Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

12 Jul 2018


MichaelC, curbellew, janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, jamesn, Irfan_Ali, Mark_McCarthy, Matt
Jemma, Stefan, Melanie, Jon


<jamesn> no

<scribe> scribe: Mark_McCarthy

Publications update (FPWD ARIA 1.2)

CFC is out, approve by Friday 6pm Boston

Charter – bug your AC reps!

JN: need certain number of reps to approve CFC, if not could create problems
... we're about halfway there, if you haven't had a rep approve, try to have them look at it

Joanie: Matt is now working with an automated testing colleague

Matt: Will work on getting items forwarded to AC Rep

Janina: APA would appreciate votes

JN: Will send survey links to Matt

TPAC ping – price goes up July 31

JN: If you're coming, register by July 31 or price goes up

Summer Meeting Schedule

JN: Planning on meeting next weeks through summer, unless there's a week where many aren't available

New Issues since last meeting – Triage ONLY.

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E%3D2018-06-28+

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/788

JN: 2 issues since last meeting, 788 about specifying an activation point on a large object (like a slider)

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/787

JN: issue 787 regarding unclear specification for default values
... propose targeting for 1.2 milestone

joanie: +1

Issue 783 (w/ PR 785)

<jamesn> * Clarify whether alt attribute is valid alternative text for role="img”

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/785/8b9d3c5...carmacleod:d6521d5.html

JN: in my opinion, if image is decorative, don't label as such
... aria-label="" would be ignored as if it wasn't there

Matt: in order for it to be perceivable, there's no other option, so i'm okay with it

JN: no objections to merging pr

joanie: merging pr into stable

Issue 737 (w/ PR 784)

<jamesn> Allows menuitems and menuitemcheckbox to have group parents.

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/784/8b9d3c5...bb80ff8.html

JN: allows the above to have group pairings like radio buttons do
... prev incosistencies to specification, but want to discuss whether people think this is the right direction
... if people want more time to look through the diff, we can do that.

Matt: we can step through

JN: instead of saying menu items are owned by menu or menubar, authors must ensure items owned by a menu OR group element below

Matt: yeah that makes sense.

JN: in order to get this issue through to stable, we'll need to create APG examples

Matt: we don't have to show everything allowed by the spec, but we have to update the pattern
... we have in the menubar some checboxes, but I don't remember if they have groups

JN: we should add it even if we don't have to, better for AT

Matt: we could talk about labelling of groups in testing of APG
... when things are grouped in a menu, what should calculation of pause and set be?

joanie: I remember that discussion, but don't remember if I filed an issue or made a change. I'll look around and see what we did

MK: I think it might not be related to this pr, i'll raise a separate issue related to that
... we should try to get some consensus about if groupings affect separators etc., does numbering matter?
... should be driven by spec
... this pr shouldn't address this issue

JN: this issue was present for menu-item radios, so I don't think this pr makes that worse, but could add more instances of problems

MK: that makes sense, I'm good with this

joanie: group should still have same mapping, as far as I'm aware

JN: that was for the other pr, not this one

joanie: I don't think we need to change anything. is there an html equiv for this?

JN: no

joanie: we'll need test cases for this

JN: this can merge into master but no further

joanie: when I make test cases, if it's deliberately weird, I'll open an issue

MK: question related to this pr
... menu item radio doesn't require a group, but if they're not, does selection restriction apply similarly to role=group?

JN: the next paragraph says if there are only radios, they don't need a group

MK: ok, I'm good with that

JN: any issues moving to master?

Issue 719 (w/ PR 782)

<jamesn> * Allows group child of listbox (containing options)

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/782/8b9d3c5...afc8460.html

JN: this is a pr to give us the equiv of opt-group

MK: we definitely need an APG for this, and test labeling
... i support this pr

JN: this is just master correct?

joanie: correct

MK: are you creating issues Joanie, or...?

joanie: whoever is driving changes, they could file
... Matt, please file issues for the things james is merging

Issue 780 – Should aria-orientation have a default value (meaty issue)

MK: when we have downstram dependencies, does each pr get its own project?

joanie: I stopped doing the projects. since editors are present at meetings, no need
... the way 780 is written... aria-orientation's default might be different based on the item

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/780

joanie: I think two cases where there's a 50/50 chance of default, scrollbars and buttons
... when it's important to communicate a default to AT is when there's a UI need
... something that i'm bothered by is focus values. if we say it's required, maybe it shouldn't be vertical
... should be required, but value should be undefined

JN: my opinion is that I think it's hard to remove what's the current default, will break lots of content
... if it goes from a default to undefined, developers may have problems with that

MK: what's your response joanie?

joanie: unfortunate we hadn't realzed that sooner. through authoring prac guidance, hopefully we can educate people about ARIA 1.2
... a screen reader can fall back on vertical, wouldn't break existing behavior
... i don't think the pr is the right solution

MK: if something is required and has a default, dev shouldn't have to specifiy
... as far as that's concerned, we're on the same page

joanie: i'm okay with removing default value, and having validators flag it

MK: but that essentially makes default undefined, could break things
... we have many places where there's a default, could be a problem to remove the value. could be done selectively based on widget

CB: validators might not catch these problems, QA might have to

MK: i agree

JN: what's the process to determine when required?

MK: if ARIA says focus should be managed, then should be one dimensional. should be required on tab

BG: i disagree on tab, there are cases where it could be horiz or vert

MK: if you have a default and property is req, you don't have to specify if you want default

JN: so tablist has a supported state of property, but isn't required

MK: I'll retract what I said earlier about managed focus stuff. maybe it gets down to following patterns. spec can't enforce everything

BG: a lot does come down to patterns, especially in automated environments
... i don't think it's possible to automatically validate a lot of this

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/780

MK: we'd have to look at all this on a case by case basis, James and Joanie

joanie: what we'll need to do, if you have an opinion, add it to the comments of the issue so we have a thread and concensus

rrsagennt, make minutes

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/12 18:16:47 $

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Succeeded: s/CB: yeah/Matt: yeah/
Succeeded: s/CB: we/Matt: we/
Default Present: MichaelC, curbellew, janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, jamesn, Irfan_Ali, Mark_McCarthy, Matt
Present: MichaelC curbellew janina Joanmarie_Diggs jamesn Irfan_Ali Mark_McCarthy Matt
Regrets: Jemma Stefan Melanie Jon
Found Scribe: Mark_McCarthy
Inferring ScribeNick: Mark_McCarthy
Found Date: 12 Jul 2018
People with action items: 

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