Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference

07 Nov 2017


Luis_Marco, EricP, Harold_Solbrig, David_Booth
David Booth


FHIR Dev Days

Harold and Grahame will be at Dev Days next week Wed-Fri.

<scribe> ACTION: Harold will sched teleconference with Grahame at Dev Days and notify the rest of us about time/day

<trackbot> Created ACTION-91 - Will sched teleconference with grahame at dev days and notify the rest of us about time/day [on Harold Solbrig - due 2017-11-14].

FHIR/RDF Content Negotiation

(Harold presents slides)

harold: In our case OWL consists of a pile of RDF with an OWL header
... Also need to get code systems and valuesets. They have a FHIR RDF format, but we need it as an OWL ont.
... I.e., using rdfs:subClassOf etc.
... Also FHIR people treat Turtle and RDF as synonymous, but some may need to server other formats.
... We may need to differentiate OWL from FHIR/RDF.

eric: It helps putting the OWL declaration in the footer. People do not complain as much.
... When people put a valueset in OWL, they decide whether to use individuals or classes. We're invested in teh classes approach, both for inference and for the type connections in FHIR.

harold: We do care about it, but we need to bring it up with the terminology group. Rector and others did a lot of work on that.
... Some things break if you use the class approach.
... There's an lengthy ___ about how valuesets should be handled. We need to refer to that before proceeding.

ISSUE: Need to follow Rector's guidance on handling valuesets in OWL

<trackbot> Created ISSUE-45 - Need to follow rector's guidance on handling valuesets in owl. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/2014/HCLS/track/issues/45/edit>.

dbooth: Why need to differentiate OWL from FHIR/RDF?

harold: The footer that declares it as an ontology.
... Two representations of code systems: the structure def and the RDF that defines the OWL semantics.

eric: FHIR code knows how to handle codes, systems, etc. But when we put in in Turtle, it is hard to discriminate the same formate but expressed in OWL. In order to build the class hierarchy.
... But the same media type text/turtle is currently used for both.

harold: In the FHIR spec need to define what it means to be an RDF compliant FHIR service.
... Also need to define a test suite for that.

ISSUE: Is mime type application/json-ld still used? If not, need to take it out of the FHIR spec

<trackbot> Created ISSUE-46 - Is mime type application/json-ld still used? if not, need to take it out of the fhir spec. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/2014/HCLS/track/issues/46/edit>.



<ericP> application/n-triples per https://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/#n-triples-mediatype

dbooth: Maybe use a format= or semantics= query parameter to distinguish RDF from OWL

eric: purists would want a different URL for them, since they carry different information

harold: it might also go in the URL after the version

eric: Am I supposed to get back a Location header that says more precisely which version of the resource was serverd?

harold: It's in the fhir resource meta field inside the resource itself. They do say to return the precise URL in the Location header.

(slide: "One more thing")

harold: The FHIR build server is not very usable for testing, because anything that redirects goes back to the main FHIR server.
... In our ont header we need to add the owl:versionIRI if there is one.

eric: If I have observation/1234/version/1 does it have the same ont as observation/1234/version/2 ?

harold: We could add /owl to the URL to indicate the OWL format.

<scribe> ACTION: Harold to clean up slides on FHIR RDF conneg and give to David to post online

<trackbot> Created ACTION-92 - Clean up slides on fhir rdf conneg and give to david to post online [on Harold Solbrig - due 2017-11-14].


Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Harold to clean up slides on FHIR RDF conneg and give to David to post online
[NEW] ACTION: Harold will sched teleconference with Grahame at Dev Days and notify the rest of us about time/day

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/11/07 23:48:36 $

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Present: Luis_Marco EricP Harold_Solbrig David_Booth
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: dbooth
Inferring Scribes: dbooth
Found Date: 07 Nov 2017
People with action items: harold

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