Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

16 Aug 2018


jamesn, MichaelC, MarkMcCarthy, Irfan_Ali, Joanmarie_Diggs, melanierichards, jongund, jemma, matt_king, carmacleod
StefanSchnabel, CurtBellew


Charter Updates

<scribe> scribe: melanierichards

jamesn: Our charter is not approved as of yet, had two objections. Working through those and trying to resolve them with the respective parties. Michael is leading that, getting approval from WAI management to send responses out

MichaelC: not actually leading, trying to interface
... any significant non-editorial changes would get run by the working group

jamesn: we are out of charter and can't publish at the moment. If it goes on for a long time, would have to seek extension of previous charter. But we're not at that point yet.
... not a pressing matter at the moment

CSUN – anyone planning ARIA related presentations?

jamesn: CSUN call for presentations opening up soon, interested in knowing if anyone is planning ARIA related presentations. No obligation to do so.

mattk: considering doing another APG-related update, but haven't made a decision. Potential focus on assessment project
... I want to make sure I have the right things to ensure sufficient progress made [before submitting a presentation]

TPAC Demos

MichaelC: on Monday evening at TPAC, there is typically a developer meetup with local developers. They've offered an opportunity for groups to set up a demonstration at a table. If we're working on something that a general audience might benefit from seeing in a demo, might want to take advantage of that

<jongund> I may do a presentation on some of our open source tools that test the use of ARIA design patterns at CSUN

MichaelC: anyone want to commit to doing the demo? This event is typically offsite.

jamesn: we're not directly doing it, but AOM demos always cool to look at

MichaelC: AOM people might be interested in working with us on that

mattk: can't think of anything going on in the APG for this broad audience

MichaelC: believe AOM people have a standard demo

mattk: you want something accessibility related to be very visual because it's hard to demo audio output in that environment

jamesn: we can always have the visual audio output
... I'll take the action of reaching out to AOM

F2F in 2019?

jamesn: thinking of having a F2F in the first half of 2019. If anyone has any times in the first half of the year when it would be bad for us to have a F2F, send a note to myself, Joanie, and Michael. No fixed plans but probably west coast of the US

mattk: roughly 6 months after TPAC is generally good
... one year we did it at CSUN, the two days before. Good because it consolidates things, though depends on what else is going on at CSUN

jamesn: AGWG may be planning on that Mon and Tues

MichaelC: good chance we could meet at CSUN hotel

jongund: prefer not to mix the two together

Spec Advancement – status of AccName, ARIA Graphics, Graphics AAM

jamesn: current status of our specs. Joanie, can you give us status?

joanie: thank you Jon for ARIA and Core-AAM test results. Any chance you can get me AccName?

jongund: will try to do it later

<joanie> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/accname/

<joanie> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/accname/less-than-2.html

joanie: we need a bare min of 2 for AccName, as it is not an AAM
... we only have one test that has less than two

<joanie> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/accname/all.html

joanie: good news is there's an awful lot of green. Quite a few with only 2 passes, maybe 3.
... Linux support on Chromium now in there
... might do some bug fixing
... status of Graphics ARIA and AAM, we have lots of good passing results and no objections, should be ready to go to REC other than the charter issue

New Issues since last meeting – Triage ONLY

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E%3D2018-08-01+

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/797

jamesn: does 797 seem like a 1.2 issue?

mattk: [agrees]

jamesn: assigned to mattk

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/19

joanie: I'm having a conversation with them, it's a 1.2 issue

PR Reviews – can we merge the following?

jamesn: 792 is already merged

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/789

mattk: question on there whether the author should be a must not, I wonder if the UA should be a must not as well

joanie: UAs could have perf concern

jamesn: are we ok with author must nots?

mattk: only considerations is implication on validators
... I can make author must not change, would like both of them to be must nots
... AT doesn't necessarily expose row elements

joanie: it has an accessible object and a name calculated on it

mattk: do have a propensity to minimize UA reqs (must nots)?

joanie: no, but we generally try to minimize sanity checks
... though we encourage UAs to do so

mattk: ok, makes sense. I'm good with just changing the author to must not

[discussion about whether to make treegrid and rref]

joanie: was suggesting to put a space in between tree and grid so it's clear it's meant in the generic sense

mattk: seems like some inconsistencies

jamesn: need to fix APG if we are changing this

mattk: would like editorial clarity on things like this (two words vs compound word_
... if I make these changes, is it ready to merge?

[general assent]

Role Parity – Next Candidate Roles?

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/790

PR Reviews – can we merge the following?

PR https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/790

MichaelC: RSPEC does expect all caps for must nots, etc

<jemma> +1

jamesn: other than changing to all caps, everyone ok with this PR?

[no objections, a couple assents]

mattk: who does the changelog piece in specs? Is that done separately?

joanie: I do that separately. ideally everyone would write a changelog entry but we often have merge conflicts. also gives editors the chance to review if there's a normative change.
... thanks for asking, we'll take care of it

Role Parity – Next Candidate Roles?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Plans-regarding-role-parity

jamesn: we need to work out what is next for role parity work. Which ones from the generic items do we want to take care of next?

<joanie> Generic Role

<joanie> Two new "generic" roles will be created: block and inline. Once they are created, the following elements will be mapped to them:

joanie: I have a proposal, it's not which ones from the generic.
... would anybody be interested in writing one or both of those roles and doing a pull request?

mattk: there are situations where people use spans and style them differently, and even their visual styling means they shouldn't be used as separate blocks. I could see people putting role="inline" on a div, and role="block" on a span

joanie: that could help screen readers decide whether to treat them as if they're on the same or separate lines

jamesn: anyone want to put together a draft PR on this? doesn't have to be perfect, just a starting point

joanie: should probably be someone with authoring expertise

jamesn: homework topic, consider if you'd like to do this work
... looking for some to work on block and inline roles

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/801


<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/801

joanie: made a new pull request where I hopefully addressed everyone's concerns (801)
... please review between now and the next meeting, and add comments
... to review, there's content in the Core AAM that has nothing to do with platform mapping, so I'm moving it over ARIA etc

carmacleod: I could try taking on block and inline, but I'm not sure I understand why we're doing it

joanie: basically we're trying to get role parity, anything that had a mapping on HTML AAM should probably have a corresponding role
... talked about which ones need a role, and which ones are just another group
... block and inline among the ones we wanted

carmacleod: I'm going to give it a try!

Role Parity – Next Candidate Roles?

Note that carmacleod volunteered to do the block and inline role PRs, refer to topic 9 for discussion

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/08/16 18:07:19 $

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Succeeded: s/hee hee//
Succeeded: s/most not/must not/
Present: jamesn MichaelC MarkMcCarthy Irfan_Ali Joanmarie_Diggs melanierichards jongund jemma matt_king carmacleod
Regrets: StefanSchnabel CurtBellew
Found Scribe: melanierichards
Inferring ScribeNick: melanierichards

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 16 Aug 2018
People with action items: 

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