Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

16 Jul 2019


alastairc, Chuck, Rachael, JakeAbma, stevelee, Fazio, Laura, bruce_bailey, maryjom, johnkirkwood, JustineP, JF, Glenda, mbgower, david-macdonald
Nicaise, Jonathan_Avila, Rafal, Detlev
Chuck, Laura, Rachael


<alastairc> agenda order 1,2,3,4,5

<laura> yes. I can’t hear you though.

<laura> no

<laura> no

<Chuck> scribe: Chuck

<laura> will do.

ACT review pre-CR

alastiarc: Notifications/review. ACT task force went through review period, and looking to go into CR.

<alastairc> https://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2F2019%2FCR-act-rules-format-1.0-20190416%2F&doc2=https%3A%2F%2Fw3c.github.io%2Fwcag-act%2Fact-rules-format.html

Bruce: Can we get URL's?

<maryjom> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-rules-format.html

alastiarc: There's an implementation report.
... I can't seem to open up implementation report.

maryjom: I'll post that one as well.

<maryjom> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-implementations.html

alastiarc: Chance to review and ask q. I don't think anything substantially changed.
... Unlikely you'll find anything new or outrageous. If you do find anything please let team know. We will likely go to CFC

maryjom: there's a change history if you want to see changes in verbage in apendix 3. This lists the changes.
... It's all editorial, clarifying, a little bit of re-arranging (4.1, 5.1). Existing arrangement was confusing to one of reviewers.
... Flows better to reduce confusion.
... Overall it's pretty much editoral things that happened.
... we have implementations which are necessary (documented in implementation doc).

alastiarc: A spread of rules being implemented across tools.

maryjom: 3 implementations and a couple of rules.

Shadi: We are in candidate recommendation phase. Where we have to demonstrate that the spec can be implemented in practice.
... In this case it's rules.
... We have at least 2 different rules which demonstrate that this can be implmented. Some are implemented in automated, some in manual.
... We've met the exist criteria, and requesting approval from working group to approve latest draft to go from candidate to proposed recommendation.
... Pre-final stage.
... At this stage there's sign-off. Hopefully in late sept or early oct complete recommendation.
... wg decision to approve go from candidate to proposed recommendation.

alastiarc: Thanks.
... Does anybody have any questions/comments?

dm: I'm looking at rule implementations, can you talk a little bit about....?

wilco: epub rule. Developed by Daisy Consortium Community Group. it uses rules written by ht rules community group for titles.
... rules looks at if epub has correct titles.

alastiarc: It was good to include that as another technology beyond browsers.

Shadi: There's also an svg rule which might be interesting.

alastiarc: Any other q?

<laura> scribe: Laura

AC: reviewing ACT docs.

saudi: start using it.

Updating WCAG 2.x requirements: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/updating-wcag2-requirements/results

ac: survey this week.
... using focus visible to how to update a WCAG 2.x requirements.
... 3 main options.
... Option 1, modification.
... Option 2, moving 2.4.7 to level A and adding a new SC.
... Option 3, deprecating 2.4.7 and adding a new SC.
... mixed results.
... bruce and MG had comments

MG: Maybe my “No” should be “Prefer Not”..
... not as a problem going forward as going backward.

<bruce_bailey> +1 to MG comments, that option 3 is very poor

jf: concerned with backwards compatibility.
... building on top is the best option.
... deprecating makes it hard for organizations.

<bruce_bailey> +1 to JF comments that we should probably avoid deprecating SC if we don’t really have to

AC: it is the same either way.

jf: we are playing Jenga.
... building on top is easier to explain.

bruce: Alastair, you are thinking too much like a mathematician and not enough like a bureaucrat.

JF: advocating for #2

David: okay with moving it to AA

ac: understanding docs would have a lot of overlap. But what about techniques?
... Techniques that are sufficient for the current 2.4.7 will not be sufficient for the new SC, that will need to be deprecated.

MG: would need to specify which techniques apply to which SCs

<bruce_bailey> i am not following alastair outline that there is logical contradiction with option 2

<bruce_bailey> thanks MG

AC: will call it on the survey to option 2
... anyone object?

bruce: might want to check with @awk.

RESOLUTION: Choose Option 2 for focus visible SC

WCAG 2.2 SC reviews (#2 only): https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22reviews/results

Gesture Instructions

AC: Proposed SC text: Instructions are provided for custom gestures or motion actuation.
... confused by Jonathan’s comments.
... Jon not on call.

bruce: Maybe need to have other related SC done first?

AC: don’t think so.
... MG had a comment.

MG: IBM has gone off 508 for this.
... expected to surface inline help.

ac: not a blocking comment but a scoping comment.
... I had a comment regarding supplementary gestures.

<alastairc> "All functionality that requires the use of custom gestures or motion actuation has instructions to indicate how to operate the functionality."

ac: don’t have to add instructions.
... Rachael had a comment.
... Bruce had a comment too.
... apart from scoping doesn’t sound like there are any blockers.

