Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

08 Feb 2018


Joanmarie_Diggs, Irfan_Ali, jamesn, jongund, mat_king, Stefan


<scribe> agenda: this

<scribe> agenda: be done

<scribe> scribe: joanie

HTML role parity update

<jamesn> advance regrets for Feb 15 & 22


JD: Update is that we have some feedback from one Web Components person

<jongund> JD: I need to reach out to screen reader developers


<jongund> JD: Dominic has given feedback

<jongund> JD: Should we have more than one role for lists

<jongund> MK: SR does tell you something different, but they could say numbered list or bulleted list

<jongund> JD: I ant feedback from SR companies what they want to know about certain

<jongund> JD: ARIA attributes is a place where informatuion is placed

<jongund> JD: It is not ARIAs problem an API lacks a feature

<jongund> MK: One way to answer this question for ourselves, has any SR developer asked for a feature

<jongund> MK: Some issues the spec provides a sufficient answer

<jongund> JD: I agree, but we need to talk SR, we need everyone to chime in

<jongund> JD: If someone doesn't respond we can observe current behaviors of SR

<jongund> JD: I am making role parity a standing topic

<jongund> JD: We promised other W3C groups we will do this, so we need to stay on top of it

<jongund> JD: Is Bryan here?

AccName status


<jongund> JD: I need to do more stuff on accname, we will get to soon

as far as I understand implementations of the text alternative algorithm

do not yet yield consistent results. I now started two project that may

help to improve this situation:

<jongund> JD: There is a Tobis... , he participates in IG group list


<jongund> JD: He states that the accessible name algorithm does not produce consistent results

<jongund> JD: Bryan participated in the discussion, can you shed light

<jongund> BG: I have done some research, basically agreeing with his issues

<jongund> BG: You have the algoritm in the spec, and what you have browsers doing, and there is a different

<jongund> BG: There are areas in the spec, I am building a algorithm and will include items where the spec falls short

<jongund> BG: You can't treat block and inline level the same, there have to be a way in the browers need to figure out these things

<jongund> JG: WIll it include CSS display and hidden styling

<jongund> BG: It should include everything

<jongund> MK: I just wanted to say 2 things

<jongund> MK: I am glad you are doing this

<jongund> MK: The timing is not horrible

<jongund> MK: JD if we are in a position to make adjustments to the spec

<jongund> MK: Let's bring into fold


<jongund> JD: The specs are now in individual repositories

<jongund> JD: You can file issues in each respositories

<jongund> JD: If the dependencies are on the mappings, those go into core AAM

<jongund> JD: ACCNAME will only contain the algorithm

<jongund> JD: If we are blocking other specs, and we doing ...

<jongund> JD: If you have a proposed changes to ACC name, I needed them yesterday

<jongund> BG: What I am doing right now I am discoveriung the holes right now, should have ready soon

<jongund> BG: There is not specifically wrong, but there are gray areas in the implementation

<jongund> BG: If there is not aggreement in the gray areas, people will do it different

<jongund> BG: Single select is different than multi-select

<jongund> BG: In role=litbox, you need to support mult-select

<jongund> BG: You need to identify widgets based on their roles

<jongund> BG: I am adding a lot of notation in the code, I am trying to get all the browser vendors on the same page

<jongund> JD: Sounds awsome!

<jongund> JD: The sooner we get the changes in the better

<jongund> MK: The important part is to pull out the gray areas that can be filed as issues

<jongund> MK: SOme of the ones you brought up could require a significant amount of information

<jongund> MK: Some roles this way and other roles another

<jongund> MK: Block versus inline is simple, it is pretty implicit that screen readers do, there is no way for an author to make explicit

<jongund> JD: We need to answer Tobis, to figure out what the spec should say

<jongund> BG: I will try to be as clear as possible

Publishing new working drafts

<jongund> JD: I want to hold off a week or two to see if we will have changes

Status updates for opened and recently-discussed issues


Is activating a tri-state toggle limited to toggling between aria-pressed=false and aria-pressed=true? #684

<jongund> JD: The first issue is assigned to MK

<jongund> MK: I will do a pull request


Clarify that owned-by author rules need explicit role attributes #511

<jongund> JD: The next is for a colleague of JN

<jongund> JD: There is a pull request

<jongund> JN: I forgot to talk to him, he is at salesforce


Need to sanity check roles which support aria-expanded #681

<jongund> MK: Sanity check on aria-expanded

<jongund> MK: We discussed in Authoring group

<jongund> MK: I am not sure how to do it, it is how inheritance works, but should not be on structural roles

<jongund> MK: Should the wording be changed in one pull request and another for the role changes in another

<jongund> JD: I am not sure, the inheritance ...

<jongund> JD: I can help you with the changes

<jongund> MK: I can figure that out

<jongund> MK: I am not 100% sure if we will ever run into the ....

<jongund> JD: That is everything on my list

<jongund> JD: Is there anything else?

<jongund> JN: I think we should discuss what we want in the ARIA spec

<jongund> JD: We need authors to discuss or the fulll group

<jongund> JN: He is asking for a change in behavior

<jongund> JD: JN can you write up some notes

<jongund> JN: I can work on the plane to India

<jongund> JN: If we don't fix it, there will remain a problem

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2018/02/08 18:39:53 $

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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs Irfan_Ali jamesn jongund mat_king Stefan
Regrets: Michael_Cooper
Found Scribe: joanie
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Found Date: 08 Feb 2018
People with action items: 

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