Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

11 Jul 2019


Alistair, Wilco, Shadi, Romain, Anne, MoeKraft



ACT TF CFC to approve the editor's draft, all comments resolved

Wilco: Ann pointed out that we did not close out 1 example
... Also some stuff on implementation report. Shadi did you have a look?

Shadi: I did not have time to study in detail. Several issues are broken links. Please take a look @wilco

Anne: There's 1 rule that has broken links throughout document, links to button rule incorrectly

Wilco: I think we talked about that one.
... Definitely need to fix links. Anything else?

Shadi: Anne's first email, first bullet, wrong link. @wilco - action to fix.
... Next: rules should be listed alphabetically or in some other order.

Anne: Not critical but I did miss a rule due to random order.

Wilco: Ordered by appearance in document. Ok, let's put in alphabetical order

Shadi: Process page is empty. ACT Rules committee review process is not well documented. This is a community group issue.
... @anne Should we remove the link?

Anne: Do we have other process documented?

Wilco: I think we can remove the link.

Anne: I am on a PR for it but cannot say when it will be finished.
... Maybe best to remove the link.

Wilco: Is that okay? @shadi

<anne_thyme> Pull request for process page in ACT-R CG: https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/603/files

Shadi: Is there a problem publishing as draft?

Wilco: I'm okay publishing as draft.

Anne: Sure.

Shadi: That will be great.
... ARIA rules links to incorrect rule
... Not satisfying tests.

Anne: Just says further testing needed. Are we missing a PR?

Wilco: We need to make this a satisfying test. Good catch.

Shadi: C9 impossible to know which composite rule atomic rule is part of.

Anne: There is not link from composite to atomic rule.

Wilco: Ok, we can add that.

Shadi: C13: Assumptions are not exceptions
... Anne is challenging rule

Anne: One of the keyboard rules. The interpretation on how to interpret the rule should be documented in assumptions section. They should not be exceptions.

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/ebe86a#assumpt

Anne: Basically repeating what is in applicability

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/ebe86a#assumptions

Wilco: Why is this not an exception?

Anne: I understand it completely different.

Wilco: Anyone else?

Shadi: I do see the point that these are not exceptions.

Anne: They are really definitions or explanations.

Shadi: When would you put that in C14?

Wilco: For C14, this is a thing where a11y experts may disagree.

Anne: At least for the first assumption the rule does address that.
... The second assumption is just a statement as how browsers should work.

Shadi: How about we remove keyboard 1 from C13?

Wilco: Sure. Fine with me.

Shadi: Video rule, assumes there exists a mechanism to launch the video. So this is an exception.

Anne: We had a discussion to remove these things all together.

Shadi: I agree that is an interpretation. Remove No Keyboard Trap from C13. Do we add to C14?

Wilco: Let's not.

Anne: I am fine leaving it out.

Shadi: @alistair For comments we have from you, can you add reply that you are happy with resolutions.

Alistair: Sure.

Anne: C18, Should be more than 1 glossary term
... Sometimes linking out to other specs. I got confused.

Wilco: Explain or remove where there is only 1 glossary term?
... I will find other examples with multiple glossary terms.
... C19 I agree this can be made more proper

Shadi: Can only see TOC if made to do so.

Anne: TOC is not on my screen but happy it is there.

Wilco: Will get that sorted.

Anne: Last 3 talks about certain number of implementations but not all exist. Semi automated rules do not show up in automation report.

Wilco: PR for # of implementations.

Anne: Kasper is away right now and is working on semi automated rules
... We do have implemented and validated but an issue with reporting.
... We would like to be listed there but I don't know how much of an issue it is.

<shadi> https://act-rules.github.io/implementation/alfa

Shadi: I understand that the issue is that there is a page on rules documentation on implementation.

Anne: We do not have the implementation listed in website.

Shadi: Do we have a PR?

Anne: No.

Wilco: Not sure we have the data?

Shadi: Are there other semi automated rules?