Jake: I am writing up this SC.
... I heard the comments.

AC: MG had the scoping comment.
... my comment was about what happens if there is another way of doing it?

<Rachael> /me Laura: I can take scribing whenever you would like.

MG: maybe add the word “only”?

<Rachael> scribe: Rachael

mbgower: Instead of tapping a menu, you can swipe a menu to open it at the same time.

alastairc: It seemed odd to include instructions for a custom gesture you don't have to use.

WCAG 2.1 techniques https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/Techniques-June-2019/results

alastairc: any other comments?

Control Orientation

<alastairc> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/wcag/blob/mike-changes-tech-control-orientation/techniques/general/control-orientation.html

alastairc: 6 happy as proposed. Jake added comments asking for working examples. I agree but that doesn't necessarily need them as a general technique...

Jake: We may have been through these.

alastairc: I was wondering if a user overrides using the operating system. Is there anything the author can do about that?
... if that is what its trying to say, I didn't get that but I don't think its a big issue.

mbgower: I would like to present an idea to get feedback on. I introduced the idea of "prevalent" into the second paragraph. A designer can get away with something as long a prevalent alternative is available.
... The term is undefined but I think there should be something indicating that it should be easy for a user to get to the control. Do you all think we need more wording about that?

Alastairc: We are testing on a page by page level. The test procedure is the bottom line so on whatever page you are testing you would make sure there is a control. It didn't bother me.

david-macdonald: What more is being required here than 1.3.4? It seems like this is already covered.
... Where you don't have to click anything. Isn't this a technique for 1.3.4?

<mbgower> however, I DO think prominent is better than prevalent

Alastairc: Yes it is.

mbgower: Can we avoid doing this in the future? It was confusing to go in and see answers from a previous iteration.

alastairc: We had a time crunch and we will try to avoid it but it is helpful sometimes to have all the information in a single place.

david-macdonald: Consider, "...prevelant, requiring only one action on page load,..."
... We need to define it in a way to measure it. There is a huge gray area there. You could meet the SC but make it harder to get to.

Rachael: We may want to dive down this rabbit hole at some time because we need this concept in other places.

Alastairc: It can make it difficult on a page by page basis

<mbgower> +1 to Rachael's comment

Alastairc: can we get this technique on the board and come back to the aspect of mechanisms that are easily available. It is something that crops up for quite a few potential SC.

mbgower: I think david-macdonald is right and prominent is more appropriate than prevelant. For this SC its isn't critical so is OK for this one but we should revisit in the future.

david-macdonald: The language of the technique may need to be more consistent with the language used in other techniques.

mbgower: If you are OK with me addressing comments, I can move forward.

<david-macdonald> Providing a control to allow a user to change the orientation when orientation is locked by the content

Alastairc: Yes I am. Then we can merge the PRs into master.

mbgower: I will take it from that and work on it.

Alastairc: Does anyone object to us resolving this technique as ammended?

RESOLUTION: Approve Tech Control Orientation as amended

<david-macdonald> Providing a control to allow a user to change the orientation when it is locked by the content

Tech Failure Doorslam

<alastairc> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/mike-edits-tech-failure-doorslam/techniques/failures/tech-ask-reorient-device.html

Alastairc: This was put back in but Jake has a lot of questions about whether this technique belongs to this SC.

Jake: To respond to the technique updates, I like the updates. To be clear, according to the normative text of the SC the doorslam might fit but together with the understanding document I have a lot of questions. I think we need a rewrite of the understanding document.

<alastairc> The comment thread: https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/799

Jake: a little more than a month ago, I had a question from the accessibility organization of the Netherlands about orientation and they had it wrong. I am working on a dutch translation of WCAG 2.1 and the 20 experts I'm working with believe orientation is about the physical orientation. The understanding document was responsible for misunderstanding.
... the technique is clear but compared to the understanding document, it is confusing.
... We have a good technique but it doesn't fit with the understanding document. If an application switches orientation and shows different content.
... Websites, etc need to support both orientations. The content is restricted for a certain width/height ratio. If you read it fairly well with the principles, then you have a difference.
... the doorslam changes the content based on the display. I understand the wording in that we won't focus on content that is present or not present but that is not what this says. Changes in content due to display is not covered in the SC.
... the moment you change the content based on display, you restrict the orienation.
... alternatively, the user agent should display the page based on the default orientation of the device or based on the device sensors. That is also not correct.

<johnkirkwood> +1 (including concerns expressed regarding difficulty restriction of page size) device change it rotates within. this needs to be reread and rewrite this.

Jake: If you adjust your browser to certain sizes, you can still see the portrait content on a device with a landscape orientation. We need to rewrite the understanding document.

alastairc: So the technique is fine but we need to rewrite the understanding document.

There seems to be a disconnect between the technical and general documents. We should revisit the understanding document. I've marked it as 2.1 and needs assigning. Does anyone want to take that review?

scribe: based on that, are you OK to approve the technique?

