Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

27 Sep 2017

See also: IRC log


scott_h, janina, Judy


Accessibility of Virtual Reality - Preparation of Findings

<jasonjgw> Janina clarifies that a Virtual Reality discussion won't occur at TPAC, but there's an upcoming VR workshop planned in December.


<scribe> scribe: janina

jgw: Considering what remains to do to prepare our advice

<jasonjgw> Scott notes that he'll be busy over the next week but available thereafter to work on the synopsis of VR research findings.

<jasonjgw> Janina notes the 5-7 December workshop.

<jasonjgw> Scott notes the importance of taking into account the scope and focus of the workshop.

<jasonjgw> Jason suggests we review the Web page later.

jgw: need details in Sec 2 -- Virtual Assistive Devices
... Also to finish citations
... Agreement to get this by the 11th

Questions posed to Web Authentication Working Group - Update

<jasonjgw> Janina is about to negotiate a joint meeting with Web Authentication Working Group for late in the day (Thursday or Friday) at TPAC.

<jasonjgw> Janina suggests that the questions raised by this Task force be included among the agenda for the joint APA/Authentication WG meeting.

<jasonjgw> Scott notes recent work from Apple with their prominent announcement of facial recognition technology.

<jasonjgw> We agree that we need to find out more about their implementation and any Web-based access to it that might ensue.

<jasonjgw> We have considered the accessibility implications (e.g., for people with mobility difficulties for whom facing a mobile device - let alone looking directly at it - would tend to pose difficulties).

<jasonjgw> Jason notes E.U. and U.S. policy regarding the need for two distinct biological characteristics to be available in biometric authentication schemes.

<jasonjgw> Jason introduced the question of whether Web applications might need to support secondary authentication mechanisms if there are biometric devices in use that aren't accessible to all users.

<jasonjgw> Janina notes that these issues (of biometrics used in combination with other authentication mechanisms, and the implications of having accessibility services enabled on devices) are already arising in practice in mobile environments.

<jasonjgw> Janina concludes that all of the foregoing issues should be covered in the planned agenda for joint discussion with Web Authentcation WG.

Update - CAPTCHA Note - Revision by APA Working Group.

<jasonjgw> Janina intends to have a working draft in place before TPAC.

<jasonjgw> Janina: it isn't expected to be a time consuming drafting process.

<jasonjgw> Janina and Jason agree to coordinate on the drafting process.

Miscellaneous topics.

<jasonjgw> Scott: the Internet of Things project has been delayed due to time taken to complete ethics committee approval. The final report is expected to be completed by 20 October.

<jasonjgw> Scott should be able to summarize findings to the Task Force by that date.

<jasonjgw> The project investigates the literature and identifies user needs - a preliminary research phase that could lead to trials later.

<jasonjgw> Janina: there's a division between mobile and landline-based providers in the IoT space, with different protocols (for low-level communication) being preferred on each side.

<jasonjgw> Responding to a question by Jason, Janina suggests that the Web-based protocols are likely to enter into the story at the service layer (not even at the aggregation points where the data from various devices are obtained).

<jasonjgw> Scott notes interesting classroom applications of Internet of Things devices.

<jasonjgw> Janina notes increasing accuracy of navigation and positioning systems, together with the emergence of in-door navigation.

<jasonjgw> Jason notes the use of IoT devices to provide within-building positioning.

<jasonjgw> Janina has worked with prototypes.

<jasonjgw> We discussed the potential use of VR environments (constructed potentially on the basis of sensor or beacon input from the real environment) in providing orientation training to people with disabilities - including the prior literature on this subject in respect of people with cognitive disabilites learning new physical environments via VR.

<jasonjgw> Scott will summarize the findings of his project at the RQTF meeting of 25 October.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/09/27 14:02:47 $

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Default Present: scott_h, janina, Judy
Present: scott_h janina Judy
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 27 Sep 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/09/27-rqtf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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