Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

07 Jan 2016

See also: IRC log


nigel, glenn, andreas, mike, pierre


<scribe> scribe: nigel

This Meeting

nigel: Next week David Ronca from Netflix has agreed to present what he couldn't at Sapporo,
... so I'd like to propose a 2 hour meeting so we can do that and normal business.
... i.e. on 14th Jan
... For today I propose we look at Actions, IMSC CR3 and issue #111 and TTML2 Editorial Actions.
... Also as AOB, more on the Emmy award.
... Any other AOB?

group: no AOB

Action Items


<trackbot> action-451 -- Thierry Michel to Investigate if we are required to move to the 2015 process -- due 2015-12-03 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/451

nigel: The objection deadline passed on the call for consensus so we have moved to 2015 process.

close action-451

<trackbot> Closed action-451.

atai2: I pushed some corrections of the drafts relating to fonts and mapping and the feature problems reported by Pierre and Simon.

nigel: Please could you review your actions on tracker and if there's any update or a move to a github issue add the info and mark the action as pending review or closed?

atai2: Okay, I'll update them.

nigel: Thanks!

IMSC CR3 etc

nigel: I'd like us to look at issue #111 if we can - we have a good set of people here to talk about this.


glenn: Pierre and I had a talk about this and that resulted in a modification to my proposal that would allow me to remove the objection.

pal: One way is to give control to Glenn on Webex to review/edit the solution live?

nigel: Just checking everyone can see a shared screen?

group: No objections.

glenn: [shares screen showing proposal text]
... The main objection was that a processor that can work with both profiles simultaneously needs to
... make a decision on what profile to apply.
... Implementors might choose either text or image profile and implement only one of them, in which case there's no decision point.
... However if you're implementing a processor that operates in a mode that only supports those two profiles then you need to make a
... decision with one of two answers, either text or image profile. Other possibilities I consider out of scope, for example a processor that
... can handle an arbitrary set of TTML profiles. This document is not interested in or defining or discussing that usage in the larger context.

<Zakim> mdolan, you wanted to ask about the premise

mike: An observation: in the known specification and implementations of the predecessor and IMSC 1 the decoders all support both
... profiles but don't rely on any sort of intermediate Y in the train tracks. The external signalling defines one or the other.
... The scenario is an implementation possibility but the issue hasn't come up because the switch in the train tracks was signalled at a higher level.

glenn: I account for that internally. I'm dealing with the situation where there is no external information, and the processor is not
... implementing a sniffer and there is no external metadata and I'm trying to resolve the ambiguity that in the absence of any external
... profile metadata or preprocessor that guesses it then there is such a fork in the processing path. I only want to deal with the fallback
... default scenario here.

mike: In this case, unlike perhaps the other TTML1 profiles, it's not the case that IMSC 1 Text and IMSC 1 Image are subsets of each other
... so treating them like the TTML 1 profiles where that processing can be done this is different.

glenn: I'm not arguing that. I'm interested in 2 kinds of processing. For validation if you don't know what kind of profile you're validating
... with then it's not useful to proceed. I'm addressing a presentation processor case where you build a presentation engine that can
... support both of the two profiles and in doing so makes a decision on which profile applies to perform constraint processing during the
... presentation process. That can be provided externally by the document interchange process, using sniffing or envelope or context, or
... in the absence of that there needs to be a decision made. This harks back to the fact that TTML1 and TTML2 both define such a fallback
... default normatively. In TTML1 it is the DFXP transformation profile. TTML2 has a more complex algorithm using the version parameter
... and other information and chooses between a default in the TTML 1 profile space or a default in the TTML2 profile space.
... Both cases define a fallback default.
... In that case, I have an implementation that makes such a decision, and it's my perception that the specification is ambiguous and it
... should be possible to define a fallback default like TTML1.

mike: In TTML1 the fallback is trivial - it's full.

glenn: That's not the default - it's transformation.

mike: It's easy because there are no extensions and all profiles are strict subsets.
... Normally people think about profiles as subsets - in this case it's a subset plus extensions so the fallback breaks down in this case.

glenn: TTML1 does support extensions so I don't see how IMSC does something different in this regard. The defaulting algorithm
... doesn't take into account profiles outside its own space - you're right there. The only point in having a fallback default is to resolve
... the specification ambiguity in a formal way. If you leave it undefined I perceive that as being a hole in the specification, that it says A OR B
... and doesn't provide guidance as to making the decision.

pal: Do you agree that if the image and text profiles were in two specifications then that statement would not apply?

glenn: It wouldn't apply to either of those documents, correct. But they are both in the same specification so it is not relevant.

pal: I think it is relevant because it's an artefact of the profiles being in the same specification.

