Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference

13 Jan 2016

See also: IRC log


Dale_Nelson, David_Booth, Andy_Stechishin, Michael_van_der_Zel, Mark_Shaferman, Vassil_Peytchev, Ashley_Swain, Brian_Pech, Tony_Malia, Eric_Prud'hommeaux, Marc_Twagirumukiza, Chris_Stoeckert
Dale Nelson
Andy Stechinsin


FHIR RDF status and review

On telecon Tony Malia, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Marc Twagirumukiza, Chris Stoeckert

David overviewed the requirements. most importantly, mappings for instance data for a round trip between FHIR instances and other exchanges content models (HL7 v2). More than 1/2 way, not able to assess the difficulty of the remaining items. Tony sense was that the remaining word is considerable. DB commented that there may be some wholesale mapping but this point is contentious among the group.

DB discussed the project deliverables. There was much discussion on adding a tab to the FHIR resource pages for RDF and how that content would appear/be described.

When discussing the Shape Expression deliverable, the topic of FHIR-Path was raised. There was discussion on whether FHIR-Path and Shape Expressions were swappable, should one take preference over the other, what are the similarities and differences between the technologies. DN announced that it appears that FHIR-Path will be coming under ITS for its development.

Tony commented on the lack of a test suite and the group wondered if there was a suite to validate the XML<-->JSON round-tripping in FHIR. AS commented that the AEGIS suite has some testing capabilites but was unsure of the extent. It was wondered if AEGIs would extend into the RDF realm. Eric offered to do some work but needed a contact and a pair to see the work move forward. DN would provide a contact at AEGIS (Richard Ettema was suggested). Eric did commen

t that because of the amount of work he currently is shouldering, he would need a partner in this effort. It was noted by DB that having a test suite is important and should be listed with the other deliverables.

'''Motion''': Merge deliverables 1 (FHIR RDF page) and 2 (FHIR Ontology page) into a single deliverable with a single page DB/Tony 11-0-1

AS will help Tony with formatting and DB would help with content. The initial change would be developed prior to the interface into the FHIR change management process. Tony will convert his content into XHTML then post

to GitHub for collaborative editing from the group to bring to a state suitable for the engagement of the FHIR change management process.

MvdZ offered to help with deliverable 4 (FHIR spec build process)

The question of the tab on the resource page for RDF. Marc suggested a readable format of the ShEX. The consensus was to use ShEX as the notional content for the RDF tab with confirmation to occur later.

DB will follow up offline with Chris to see how the meetings can be made more productive for Chris

<scribe> Chair: Dale Nelson and David Booth

<scribe> Scribe: Andy Stechinsin

i/Stechesin/ScribeNick: dbooth

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/13 22:26:46 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Succeeded: s/Stechesin/Stechisin/
Succeeded: i/Present: Dale Nelson/Topic: FHIR RDF status and review
FAILED: i/Stechesin/ScribeNick: dbooth
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No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: dbooth
Found Scribe: Andy Stechinsin
Present: Dale_Nelson David_Booth Andy_Stechishin Michael_van_der_Zel Mark_Shaferman Vassil_Peytchev Ashley_Swain Brian_Pech Tony_Malia Eric_Prud'hommeaux Marc_Twagirumukiza Chris_Stoeckert
Found Date: 13 Jan 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/01/13-hcls-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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