Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

24 Jan 2019


MarkMcCarthy, melanierichards, janina, HarrisSchneiderman, jamesn, MichaelC, Stefan, jongund, Bryan_Garaventa, jemma, mattking, matt-king


scribe HarrisSchneiderman

<scribe> scribe: HarrisSchneiderman

New Issue Triage


carmacleod: sounded reasonable to me and she backed it up

jamesn: does anyone know the history of why we don't have aria-description?

mattking: It was supposedly duplicating title, which is weird because title is now technically a fallback for name

jamesn: it'd fit into 1.3 as attribute parity (doesn't fit our 1.2 scope currently). Make sense?



F2F Updates

jamesn: level access have graciously offered to host us in our f2f in the spring
... the dates we are currently looking at april 30th - may 2nd (tues - thurs)
... Level access's office is downtown SF

<jamesn> 114 Sansome Street

jongund: I can probably just join remote - don't change dates on my behalf

jamesn: are these the final dates?

melanierichards: I can come

<melanierichards> (edge)

jamesn: We will reach out to james craig
... hopefully someone from mozilla

jemma: What is the goal of this f2f?

jamesn: To get as much role parity work done as we can

carmacleod: Do we want to pull in screen reader developers?

jamesn: anyone in wg is obviously welcome to come, or anyone who will add significant value
... We're hoping that having it in SF will make it easy for google and facebook folks to join
... we will reach out to everyone once we have the set dates

Add ‘meter’ role


<jamesn> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria/meter/index.html#meter

joanie: I'm going to present some of these points out of order because some don't need explanation and some do

<joanie> An element that represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. See related progress.

joanie: The first statement (of role description) I basically just listed it as it is described in the html spec

<joanie> Authors SHOULD NOT use the meter role to indicate progress; the progressbar role exists to address that need.

<joanie> Authors MUST NOT use the meter role to represent a value whose minimum and maximum values are unknown and MUST use aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax to make these values available to assistive technologies.

joanie: if it doesn't have a range then it is not a meter at that point
... Anyone want to debate/discuss this 3rd statement?

mattking: meters arent interactive, right?

joanie: right

<joanie> At the present time, there are no WAI-ARIA properties corresponding to the low, optimum, and high attributes supported on HTML meter. The addition of these properties will be considered for ARIA version 1.3.

<joanie> Authors wishing to communicate that the displayed value is low, optimum, or high SHOULD do so by including this information in aria-valuetext.

joanie: I think we can have accessible meters without the above attributes
... I'm picturing "Optimum: {value}"

jamesn: Its not ideal but a good interim solution

joanie: There often is an indication on a native meter that you're in the right spot

jamesn: theres no info being communicated on how close you are to optimum

mattking: you only that you are in one of those ranges

jamesn: html knows how close, its just not being communicated

mattking: I just wonder if there is a better way to express that
... Is there a visual indication of these ranges?

jamesn: If you were to at all the time expose this info to AT, it'd create a rather verbose experience
... if we were to communicate all the info that a meter exposes, it'd be a lot

mattking: to expose 3 separate ranges, it'd be a non-trivial amount of attribute work. So the idea of postponing it is interesting
... we'd introduce the role with suboptimal accessibility

jamesn: the difference is, the attributes that are currently there don't have any accessibility mappings from native meters

mattking: so they don't have any way of exposing these to accessibility APIs

joanie: not entirely
... my platform _will_ have a way to expose these attributes

mattking: We could open issues against those other APIs - we're going to want to express these 3 ranges (low, optimum, and high). And we're going to need these in the 1.3 timeframe

joanie: we can take a look at what the html mappings are and how ATs handle this - I don't know. We should take a look first

jamesn: I Don't think we need min and max

mattking: there are 2 points within the overall range in which we could say this is where you are in the low min cuttoff
... my concern is that we tell them to do this now with valuetext and then tell them to do this differently later in 1.3
... we'd have to teach it and then unteach it

<joanie> Authors wishing to communicate that the displayed value is low, optimum, or high SHOULD do so by including this information in aria-valuetext.

joanie: I'd like consensus on - should we delete this (above) statement?

mattking: I'd rather not have that in the spec
... we could consider adding a provisional statement to aria authoring practices as a "temporary hack" to ensure people don't see this as a thing they bake into their system
... unless they are prepared to changing how they do it in the future

joanie: we've got this thing that is not interactive - its a lot like a progressbar. I've made the new meter element a subclass of the Range role (which is a widget)

jamesn: I've worked on many many products that have interactive meters

mattking: could those have been something that is not a meter

jamesn: you couldn't type in a value but rather alter it with up/down arrows

mattking: I don't like when things inherit from both sides of the tree. when something isn't interactive I don't think it belongs within widget role
... ranges don't necessarily have to be interactive
... I guess (thinking outloud) I am in favor of dual-inheritance
... we could approach it like separator. Did we add multiple inheritance there?

joanie: it does (it inherits from both structure and widget)

mattking: it is a mutually exclusive form of dual inheritance
... the only way to do that with this is to make range a subclass of structure rather than widget

joanie: I am totally cool with doing that
... if so, then I'd assume we want to make meter block on making the taxonomy change

mattking: I'm thinking in the future we might get rid of taxonomy somewhere down the road. Given that, we'd not have meter in the widget role class
... its not parity if we say that it is an interactive element
... toolbar is a structure that we treat like a widget
... getting things right here is important

joanie: is progressbar / slider going to have mutliple inheritance too?

mattking: and meter would have single inheritance from range
... you can make structures focusable - they're just not interactive

jongund: does html make it focusable though?
... people would look at the native implementation to decide if it should be focusable

stefan: Things like meter when focusable are often the starting point to a drill down
... you can definitely have a focusable meter - with a click handler and use it as a sophisticated button? This is a grey-zone, is it allowed or not?

mattking: I think it should be allowed but I don't think we need to address in the spec

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/892

joanie: the last question is: are we cool with meter? if so, do we merge now (into editors draft)? or do we wait for range subclass work to land first?

jamesn: We should delay/block

Issue 867: add draft specification for role label


jongund: The main issue with this is, whether or not this will be taking in consideration in actual label calculation

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/jongund/aria/pull/886.html#label

jongund: If you encapsulate a widget in an element with role=label, will that be the element's label
... With a native label, if you click on it, it moves focus to associated control

mattking: we usually address this with an "Authors should..." statement
... the spec needs to make that clear
... this is equivalent to statements about managing focus
... it wouldn't be a note, just and "Authors should" statement

jongund: should it become integrated into accessible name calculation (similar to how native labels work)

jamesn: there is an acc name issue for this
... I'm concerned about "authors should" statement
... the html spec says this behavior should match the browsers'

<jamesn> The label element’s activation behavior should match the platform’s label behavior. Similarly, any additional presentation hints should match the platform’s label presentation.

mattking: I wonder if there is potential for conflict between label and aria-labelledby

jamesn: of course there is
... We will put this back on the agenda next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Default Present: MarkMcCarthy, melanierichards, janina, HarrisSchneiderman, jamesn, MichaelC, Stefan, jongund, Bryan_Garaventa, jemma, mattking
Present: MarkMcCarthy melanierichards janina HarrisSchneiderman jamesn MichaelC Stefan jongund Bryan_Garaventa jemma mattking matt-king
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