Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

30 May 2019


MichaelC, jemma, melanierichards, MarkMcCarthy, carmacleod, harris, Joanmarie_Diggs, jongund, Bryan_Garaventa
PeterKrautzberger, CurtBellew, ScottOHara, IrfanAli, StefanSchnabel
Jemma, MarkMcCarthy


<jemma> scribe:Jemma

agenda 1

take up item 1

<harris> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2019-05-23+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

<MarkMcCarthy> https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2019-05-23+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues

<MarkMcCarthy> scribe: MarkMcCarthy

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/989

<jemma> aron:"The original intention of aria-invalid="grammar" or "spelling" is unclear from the ARIA spec, although clear from CORE-AAM. So the two are not really in sync."

<jemma> jamesn:it can be part of 1.3

<jemma> take up item 2

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/988

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/987

jamesn: 988, part of 1.3

<jemma> carmacleod:"Tooltip role should allow referencing by aria-labelledby"

carmacleod: thoughts on agreeing? happy to take it on

Jesse: it'd override any label on the button itself...

jamesn: yes
... so if you have an iconic button and you want the tooltip to be the label, this would take care of that

Jesse: Right, okay

carmacleod: but you're right, the gudiance should mention something like "if there's a visible label, your tooltip should be aria-describedby" etc.

jamesn: to me it makes sense, any objections?

joanie: quick question, not an objection; if the author chooses to wait until the tooltip is displayed, it may not have a name

carmacleod: you're right, that needs wordsmithing

Jesse: some clarifying questions...
... we're confused on what it means for a screen reader user... what other way could we launch a tooltip?

carmacleod: I did open an issue with APG, like toggletip (i'll find a link in a minute), and I think this is what you're getting at
... i'll paste it in and please add comments!

jamesn: right, this is a little more of guidance rather than spec

<DorothyBass> specific to ____, if you use this_____, there is NO need to use this or use this.???

jamesn: assigned 1.2, to carmacleod
... issue 986, i'd love some implementor feedback

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/986

jamesn: we have some text in spec that states authors shouldn't change role of something

<carmacleod> APG Toggletip pattern feature request: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1014

jamesn: we don't know if this is a problem with webkit etc., we probably need more investigation
... if you set a role on something at page start, when is it ok to change it later, if so?
... joanie, i'd be interested in your feedback

joanie: all sorts ofthings cause gecko and chromium to recreate objects, can happen to focused elements too
... screen readers already having to sort out how to find replacement objects etc.
... that said, if this another case of that, screen readers can probably deal with that

jamesn: leave this open for investigation, discuss next week? put on 1.2?

joanie: that's fair

jamesn: moving on

New PR Triage

jamesn: not worrying about this PR, already on agenda

TPAC - Early bird closes June 21, Hotel is bookable

jamesn: another reminder for TPAC, we have 3 weeks til early bird registration closes
... EB saves 250 euros on the week, hotel now bookable

Jesse: are there speaking discounts/passes etc?

jamesn: this is WG meetings, everyone is speaking since we're working in meetings
... technically requirements to attend, if you need justification to attend. look in the charter

Jesse: thanks!

MichaelC: there are breakout sessions on wednesday of the week

jamesn: you can't sign up for that in advance, done day of, similar to lightning talks

MichaelC: fairly good chance if you propose it, it'll be on the agenda. not a guarantee

Jesse: good info, thanks all!

<DorothyBass> links to this info?

jamesn: let me know if you need help

<jemma> https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/

DorothyBass: links for meetings etc.

jamesn: check above, at jemma's link
... we have ARIA WG meetings on Mon and Tues, lots of other groups too

<DorothyBass> thank you

jamesn: anything else?

Status updates for blocking Issues for next publication

jamesn: joanie, have anything you'd like?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/46

joanie: all the auth practices for new rules

melanierichards: i've been discussing internally, should have soon

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/141

melanierichards: started a big discussion

joanie: need info for these issues, core aam mappings are what we'd have for html aam
... i need everyone's input really, on issue 46. meaning accessibility api platform owners
... and auth practices, but really just need the above

jamesn: for auth practices, i haven't been able to get to it yet, working on it with apologies
... meter is almost ready, rest should be fairly simple

jemma: i need to work on google examples, get that to james and APG

jamesn: mostly ready! just need to get in the right sections

jemma: okay, good!

jamesn: anything else?

Quick, straw-poll-level discussion. Are these ready to merge?:

jamesn: let me get the links

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/946

jamesn: melanierichards' PR, melanierichards are you updated?

melanierichards: what we discussed last call were supported but not req attributes; there are separate issues that some people felt should be removed
... change i made is to remove supported attrs from auth error handling

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/946/78b9178...melanierichards:484e344.html

jamesn: this is the diff link for that change
... anyone need more time, or ready to go?

<melanierichards> there were some attributes that were supported but their implicit values were still in the fallback table for handling author errors. There was a separate issue about whether the name of the table should change or not to reflect that fact. People felt that actually the supported attributes should be removed from that table, so I made that removal

carmacleod: could do "we'll merge by monday if no comments"

jamesn: I agree
... we'll merge monday if no significant comments
... we'll do this for all three pending PRs
... (also for 945 and 944) since melanierichards believes we're all set

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/945

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/984

jamesn: next PR to review is 984
... we said we'd discuss this week, have people had a chance to look?

carmacleod: yes, but complicated! use cases will be interesting

jamesn: i agree, indeed complicated.

