Personalization Task Force Weekly Meeting

10 Sep 2018


clapierre, janina, Becka11y, MichaelC, JF
lisa, thaddeus, roy


APA Update on TPAC

<scribe> scribe: becky

Janina: APA has slot scheduled with web platforms - only agenda is personalization (2:15-2:45 meetin in Web Platforms room). Suggest at least 30 minues prep time earlier in the day. Meeting is on Monday.
... Need suggestions for time
... for prep meeting
... Need Charles present and hopefully Lisa on the phone (if she isn’t there)
... need Charles to propose a time for prep meeting; lunch is okay

JF: Do we have an agenda?

Janina: yes, Michael knows and one of the recent APA meeting minutes has the details
... APA publishing topics we had proposed are pushed onto Tuesday. Want Leonie to attend to represent Web Platforms (we don’t feel we are ready to go before entire Web Plat group, yet)
... threshold question - how much incorporation of multi- media do we expect into electronic publications in the next few years

Charles: yes, expect it to grow significantly

Janina: believes we need to do more than what is currently available via Daisy, etc- need to be more forward looking

<clapierre> Publishing WG FTF TPAC agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mt9PTcOdmrCwIsgfxbGMGjwHlUsySU01I0D4oBkSbcA/edit#heading=h.9kn2s1bey23f

Janina: currently no meetings scheduled between APA and pubishing; Charles will provide some scheduling details
... probably need to schedule meeting

Charles: Thaddeus updated google doc from COGA; this document defines many of the terms
... need to take those definitions and any new ones and add them into our documents. Our documents will be normative
... need to add section 3.1.3 values for error types in our help and support document
... from the above google doc section other use cases
... Bottom line - need to merge/move to/ add to our existing documents from the COGA document

JF: don’t want “dueling banjos” between COGA and personalization

Charles: once we merge we need to update COGA document to refer to personalization module 2 and indicate that personalization space is where we will continue to work on this

Janina: COGA landed in google docs - we need to determine where we want to work and continue in that vein

JF: recent thread about readability of W3C documents - but we have to understand the audience and realize that these are normative documents - that requires a specific language and format
... tip of the hat to Thaddeus for his work on this

Charles: will send an email to suggest incorporating this COGA doc into our module 2 doc; ask for any dissent

Janina: can ask Roy to perform the incorporation
... do we need a CFC to accept the merge?

JF: suggest that we have straw poll to incorporate into the document and then CFC for accepting the doc before publish
... believe we should formally indicate to COGA that personalization is taking this over

Janina: Lisa is a member, she can do that; Also, COGA is already aware that this is happening

Charles: if no further discussion will wrap up for today

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/09/10 17:40:05 $

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Present: clapierre janina Becka11y MichaelC JF
Regrets: lisa thaddeus roy
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: Becka11y
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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