Personalization Task Force Weekly Meeting

09 Jul 2018


clapierre, Thaddeus, MichaelC, Becka11y, Roy, JF, janina, Lisa, Sharon


team looking at "Comparison of ways to use vocabulary in content document"

Email from Jason White

<clapierre> [Jason] The only omission that immediately comes to mind is Web Annotation. The other implementation languages all assume that the metadata are included in the markup of the web page, but Web Annotation does not. A tool (e.g., custom user agent, proxy, browser extension) could maintain a list of trusted annotation providers, and match each page that the user accesses with a list of URIs of pages for which annotations are availab

<clapierre> le.


<clapierre> I don’t know how strong a use case this is, but it shouldn’t be overlooked altogether either.

Lisa brings up external metadata as an implementation

Concepts of inline vs external needs to be considered at some point

this topic is suggested as a topic for later discussion and separated from inline implementations

all brought up as implementation within the context of a site as a whole vs individual pages

these topics will be taken up at a later date - external metadata, context within a site as a whole

currently suggestion is to limit current docuement to internal to the document

any objectios?

any objection to?

no objections noted

JF holds the position that we need to define the vocabulary first

Topic - Comparisons of vocabulary

Do we have all the topics? Do we have all the pros and cons?

Lisa noted that media queries is not present in document

Michael C. noted that there are other implementation that are not on the implimentations page

Michael C. will update page based on associated issues (in progress)

Compare contrast should be a complete representation of options

<JF> +1 to Michael

Sam has several proposals which should be included for review

Here is an example issue from sam


here is another from sam



from sam https://extensiblewebmanifesto.org/



I have listed Sam's issues as a single point of reference for Michael

looking for JF's issues to paste in

<JF> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/83

thank you

2 week deadline to link issues to the implementations page

Need someone to volunteer to link issues to the the implementaions page

Any objections to linking associated issues to implentations page?

JF has concerns that we are discussing implementations without clearly defining the vocabulary

Any objections two mapping issues within two weeks?

Any objections to mapping issues within two weeks?

JF suggests concentation on looking at issues that have been logged in an effort to make progress

Thaddeus Volunteers

Thaddeus Action

Thaddeus' action - map assiociated issues marked as "implementation" to Comparison of ways to use vocabulary in content page

<scribe> New Header for Orphaned section or equivalent name

Lisa to add issue if deemed appropriate

3. We also would like to carry on with the help terms (module 2) and module 3.

Consider TPAC meeting

<JF> Hoping that any meeting of this TF does not conflict with AG WG

for the TF

We will work out plans for TPAC based on individual schedules

Michael noted that we have not requested meeting space

I have to drop can someone take over scribe

Michael suggested informal meeting JF suggested a show and tell

I have to drop

from the call


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/09 18:02:32 $

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Present: clapierre Thaddeus MichaelC Becka11y Roy JF janina Lisa Sharon
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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