Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

28 Jun 2018


jamesn, Joanmarie_Diggs, Janina, Irfan_Ali, MichaelC, Jemma, Stefan, mck, CurtBellew
JonGunderson, MelanieRichards, BryanGaraventa
Irfan, Jemma


<jamesn> scribe: Irfan

<jemma> rragents, topic?

TPAC ping

JN: please register for TPAC and if you need any information, please contact to one of the chair.

Joanie: Janina is a chair of APA has said that we could use some time for joint meeting with the accessibility task force of the Getting Math Onto Web Pages Community Group.

JN: I am certainly planning to attending some of the APA meetings

<CurtBellew> Apparently I don't have the correct meeting password

Janina: you guys are welcome. If there is a preference for Monday or Tuesday, please let me know.

Charter status update

MC: charter has been sent to the advisory committee .

<MichaelC> Draft charter: https://www.w3.org/2018/03/draft-aria-charter

<MichaelC> AC survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/2018-aria-charter/

MC: we need 24 minimum or we should be considered insufficiently supported. please get your vote.

Publications update (Graphics + AccName)

MC: we want to keep it in radar for 1.2 in mid july

FPWDs of ARIA 1.2 and Core AAM 1.2 (are we ready to go? CfC?)

MK: I didn't put anything in the plan. I was planning to going straight to MC.

MC: we need to do consensus review from the group.

JN: are we ready to go for Aria 1.2?

MK: I consider that APG-1.2 branch should be merged into master. Other than i consider that 1.2 is ready to go.

JN: can we do all consensus together?

MC: yes

MK: we are going to put the tag when MC creates a branch.

MC: I do my branch just for publications. I often do that before the CFC close. CFC is typically the editors drafts

JN: I dont think the whole working group needs to be in this conversation.

MC: basic thing I need is for you to check for broken links, It is also good to read through the document for spelling, grammar etc.

Next meeting (i.e. 4th of July week off)

JN: no meeting next week because of holiday week. So next meeting is July 12th

Issue 783 (w/ PR 785)

<jemma> issue 783 is about "Clarify whether alt attribute is valid alternative text for role="img”"

MC: issue is here is HTML processing. The answer is no. because of the way is specs is written now.
... what if validator button element , aria enabled ="false", is the same?

JN: I think I got the conclusion. we think it shouldnot have the alternative. can we drop the words alternative text.

MC: aria-label is actually an alternative text

MK: must provide the label by the determined accessible label.

<jemma> +1 for removing "name calculation" in spec

JN: is there any volunteer to modify it?

<jemma> 785 is pr

Issue 737 (w/ PR 784)

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/737

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/784

JN: Allow menuitemcheckbox to have a group parent like menuitemradio and menutiem do when in a menu role

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/784/8b9d3c5...c428595.html

JN: a menu should have at least one instance of a menuitem , menuitemcheckbox , or menuitemradio . The menu role does not require one instance of each. there is some inconsistency.

MK: thats a separate issue.

<jemma> scribe:Jemma

jn: would you like to accept this change or review more?
... PR is about grouping relationship, rather than heading role
... group will review it more.

Issue719 allow group in listbox

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/pull/782.html

<jamesn> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/aria/782/8b9d3c5...afc8460.html

jn: you can see the diff - what was changed from above url

mck: I agree with this
... I agree with intent of this pr

jn: group will review this PR more

Issue 719 (w/ PR 782)


<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/786

jn: we can ask Carolin to make change since it is editorial

joanie: this is editorial issue - grammer

jn: I marked it as "editorial" in git

rrsagennt, make minutes

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/06/28 17:58:10 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/accessibility community groups/the accessibility task force of the Getting Math Onto Web Pages Community Group/
Succeeded: s/think about/review/
Default Present: jamesn, Joanmarie_Diggs, Janina, Irfan_Ali, MichaelC, Jemma, Stefan, mck, CurtBellew
Present: jamesn Joanmarie_Diggs Janina Irfan_Ali MichaelC Jemma Stefan mck CurtBellew
Regrets: JonGunderson MelanieRichards BryanGaraventa
Found Scribe: Irfan
Inferring ScribeNick: Irfan
Found Scribe: Jemma
Inferring ScribeNick: jemma
Scribes: Irfan, Jemma
ScribeNicks: Irfan, jemma
Found Date: 28 Jun 2018
People with action items: 

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