<Zakim> nigel, you wanted to ask why a processor needs to make this decision

nigel: Why would you want to do "constraint processing" here given that a processor that can process documents in either profile
... must logically support the union of features needed to process all features, so why would you need to make the decision?

glenn: There are a number of options for what to do and which rules to use, depending on which profile is in place. If as part of your
... presentation process you are paying attention to the constraints but not validating for the purpose of aborting if not valid, or notifying
... the user of problems then you have to pay attention to which constraints apply. In some cases the constraints are common to both
... profiles, such as the use of different metrics, and there are per profile constraints defined in §7 and §8.
... You need to know which rules apply.

nigel: I'm confused still - what behavioural differences would arise if a non-conformant document were processed?

glenn: The differences would depend on which profile applied. In the absence of any external information then it has to have a default.
... I made the text profile the default fallback because it seemed least likely to be a false positive. The only case is an image profile document
... that contains no indication that it is an image profile document.

mike: I'm still not sure I agree with the premise but I'd like to see what you're proposing.

glenn: Let me take you through it.
... [add terminology for single profile processor and multiple profile processor]

pal: I just want to make something clear - the multi-profile IMSC processor is one that ONLY supports both IMSC processors and no others?

glenn: Right.

pal: And nothing else?

glenn: That's correct. Further down I specified a note that the determination of processing of an arbitrary document instance not compatible
... with either profile definition here is out of scope. It wasn't my intent to handle a truly generic processor. That's an uber problem that
... could be specified elsewhere if we wanted to.

nigel: What do we do with an SDP-US or SMPTE-TT document that in all other respects than the profile indication is IMSC conformant?

glenn: I'll get there.
... The #profile feature in §6 as agreed in Sapporo needs to be referenced in the defaulting algorithm so I elevated that text into this
... proposal without any change in it. Where it says [profile specification] that's the same text as agreed in Sapporo.
... Then the meat of the proposal under the [profile defaulting] section describes what a single profile processor and multiple profile processor
... should do.
... [single] - if profile designator doesn't match processor profile then document processing may be aborted
... [multiple] - too complex rules to summarise in minutes

mike: A comment: I think the context in a single profile processor will be clear - the real issue is for the multiple profile processor.
... The choice of default to the text profile is not based on a good decision tree because the probabilities of text or image seem equal.

glenn: You're correct. You could say it's a random choice, but I tried to choose one that I thought would be more likely compatible, because
... it's more likely compatible with EBU-TT-D. I was trying to reduce the number of false positives and negatives and I thought the text profile
... would do a better job in some scenarios. The case where it would be wrong is if a document is image profile and the algorithm chooses
... to process as a text profile.

mike: What does "tentatively" mean? Does it imply a SHOULD?

glenn: I use the term SHOULD to intentionally weaken the language and to make it possible for the implementation to make more choices.
... An implementation could choose the image profile - that wouldn't follow the recommendation but would be permitted.
... By tentatively I mean that if the wrong decision is made then abort would be an option, or retry with the other decision.
... When it is processing it is working on a guess.

atai2: It is strongly recommended to signal the profile or give information in the context. You have the probability of making the right
... choice by using text profile but you have no fact to base the decision on.

glenn: Keep in mind that when it says "compatible with" I tried to avoid language that would strictly pin the language to a processor profile
... as defined in TTML1 because IMSC mixes the specifications of content and processor profiles. You're right. The way to have this default
... apply is to ensure there is some indication of profile, but the intent of this language is to encourage it.

nigel: I can't see behavioural differences for processors based on the profile - what practical difference does this make?

glenn: If you're using vertical writing mode that violates the constraints of the image profile - so what should the processor do? It can only
... decide whether to abort or ignore if it knows the profile. I agree there are few explicit normative statements that define behaviour. The
... only one I can think of off hand is the UAX14 line breaking algorithm. The definition of behaviour on non-compliance is undefined, which
... makes it hard to interoperably test content in my estimation. The processor needs an indication of what to do.

mike: I agree with Andreas, a recommendation or strong encouragement to use profile is helpful, and further,
... on discovering that it's not a text profile then you should try the image profile rather than aborting. I would then probably be happy with
... this.

glenn: A strong recommendation to mark or signal externally the profile would be fine. I could add that.
... On discovering a profile incompatibility switching profile - is that what you meant?

mike: Yes, I think you want to encourage all possible efforts to try the correct presentation even if you discover an element or attribute that
... doesn't fit the profile would be better.

glenn: If I were to change the note about potentially aborting would that help?

mike: Yes, where "try the other profile" is the preferred option.

nigel: We're out of time - I don't think we've handled the SDP-US or SMPTE-TT issues.

glenn: I'll work on this in the meantime and we could maybe deal with that next time?

pal: I'll review the revised proposal. Something I think will need to change is the name of the multi profile processor. It needs to be
... explicit that it supports only those two profiles, e.g. an 'exclusive multi-profile processor' or something similar.

nigel: Summarising, we need to review a revised version of this and discuss again next week.

glenn: I will post the proposal as a message to the public reflector.

nigel: Thanks all, I'll close the call now [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/01/07 16:13:21 $