Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

30 Aug 2018


MichaelC, jemma, Stefan, jamesn, janina, melanierichards, carmacleod, MarkMcCarthy, hhillen, Irfan_Ali, curtbellew, Matt, King, Bryan, Garaventa


<scribe> scribe: melanierichards

TPAC Agenda - https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/806

jamesn: gathering agenda items, please put them in the issue, along with how much time you think it'll take, time constraints, people you need to have in the conversation

mattk: I have a topic where I'm not sure about time and know it will take some coordination/preparation. ARIA in HTML specification and how restrictive it is. this issue won't be productive if we're not well prepared

jamesn: perfect item to put in this issue, you can put in who you think we should coordinate with as well
... happy to take the lead on coordination once the item is in the agenda
... please put anything you'd like to discuss in the agenda, don't worry too much about exact time details

<janina> Will be present Thursday only

Charter Status

jamesn: no updates yet, still on management to send out comms

New Issues since last meeting – Triage ONLY

[marking issues as ARIA 1.2]

jamesn: no AccName issues
... no Core AAM issues

Role Parity – generic roles. *Please read Issue before meeting*

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/699

jamesn: at Toronto F2F, decided we were going to create two generic roles: inline and block, which were mocked up in a PR. However, subsequently James Craig objected to the idea. We are getting general agreement that we perhaps want to go for one generic container role of some sort, with a property as to how different parts of text are chunked together by a screen reader, that are coming from a blob

mattk: there are a couple fundamental issues worth highlighting that have nothing to do with language. 1) has to do with inheritance. I'm objecting to this property being inherited by other elements. the type of semantics we're talking about, associated with div and span, aren't strictly related to text nodes, and there could be another widget etc inside a p or span that could interrupt things. if we introduced a concept of inheritance, it would make

the ARIA spec super complicated, and way beyond the scope of role parity

mattk: trying to clear up the fact that it's a mystery to authors as to when style takes precedence (which is applied unevenly between platforms/AT)

jamesn: the inheritance model we have seems to be breaking things / making them more complex
... I don't want to just unabstract things, that may have consequences that we don't intend
... add a new role seems a safer way to do it
... please put name suggestions into the issue
... I don't like blob

mattk: was looking for something with a connotation of a generic container, but "generic" as a name connotes only one thing, that it doesn't have a name
... you shouldn't be able to label these
... I've long thought that we should not have people labelling spans and divs without a role that makes it meaningful to give this a label
... we should avoid block/inline

jamesn: agree that we shouldn't use something that has another semantic in HTML, ARIA, etc
... can we call it "container"?

mattk: might not be a bad idea, worth proposing

<jamesn> Mappings for div and span

<jamesn> span maps to role="blob" with aria-textseparation="inline"

<jamesn> div maps to role="blob" with aria-textseparation="block"

<jamesn> This part....

<jamesn> the above is the part of the proposal in question

melanierichards: I don't think we should change intrinsic mapping for how child nodes get concatenated (or not) within div and span, a la the aria property proposal
... think that could have a lot of unintended side effects

jamesn: [agrees]

mattk: what's uncertain is whose style-based calculations for this are most correct
... would like to know from SRs how their code works here
... if there is not an implicit value for the property on the div/span, and they just get the role, are people going to change how content is processed today?

melanierichards: feels that all the power is in the aria property, not the role

jamesn/mattk: need to map into some role or another for span and div

melanierichards: but aren't they already mapped into group?

mattk: I think group has some separation semantics already built into it, partly by virtue of the fact that it can be labelled. this role needs to be a type of container that I would describe as "seamless". The separation it has with neighboring elements is strictly determined by its contents, not by the container

jamesn: div and span would map into this role, usual styling calculation used, nothing intrinsically changed. and a separate attribute for the user to be able to override the browser. any objections to that? allowed values might need to be flushed out separately

carmacleod: can come up with a pull request just for the role. I can call it container, what would be the superclass?

jamesn/mattk: structure

carmacleod: at this point I wouldn't tackle the attribute yet

jamesn: I think fair to split into two PRs in order to make progress

mattk: ok to do that, although hard to approve of the container role without the property. the role would be the only supported role on the property.

jamesn: we could always add the supported role into the PR later
... PRs great for analyzing changes

mattk: at some point we need to say how this container is different from other grouping elements
... "a generic, nameless grouping element"

jamesn: let's continue discussion on Carolyn's PR

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.2%22+sort%3Acreated-asc+-label%3Aeditorial

Triage/Pick off low-hanging fruit of ARIA 1.2 issues list (start with oldest)

jamesn: moving 322 to ARIA 1.4



jamesn: happy to leave on 1.2 to keep on our radar, but think it needs to be taken up by this math on the web group

janina: think this should be on that agenda for TPAC
... Monday at 11am at the APA room

mattk: can you add to agenda?

janina: yes, I'll make sure that's part of it


jamesn: I think we should leave in 1.2 despite objection, I'm going to assign to myself


jamesn: seems like this has been resolved. anyone disagree?

mattk: issue is that if you go to checkbox/radio role in the spec, aria-required is not listed as a supported attribute

jamesn: I don't understand the concept of a required checkbox

mattk: HTML supports it

jamesn: why should ARIA support it?

carmacleod: we support it on radio group

mattk: is this something we should take up with HTML?

jamesn: don't think they'll change it
... you can't mark several radios all as required, that doesn't make sense
... most people think that if you have a required checkbox, you must check it to move along

mattk: famous consent agreement

jamesn: it's not that the checkbox is required, it's that the checkbox value is required
... I disagree with making a change here, but what do other people think?

mattk: if someone has a checkbox and for some reason they're not using HTML, and they can't mark it required as in HTML

curtbellew: the case here is really "mark this checkbox to say yes I agree"

jamesn: if we do this, do we add required value for switch? where do we stop?
... who think this is a 1.2 issue?

mattk: seems like it would fit in well in 1.3 with attribute parity

jamesn: moved to 1.3

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: MichaelC jemma Stefan jamesn janina melanierichards carmacleod MarkMcCarthy hhillen Irfan_Ali curtbellew Matt King Bryan Garaventa
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Found Date: 30 Aug 2018
People with action items: 

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