Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

06 Sep 2018


jamesn, jemma, Joanmarie_Diggs, melanierichards, JF, MarkMcCarthy, Harrisius, Stefan, hhillen, curtbellew, MichaelC, jongund, carmacleod, Bryan_Garaventa, matt_king


<matt> Test

<matt> test2

<matt> hello?

<scribe> scribe: melanierichards

TPAC Agenda - https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/806

jamesn: need more agenda items, please
... would like anything that anybody wants on the agenda, please put it on this issue

Stefan: I have various items to add to the issue in Github. clarification around use cases involving list items, extensions to grid role, etc

jamesn: especially want agenda items that involve other groups ASAP because other groups have fuller agendas

Charter Status

jamesn: we have our charter extension sent out, extended til end of October
... we can publish again before that extension expires. we should publish if we can, because we're not guaranteed another extension

joanie: working on fixing UA bugs in AccName

jamesn: there's a moratorium around publishing near TPAC

MichaelC: [shares some dates]

jamesn: so we could publish right after TPAC but before the charter expires

New Issues since last meeting – Triage ONLY

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/812

jamesn: this is already in 1.2 milestone, self-assigned to Matt. anyone think this isn't a 1.2 issue?

mattk: I submitted a PR, too

jamesn: haven't had time to review, and it's not on this week's agenda. is it quick enough to go through now?

mattk: people should probably look at it, it needs wide review

jamesn: seems related to the next issue
... including in 1.2

Required Properties with Default Values (meaty issue)

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Required-Properties-with-Default-Values

<jamesn> Issue 787

<mck> /me Yay, have an IRC solution working with NVDA now

jamesn: carolyn's taken a first stab at cataloging required properties with default values
... one thing I wasn't sure about was spinbutton valuenow, whether that really should be required. I think that's related to Matt's issue. maybe remove these from this table and point to another issue

JF: I'm looking at the table, wondering why the default heading is default to level 2 and not level 1

jamesn: no idea, it's a historical thing. If anyone knows why, please speak up
... the whole question is if something is required, why would it have a default value? what does that mean?
... anyone know why we chose heading level 2?

mck: adding a bunch of heading level 1s to a page, we felt would be a really bad idea. And there wasn't any logic to going deeper

JF: if I encountered a page with multiple level heading 1s, I agree it would be a lousy experience, but I would know right away that there was an author issue

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask why the default heading is level 2

mck: on most pages, there's probably going to be other headings there. If we make no assumption of whether or not other headings are present, you've done less damage by assuming a level 2. Whereas if none other are present, you've done no damage by assuming level 2

JF: thank you for putting more clarity on that

<JF> +1

jamesn: for this one, we're keeping it as a required property, removing the default and putting it into a "user agent repair technique"
... does anything jump out in this table?

mattk: in this table, these are all the ones that have required values and default?

jamesn: correct

mattk: are you asking do we want to make the same decision for all of these?

jamesn: no, line by each one. either the property stays as required or it is moved to supported. and if it's required we can take the default value out and put it in the fallback table
... if anyone has any comments, maybe edit the wiki and add your notes in the notes column?

mattk: do you want the comments in the issue?

jamesn: ok with either
... might be easier in the wiki notes to separate them out
... having in the table will make it easier in my opinion to reconcile the properties

carmacleod: curious why you don't want the defaults in [missed]?

joanmarie: to me, AAM is platform specific. if an author doesn't put the required value, that has nothing to do with accessibility APIs and thus AAMs. Think we should have a new section in ARIA spec about handling author errors

joanie: I will write this as a meta-comment on the wiki

mck: I agree with Joanie's logic. I'm not sure I agree with the idea that there shouldn't be any default values provided. If we're not going to change that, we should change the definition of a required property in whichever section that is defined
... I would rather say the result is always undefined
... and that can be part of the definition of a required property
... there isn't really meaning in being required if there's a default value

jamesn: not really, because a validator can flag it as a conformance error

mck: if we want that to be the only difference, we should change the definition of a required property

jamesn: what's your objection to a separate "error correction strategy" section?

mck: I'm not necessarily opposed. I would require that it not be something buried
... we should mention that UAs have implemented a fallback, and then we can link to that fallback

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.2/#document-handling_author-errors

jamesn: Core AAM already has a handling author errors section
... this whole thing isn't a mapping thing, I'm thinking Joanie is looking at this all not being in AAM

joanie: yeah

mck: not all specs specify how to handle author errors. [cites HTML]

jamesn: it does a relatively good job now, I think it used to not
... FF in particular does not want to do much validation on things. these are not requirements, most of them are not MUSTS


jamesn: please review and put comments

Harrisius: I can put a comment in GH about scrollbar value
... I feel like the default value would make more sense being the equivalent to aria-valuemin

carmacleod: I think I agree

<Zakim> Harrisius, you wanted to ask why the default aria-valuenow is halfway between valuemax and valuemin

Role Parity – Container role? (meaty issue)

jamesn: Carolyn did a first draft of our new container role (issue #699).

carolyn: I found a lot of the word "container" in the spec. If we call the role "container", that's going to cause a lot of confusion. I went back to the word "generic" for the role. We can still discuss, this is just for the sake of getting words in
... a container element that has no special meaning on its own, but it represents its children and can be styled

<JF> is there a related URL for this?

carolyn: HTML <div> and <span>



carolyn: I think we want the default value for this attribute to follow the style, the visual rendering
... sometimes things are read differently than they look

jamesn: div with different presentations is read differently in different UAs, authors should be able to override

carmacleod: I think those are bugs

jamesn: we shouldn't break what UAs are doing with ARIA

carmacleod: we might be saying the same thing and I'm misunderstanding

mattk: right now there's a ton of divs out there that may have an inline look, but they have some spacial separation. and if screen readers were to treat them as if they were spans, then those spacial separations would disappear and things would get chunked together and make the content unreadable
... I think that would happen more often than the other way around
... we already have some content out there that is broken up in a divvy or blocky way, that would be good to read as one chunk but with spaces. and so authors can override to get that behavior

joanie: it's valid that we don't want to mess anything up. What about divs that don't have any roles/properties on it? We can divvy this up as separate problems

mattk: you should never apply this role to a div or a span, because it would be like putting a heading role on an h tag
... this role is for mapping only

jamesn: what about "generic" is the role, with aria-whitespace as a property with various values (james's proposal)

mattk: I don't like "whitespace" because it implies it will only handle whitespace. would rather have "text separation"

jamesn: do we have agreement to stick with generic and add a text separation property with "inherit" as the default?
... generic container seems...clunky?

mattk: all other roles I see in the spec are nouns, and this is an adjective. so it doesn't work as a role for me
... I do think the description should say this thing is nameless

jamesn: should we add somethiing for accessible name not allowed?

mattk: we currently have accessible name required can be true or false

jamesn: could be required, allowed, or not allowed
... maybe we need an issue for that
... my proposal is we for now go with generic, but we can change it. any objections?


jamesn: my other proposal is we add an attribute aria-textseparation

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/699#issuecomment-416096296

jamesn: with those values
... objection as first draft of those?


jamesn: would you mind adding the attribute?

carmacleod: will do!

scribe notes, "mattk" and "mck" are the same person :)

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: jamesn jemma Joanmarie_Diggs melanierichards JF MarkMcCarthy Harrisius Stefan hhillen curtbellew MichaelC jongund carmacleod Bryan_Garaventa matt_king
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Found Date: 06 Sep 2018
People with action items: 

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