Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference

22 Nov 2016

See also: IRC log


Rob_Hausam, David_Booth, EricP
David Booth


What are the exact semantics of multiple codings for an observation.code? Issue #31

AGREED: Per zulip discussion, all codings are true: https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/31

Should a type arc be allowed on the target of a FHIR reference? Issue #26

eric: We discussed this last week. Decided on different levels of validation.
... For example you could have a reference that is not resolvable or resolves to a JPEG. That would be valid in FHIR, but in the Sem Web we cannot do much with that.

dbooth: And we realized that the FHIR profile mechanism could be used to trigger additional validation constraints.
... we decided to have a minimal level of validation that strictly aligns with FHIR rules, plus allow additional validation via additional profiles.

An example: http://build.fhir.org/allergyintolerance-example.ttl.html

It does not indicate the type:


fhir: AllergyIntolerance.patient [
... link <http://hl7.org/fhir/Patient/example>;
... Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Patient/example" ]



eric: If you are just converting FHIR JSON or XML to RDF then it might not know what type to put on the type arc.

dbooth: the type is always there for the top level resource (the root), but since it cannot always be determined for a reference (from the FHIR XML or JSON) then we cannot require it always.

AGREED: A type arc is not required on a reference target, but may be there. However if you wish to validate the reference target (with higher-bar validation) then the type arc on the reference target would be required.

Should we define uri template guidance for vocabularies (coding system + code)? Issue #13

rob: we are making progress getting terminology publishers to use URIs, but we have not tried to get them to use a common template.

eric: We could try to use a template for the ones that FHIR publishes.
... We could offer to host terminologies for those who do not want to host their own.

AGREED: Too difficult to get all terminology publishers to use the same template, and no benefit unless they all do.

How to handle FHIR versioning? Issue #10

eric: Do the examples indicate the version?

dbooth: No version indicated in the AllergyIntolerance example http://build.fhir.org/allergyintolerance-example.json.html


dbooth: it has a fhirVersion to indicate the version the system uses: http://build.fhir.org/capabilitystatement-definitions.html#CapabilityStatement.fhirVersion

eric: If you get data from different sources, you are likely to have different FHIR versions.
... If they are tagged with their FHIR version, what am I supposed to do? Transform them in some way?

rob: Some will be valid, some not.

eric: If you are serving across REST, then anything you send should conform to the version you say it is.
... So if your source data is a different version, then you'll need to transform it in some way. Or in some cases you will not be able to serve that data, such as if a datum is split into two in a later version.

dbooth: I don't think the splitting case will come up, because there is attention to not re-defining terms in a harmful way. Instead, a new term should be created. FHIR is more about how the data is packaged.

eric: But models evolve.

dbooth: Good point. So in some cases, a particular FHIR server might not be able to serve some old data.

eric: We could say that one should not reuse the same predicate for different things over time.
... If a MedicationDispense.x is defined with one meeting, and another year the definition changed, then we would want to catch that at the RDF level and give it a new and unambiguous name.
... The governance process would have to cover that.
... I.e., we should never define ambiguous predicates (across versions)

AGREED: We will never define a property to have different meanings across versions. If a definition does change across versions, then we will flag it for a new predicate. (And it would be a bug if we don't.)

rob: IDK what the naming convention would be in that case.

dbooth: I hope it doesn't happen. :)


<trackbot> Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference

<trackbot> Date: 22 November 2016

====================== 5PM Call CANCELED ====================

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: Rob_Hausam David_Booth EricP
Found Date: 22 Nov 2016
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