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/984/aeb62bb...domenic:0cec33b.html

jamesn: only looking at main changes since prev. approval; if this where browsers are headed, no problem merging as is. we know no better
... joanie, there are some musts. we'll need some tests i think

joanie: if they could provide the tests, that'd be helpful

carmacleod: that's a good idea

jamesn: we'll need to ask them then, and change to RfC
... they're changing polyfills, updating other semantics.

joanie: the tests would only block putting in the working draft

jamesn: right. we could merge after RfC and make it editorial for now

carmacleod: dominic said "might not be worth reviewing in depth..." in PR, so maybe he doesn't need/want it merged yet?

jamesn: good question

<DorothyBass> agree with your reading

carmacleod: is there a way to label that?

jamesn: needs to be in spec somewhere before changes can be made
... but yes, worth clarifying. i'll talk to dominic about tests, if it should be, and clearing up normative language

MichaelC: for the record, there's a draft PR; maybe that's an option

jamesn: can't be retroactively applied

In-depth discussions

<jamesn> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2019May/0002.html

jamesn: this is the first, accname logic tree doc for refactoring

bgaraventa1979 put this together, hoping to simplify some things. feedback?

bgaraventa1979: basically, during f2f, we had a long discussion about accname and refactoring. a couple goals were to simply what acname is and also to make it simple to implement
... essentially, this helps identify the structure of accname and achieve agreement on fundamental basic features
... so this outline should help make all this clear
... as far as i'm aware, there hasn't been much discussion

carmacleod: so, this correlates to your test feature, right?

<jamesn> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2019May/att-0002/AccName_1.2_Logic_Tree_Outline.docx

bgaraventa1979: yes, and to what we've discussed for 1.2 changes. it's missing a couple things,like newer roles
... this represents 1.0, 1.1, some things in 1.2 we've discussed esp. whitespace handling

carmacleod: it doesn't touch on aria-label or -labelledby deletions we're proposing?

bgaraventa1979: correct, but we did discuss that. i don't think there was much time at the f2f
... determination at that point was to let it be. say that -label and -labelledby are supported, as long as no conflicts
... it's complicated to explain

jamesn: can we have combo of "auth must not do X" but still have accname support it -if- they do, produce an author error but, if UA is conformant, it'll still produce something for interpretation even if not necessarily useful?

bgaraventa1979: say you have a link, a font inside of that styling a span. currently, put aria-label on it and it works
... if we say something like that is a violation, it'll limit what people can do; testers will flag violations, devs might not put anything anymore

jamesn: so we need to find real use cases

bgaraventa1979: gets tricky when spans are split up

jamesn: so do we need role=static back?
... need to have something that's not a container, but defining elements somehow
... we need to find a good way of solving use cases we come up with before prohibiting aria-label

bgaraventa1979: important to note browsers already do things like this, because nothing in spec says otherwise

<DorothyBass> Recommend Native HTML and CSS markup: ??? Not Recommended Alternative option: ???

bgaraventa1979: could widely break things

joanie: i thought i added that support, where spans have aria-label, etc., for the sole purpose of getting some of your test cases for AccName 1.1 passing

bgaraventa1979: accname doesn't call out specific roles; to do that we'd need to add an index of dis/allowed roles
... that's fine if necessary, but simply, difficult

jamesn: sounds like a hard place; people saying they won't support generic unelss we prohibit labelling (or paragraph, similar roles)

carmacleod: i've said things like that, kind of going back and forth in my head
... but there are things where funny fonts might benefit from aria-label vs being turned into an image

jamesn: what if we have some "must" statements, but accname takes allowances into account
... so these are author validation errors
... might solve some of the problems bgaraventa1979 is worried about.
... so validators could fail a page but browsers still work

carmacleod: maybe. might be able to add more info for validators
... might be challenging, but maybe some little rules we can come up with. there are sometimes other workarounds too
... we should try harder to make accname more comprehensive

bgaraventa1979: [laughs] or complicated

jamesn: joanie? as an implementor?

joanie: i'll wait for consensus and then do my best

jamesn: this also got into 2nd topic of indepth discussions
... all, ideas for resolution?

bgaraventa1979: simplest i can think of is leave these as global

jamesn: right, but with no restrictions on use

<DorothyBass> yuck

carmacleod: we can make it clear in Labeling and Describing document at ARIA APG that things are goofy

bgaraventa1979: that is something we might be able to do
... if it has no accessible content, it'd fallback to aria-label if present... that might be something we could do
... not talking about overriding paragraphs etc.
... difficulty comes in mapping addtl roles

jongund: couldn't we have something like "not allowed"?

jamesn: yeah, that's what my PR has

<jemma> "prohibited"

bgaraventa1979: i'm talking about divs and spans

jamesn: important to consider not overriding expectations, but for generic, we might be

<DorothyBass> to be used as a supplement, NOT a replacement for

jamesn: so we've got a lot out there, please add comments to issues and PRs, as well as bgaraventa1979's email thread

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/985

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/05/30 18:03:41 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/eright/right/
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Succeeded: s/could test/could provide the tests/
Succeeded: s/inside a font/a font inside of that/
Succeeded: s/... could/bgaraventa1979: could/
Succeeded: s/some support like that, based on old discussions/that support, where spans have aria-label, etc., for the sole purpose of getting some of your test cases for AccName 1.1 passing/
Succeeded: s/ideas/all, ideas/
Succeeded: s/in APG/in Labeling and Describing document at ARIA APG/
Present: MichaelC jemma melanierichards MarkMcCarthy carmacleod harris Joanmarie_Diggs jongund Bryan_Garaventa
Regrets: PeterKrautzberger CurtBellew ScottOHara IrfanAli StefanSchnabel
Found Scribe: Jemma
Inferring ScribeNick: jemma
Found Scribe: MarkMcCarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: MarkMcCarthy
Scribes: Jemma, MarkMcCarthy
ScribeNicks: jemma, MarkMcCarthy
Found Date: 30 May 2019
People with action items: 

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