Wilco: No we don't have the data.
... If we need this data displayed, I will need to do some debugging.
... We just don't have a way to show it.

Shadi: Anyway you can send output to demonstrate that this has been implemented?

Anne: Since Kasper is away, I do not have access and it would be difficult

Wilco: Don't we link to url data?

Anne: @wilco Do you have time to sit down to discuss?

Wilco: I'll look today.

Shadi: Fine if we have data we can link to.
... Second email. Comment on C1

Wilco: I don't think Accessibility Requirements is an issue.

Anne: I'm concerned with "MUST contain this..."

Wilco: I don't understand Glossary issue
... I think I forget it.
... I'll sort that out.

Anne: Rule identifier, maybe it's because I am missing the side bar.

Wilco: There is a date in the change log

Shadi: Is there a way to auto insert date?

Wilco: Yes.
... Ids are not displayed since they are not user friendly

Shadi: Right before rule type would be good to say rule id and date.

Wilco: This adds a lot of metadata

Anne: Can it be automatically pulled out? Would be nice to see the date at the top of the rule.

Wilco: Will add last modified and rule id to the top of the metadata.

Shadi: I just put in a Pull Request. Can you regenerate the editor draft? Or Moe.
... We skipped Accessibility Requirements mapping.

Wilco: I don't think it's an issue.

Anne: Already too early to diverge from ACT Rules Format.
... Maybe we should consider changing the ACT rules format

Wilco: I'll sort this out.

Shadi: Any other comments on the implementation report?
... I think these do need to go to another CFC. Once edits are complete.
... Thank you Anne for your thorough review

Wilco: Will need to do this today.

AG WG to review for a CFC to publish

Wilco: I just got an email from Alastair indicating next week is good to go. Need to send out links as well.
... We put our replies into the Github issues but have not sent them out to everybody

Shadi: Audrey does participate on Github. Was she pinged on that?
... Okay, let me do that.

Wilco: I will reach out to Lisa Louise

Shadi: Also need to reach out to Fernanda
... Carlos commented via Github. Alistair is taken care of. I see no others.
... I'll reach out to Audrey.
... and Carlos and Alistair. @wilco You will reach out to Fernanda and Lisa Louise

Which rules to send to AG WG

Shadi: Very quickly. We requested for an agenda iteam at the AG WG meeting on Tuesday, 7/16
... Wilco and Mary Jo will present the updates and we will ask for a CFC to publish. Doesn't need a full review since there are not substantial changes. @wilco Changelog needs updating. Should I take of that?

Wilco: Do we also need to remove exit criteria?

Shadi: Yes. I will take care of admin cleanup

Wilo: We met exit criteria. We now need approval by head ofW3C to go to propose recommendation.

Shadi: Already getting green lights on that. We need a shiny editor draft before AG meetng. With that we ask for PR approval. Once we have that we can put in transition request
... Transistion from Candidate Recommendation to Proposed Recommendation

Wilco: Community Group during last call decided to have 3 implementations before sharing rules with AG
... Probably will give us a different list than we discussed 2 weeks ago.
... What is the logical next step?

Anne: I would say that it is maybe ready to go

Wilco: Although I don't think we want to skip over process.

Anne: If the CG decided that 3 implementations are required, we need to respect that.

Wilco: I agree.
... On hold for publishing rules until we have 2 more implementations.

Shadi: Do we have a timeline?

Wilco: We haven't begun

Anne: If we have rules with 3 implementation, should we share those?

Wilco: There are a few.

Shadi: I would prefer to have some more, 6+

Anne: Would it make sense to have a push on the exit criteria rules? To make sure that they have 3 implementations
... To ensure we have a broad implementation

Wilco: I think that makes sense. Depends on ACT TR to sort out. We can provide some support
... @shadi you have talked to TPG. Do you want to give them a list? I will do the same for Level Access and Tenon.

Shadi: I don't want to limit too much. But yeah. I was going to ask to run test cases but can tell them what we are most interested in without limiting them.

Wilco: Ok, makes sense

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/07/11 14:49:15 $