Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

18 Jul 2019


Joanmarie_Diggs, Stefan_Schnabel, melanierichards, Scott_O, janina, MichaelC, pkra, harris, irfan, jemma, dbass, CharlesL, MarkMcCarthy
carmacleod, harris


<joanie> agenda: this

<joanie> agenda: be done

<carmacleod> scribe: carmacleod

New issue triage: http://bit.ly/aria-issues-20190718

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1015

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1014 is editorial and has a PR

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1011

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1015 - remove text from Note, make consistent

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1011 - starts with nested lists, then switches discussion to groups

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1011

joanie: authoring guidance, asking APG TF to look into it

New pull-request triage: http://bit.ly/aria-prs-20190718

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1016

<harris> +1

<pkra> +1

<Stefan> +1

<harris> squash away ;)

Agenda for TPAC 2019: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1001

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1001

joanie: Add topics for TPAC to issue 1001

<joanie> Once reviewed and added to the agenda we will remove the F2FCandidate label and replace with a F2F label.

stefan: will add a few topics

Generic role status: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/805

<harris> scribe: harris

scott: when role generic lands, a custom element should be mapped to role=generic anyway...if not potentially role=presentation if it is nothing more than a wrapper for a text node.
... the whole argument of "if authors should really use this role" went out the window in my opinion

carmacleod: Custom elements will be mapped to generic so there is no point in giving them an exception status
... I wrote some questions down in the issue:

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/805#issuecomment-512654458

<joanie> 1. Are there any valid use cases for allowing authors to set role="generic"?

<joanie> i.e. "Authors SHOULD NOT use in content..." or "MUST NOT"?

joanie: do we want validators to flag use of role=generic?

scott: Is there a use case for someone using an <article /> element wanting it to be consumed as a div?

<dbass> Authors are strongly encouraged to view the div element as an element of last resort, for when no other element is suitable.

carmacleod: by having many more elements default to role=generic...are implementers going to be grumpy because we're implying that they are not allowed to do that

joanie: the html elements defaulting to generic, doesn't necessarily mean its has to be included

<dbass> i can see a developer using <div role=generic>

joanie: if someone explicitly sets role=generic, then it has to be included in the accessibility tree

carmacleod: this needs to be clear in the aam
... update to "SHOULD not"?

joanie: makes sense to me


<MarkMcCarthy> +1

<joanie> 2.

<joanie> What happens if an author gives a generic a tabindex or adds event handling?

<joanie> i.e. Allowed? Author error?

joanie: if an author has a valid reason to use role=generic, this would be identical to someone adding a div/span with no semantic info and slapping tabIndex


<MarkMcCarthy> +1

carmacleod: adding tabIndex gives it semantics

joanie: it could signify it having some importance
... I can't imagine any screen reader is going to take a <span role=generic>foo</span> and read out "Foo. generic"
... I imagine it would just say "Foo"

carmacleod: if you put presentation on something AND give it a tabIndex, it'll revert back to the actual element's default role

joanie: let's say an author does role=presentation and adds tabIndex=0...we can't have a browser focus something and not have AT read something out

<carmacleod> http://w3c.github.io/aria/#tree_inclusion

joanie: the only way you are going to get an accessible event is if the tree has an accessible object
... we're getting 2 things confused. with our ARIA hats on we're talking about explicit roles only
... in terms of the ARIA spec, authors shouldn't be using this role in the first place

<MarkMcCarthy> no disagreement on point 2 fromme

<joanie> 3. Would it be helpful to mention that "generics can be used as the target of a relation such as aria-labelledby or aria-describedby"?

carmacleod: is it useful to add the above? or is it distracting?

scott: we don't need it right now. it sounds like authoring guidance

<MarkMcCarthy> +1 Scott

<jemma> I like Joanie's project time line for this issue.

Braille role description: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/924

<joanie> https://raw.githack.com/pkra/aria/braille-props-roledesc/index.html#aria-brailleroledescription

pkra: I've been working through the 2nd round of feedback and I was hoping to get some more...
... we focused on the role description because that seemed to be easier to talk about
... the first was a change to the name, so it is no longer aria-roledescription-braille, it is now aria-brailleroledescription

joanie: what john foliot voiced is that we want to avoid getting into name spacing problems


<MarkMcCarthy> +1

<Stefan> +1

<pkra> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/pkra/aria/pull/924.html#aria-brailleroledescription

pkra: there were some changes to put more warnings in
... this should be clearly phrased to authors to not use this unless there are certain it is needed

<joanie> Certain AND have the expertise to do it.

pkra: I used the "SHOULD not" phrasing...less threatening
... added wording about unicode braille characters
... you should only have a brailledroledescription if you also have a roledescription
... I updated the example to match what we have there now (with unicode braille characters)
... any new comments / thoughts on this topic?
... what about whitespace characters?

joanie: role description doesn't allow it

pkra: I started with the role description as a template
... so it is consistent with that

joanie: you don't hit spacebar to get "no dots raised", you use a specific character
... it can not contain only no dots

NeilSoiffer: I agree with joanie, that is an interesting point

pkra: I think we all agree with that

NeilSoiffer: I think there is already a definition of whitespace

pkra: sounds like there is a need for clarification
... now I realize that a "MUST NOT" is wrong
... I will clarify / fix this

<pkra> bye

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Default Present: Joanmarie_Diggs, Stefan_Schnabel, melanierichards, Scott_O, janina, MichaelC, pkra, harris, irfan, jemma, dbass, CharlesL
Present: Joanmarie_Diggs Stefan_Schnabel melanierichards Scott_O janina MichaelC pkra harris irfan jemma dbass CharlesL MarkMcCarthy
Regrets: Matt_King
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Scribes: carmacleod, harris
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Found Date: 18 Jul 2019
People with action items: 

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