Personalization Task Force Weekly Meeting

16 Jul 2018


janina, sgoto, Becka11y, LisaSeemanKestenbaum, Roy, clapierre
John, sharon, Thaddeus


<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> clear agenda

<scribe> scribe: clapierre

Sam: I don't have any vacations planned, just give me a heads up if needed as I may have conflicts at this time

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content

Lisa: Do we have everything in the Micheal's tables/matrix

<sgoto> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content#external-implementations

<sgoto> they are already there

<sgoto> yep, thaddeus, thanks

<sgoto> i read, agreed

<sgoto> it doesn't show up here

<sgoto> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content#overall-summary

<sgoto> but otherwise, thoughts are represented

Lisa: I know you have some issues Sam, Can you put them in the Wiki Page if you can put in the link to the issue in the right place in the tables sections. There is new section for misc other options that were missing you can add to this section and link to the issues.

Sam: Thaddeus did a great job and all my issues are included, now it hasn't been included in the matrix

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> next items


Lisa: Yes Micheal will incorporate that once we are happy with it.

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> tasks are left to get stable Explainer and Module 1: https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22content+module%22 and usecases , intorductions

Charles: I will be on vacation Monday August 6th

Lisa: the big issues are vocabulary and issues
... , There is a bunch of issues due to the structure which is implementation which we can probably ignore.
... , #133, #43, #44, #45, and #46 is also editorial
... , #47 is not clear it is editorial,
... ., I am wonder if someone can do some editorials?

Becky: I can do that.

Lisa: Thank you! if you have any issues just send to the list.

Becky: I can do a pull request, (one only for all issues)

Lisa: pulled the document apart so we have explainer, and the use cases need to be reviewed.

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> zakim next item

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kW2druI59AOuLQKjWHwcfq9RaYwAA0V0mapPCfIiLD8/edit

Lisa: Feedback from COGA TF (summer not great attendance)
... , want us to reach out to BBC broadcast Voice of America
... , These look more like purpose and not the definition.
... , look at the table, they suggested that when you have terms with a name that were a combo of other things easylang (short sentences, simple sentences) easylang:all but if it is just chunks, or simple language then it could be easylang:chunks people were confused.
... , additional content explain extrahelp or feedback so those got separated out.
... , easylang:all is useful, and separating out numberfree, but short-sentences or chunks may not be necessary so those might be droppable.
... , P1 there are different suggestions, medium some , max, P0 was not necessary
... , alphabetically was confusing and all the easylang together
... , easier to understand but maybe not to find.
... , the vocabulary 2000, 1000, 500 which is really low) should it be vocab: with a variable

Becky: so instead of 3 just have 1 with a variable?

Lisa: Yes
... there was interoperable symbols / controls user tested, list of what disabilities it has been tested with. which might be a 2nd vocabulary. We may not want disability specifically but the broader issue

Becky: understandable design maybe have no-autohide, etc.

Lisa: follows design patterns for Understandable design, you could include any design guidelines, you don't have to follow any specific, but it must include a number of guidelines.

Becky: keep someone focused at the task at hand.

Lisa: same thing for authentication, usable menus, supporting APIs, these need better definitions.
... , No data lost is a good example if you are doing a form and it will time out if you cant put in your passport # fast enough

Charles: it totally has happened to me recently when it timed out in the middle.

Becky: does this required information upfront information… before you continue you will need (xyz) before you get into a timed section.

Lisa: inform the user of what they need and the amount of time they will have to enter the data.

Becky: there is a AAA req. for no data loss.

Lisa: Does anyone want to work on these definitions or do we like these proposals.

<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kW2druI59AOuLQKjWHwcfq9RaYwAA0V0mapPCfIiLD8/edit?usp=sharing

Becky: I can't go to the link

Lisa: It should work, others have.
... you already have some Becky, Charles?

Charles: That is not my strong suite.

Lisa: I can try again.
... , Becky will do some of the editorial, we need to review the introduction and use-cases of all the documents. we need crisp definitions for the help module.

Charles: we should wait until we have more people.

Lisa: anything else? or we can end early
... I can take an action item to look at them, but I won't be able to make them really crisp.
... , we do need to start getting on with these we need to get Oct with all 4 documents.

Charles, we can't discuss TPAC as we dont have enough people either.

Lisa: Thanks Everyone

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: janina sgoto Becka11y LisaSeemanKestenbaum Roy clapierre
Regrets: John sharon Thaddeus
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People with action items: 

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