Jake: Yes.

alastairc: Any objections to publishing the technique based on PR822?

RESOLUTION: Accept Tech Failure Doorslam

Providing a control slider that offers single point activation

alastairc: The last time we looked at this we left mbgower to do a final review. I think that went fine. Does anyone object to publishing this technique?

<alastairc> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/wcag/tech-providing-single-point-control-sliders/techniques/general/providing-single-point-control-slider.html

mbgower: Originally I was concerned about some of the language because it implied that dragging was a path based gesture. I still feel like this is a very specific technique but we need more general general techinque. In the meantime, it stands alone OK so it may be rolled up but I think we can publish.

alastairc: Any comments or objections?

RESOLUTION: Accept PR 760 Providing a control slider that offers single point activation

WCAG 2.1 Technique dashboard review https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15idlBl1qQTNr2SIi4Drzk1Q1vnWAi5L26GCCv6mjD2g/edit#gid=2133852864

alastairc: After we publish the items for today, we will be up to 2 on orientation.

bruce: I just noticed an issue with a revision on the editors draft. I can email public WCAG but what is the process?

alastairc: Please do that fairly soon and cc Shadi and Wilco along with our list
... actually cc the more specific act list.

david-macdonald: Is this up to date?

alastairc: Not including today and possibly not last week
... I think Andrew has a mechanism looking at techniques but I need to update this.
... orientation we will have at least 1 sufficient and 1 failure. The ones we are low on, Pointer gestures has a few coming through. We need a sufficient technique on animation from interactions.
... I thought we had motion actuation.

<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/#changelog

alastairc: the change log above should be an active representation of right now.
... Identify Purpose: We only have 1. We could do for a success technique for Character Key Shortcuts
... Rather than going through this on the call, I will do some updates and send a list of the 5 SC we should tackle next. Can anyone spare an hour or two to write up a technique? Can be in a document not Github. Its a good way of getting into an SC.

<mbgower> I'm good to take on one of these, Alastair. We can decide offline.


<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask best path for submitting comments on ED of ACT

Rachael: We have duplicate failure techniques on pointer gestures but it is very unclear if anyone is writing either.

mbgower: I will look into it

david-macdonald: I had written a technique and sent it but haven't heard.

alastairc: It is in my backlog. you are bringing forward two potential new ones?

david-macdonald: Yes. One says if you have a fixed page such as in an academic environment you need a common reference point. These SC try to help with that. One says if you have page locators, make them programatically available.

The second one says if you have the provide a way to navigate them.

<david-macdonald> https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Zn0_TGcqrM-L_wb0PIFHM4AnHJ64wPsucZyRGlf2Fg/edit#heading=h.n3esw3alr309

alastairc: I think it would be good to check back in my email on starting off wcag 2.2 SC.

david-macdonald: The epub team has put these together.

alastairc: Did anyone else start working on the previously existing epub document? Andrew, Bruce, and David (lead) are listed.

david-macdonald: We wanted to get them in granularly. If they are both accepted we can collapse them. One is more conservative.

alastairc: I just forwarded the email to you. You are on step 2.

<alastairc> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yjrfIP9KLqTn_Jlq6-T1JvsqY924R_5z1WI2YLv3obc/edit#gid=0

alastairc: if anyone else is interested in the epub, reach out to me or David.

Does anyone else have comments/questions on techniques or SC?

I will give you time back. We made it through the agenda.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Choose Option 2 for focus visible SC
  2. Approve Tech Control Orientation as amended
  3. Accept Tech Failure Doorslam
  4. Accept PR 760 Providing a control slider that offers single point activation
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/07/16 16:39:46 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Daisy Con.../Daisy Consortium Community Group/
Succeeded: s/playing jinga/playing Jenga/
Succeeded: s/thinking too much like a mathamantition and ot like a bueucate/Alastair, you are thinking too much like a mathematician and not enough like a bureaucrat/
Succeeded: s/"ll functionality/"All functionality/
Succeeded: s/requirments/requirements/
Succeeded: s/No should be perfer not/“No” should be “Prefer Not”./
Succeeded: s/backwards compat/backwards compatibility/
Succeeded: s/buidling /building /
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Succeeded: s/supplimentary /supplementary /
Present: alastairc Chuck Rachael JakeAbma stevelee Fazio Laura bruce_bailey maryjom johnkirkwood JustineP JF Glenda mbgower david-macdonald
Regrets: Nicaise Jonathan_Avila Rafal Detlev
Found Scribe: Chuck
Inferring ScribeNick: Chuck
Found Scribe: Laura
Inferring ScribeNick: laura
Found Scribe: Rachael
Inferring ScribeNick: Rachael
Scribes: Chuck, Laura, Rachael
ScribeNicks: Chuck, laura, Rachael
Found Date: 16 Jul 2019
People with action items: 

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