019
People with action items: 

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