ALReq Weekly, 15 December 2015

15 Dec 2015

See also: IRC log


Behnam, Mostafa, r12a, Amr, najib
Behnam, mostafa


Status review of action items from previous meeting

<scribe> ScribeNick: mostafa

<Behnam> http://www.w3.org/International/groups/arabic-layout/track/actions/open?sort=owner

Behnam: I’m gonna skip the items for people not attending today.
... I’m still working on Action-23. I haven’t subimtted a PR yet.

Mostafa: I made a PR for Action-24. As soon as we merge it, we can assume this section for now.

Richard: I have a question: What is the best way to give feedback?
... On the PR itself?

Behnam: There is an option for leaving comment inline in the commit changes for a PR.
... Najib, would you like to give us some update on your action items?

<najib> http://www.w3c.org.ma/Tests/Alreq/Font-and-Typographical-considerationsPull.html

Najib: Re Action-7, I have text ready; tried to make a PR, but am not familiar with how to do it.

Richard: I think Shervin was to put together a small document telling how to do it.
... You have to download the git repo to your computer and put your HTML code in there.
... There are some style guides to follow too. I see some HTML code in your HTML file that must change before sending for a PR.
... Behnam, if I write that guide, I can use it for other projects too. Do you think it’s better to wait for Shervin or go ahead and do it?

Behnam: I am not aware of Shervin’s progress on this, but there is no reason in you not trying for it.

Richard: I can add some style guides to the same document too, because that makes the whole package.

<Behnam> close 32

<Behnam> close action-39

<trackbot> Closed action-39.

Najib: We can close Action-32, because we have Action-39, and I’m still working on it.
... Richard, did you create the transliterations by hand or using your tool?

Richard: I’ve used my tool. I can continue to do that, if you keep correcting the mistakes in the output like you’ve already done.

Najib: There are some grammar questions regarding transliteration of Arabic terms. There are two ways of pronounciation some words.
... In conversation, the last letter is not vowelled, but there is also a version of pronounciation of these words with last letter voweled.

Richard: I see a lot of your corrections are about dropping this last vowel. Maybe we should hold those changes until we have made a decision about it?

<Behnam> Here's the Glossary document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nSxYKQm_mKroCmxU4fyJ-g70Eo1_mF89yHZg8YNOuzc/edit#gid=0

Najib: I have to consult with Khald and Waseem to reach a decision about what to do for the purpose of this glossary.

Richard: Amr is on the call. Amr, do you have an opinion about this?
... (reiterating the question), for the Arabic word for “baseline” (سطر الأساس), we should transliterate it to “satru al-’asās” or “satru al-’asāsun”?

<najib> It is "ṣafḥah fārighah" or , ṣafḥahtun fārighatun"

<Behnam> Here's the Glossary document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nSxYKQm_mKroCmxU4fyJ-g70Eo1_mF89yHZg8YNOuzc/edit#gid=0

<najib> It is "ṣafḥah fārighah" or " ṣafḥahtun fārighatun"

Amr: “ṣafḥah fārighah” is correct, because “ṣafḥahtun fārighatun” is based on grammar role of the words. “ṣafḥah fārighah” is the more generic version and we’d better use that version.

Najib: I agree. “ṣafḥah fārighah” is a better option in my opinion too.

<Amr> ṣafḥahtun fārighatun is OK knowing that it is begin of sentence

Behnam: Richard, can you share with us the preferred transliteration method for Persian too?

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues/16

Richard: I was suggesting ALA, because that’s what we use for Arabic too, but Mostafa didn’t think that’s very good, and suggested another one.

Mostafa: Yes, I suggested UN 2012, and I put links to documents describing it there.

<najib> Is ALA-LC the same as LOC ?

Mostafa: And Shervin is supposed to look into this too, and we are waiting for his opinoin too.

Welcoming new participants

Amr: I am Amr Darwish, memeber of globalization center in IBM, in Cairo, Egypt.
... My mission, in addition to IBM’s globalization strategies, is to expand support for Arabic and bi-di in all IBM softwares.

Glossary status

Behnam: I guess Shervin had a task for converting the glossary table into HTML format. Anybody has any update on that?

Review of Github issues

<r12a> https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues

<Behnam> https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues

Mostafa: For issue #14, I sent a PR. I suggest closing the issue once the PR is merged, and we can use new issues for talking about changes for the merged drafts.

Behnam: Makes sense to me.

Richard: I agree with it.

<Behnam> https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues/16 and https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues/23

Mostafa: Issue #13 is an ongoing discussion about style.
... Issue #8 is about drafting the character section. As soon as we have tables of characters, I’ll send a PR for it too.
... The last three issues for me, #5, #4, and #3 are there until we get to the sections related to them.

Richard: Najib, what’s the relateion between issues #23 and #16?

Najib: We can close one of them and continue the work under one issue.

Richard: Actually, #23 is related to #21, not #16.

<r12a> i propose close #23 - it's part of #21

Najib: Yes, we can still close #23 and use #21.

Richard: #21 is different from #16. #16 talks about choosing a transliteration method, while #21 talks about the way to use these transliterations in our tables, such as adding a new column for it.

Behnam: So, we are now good with #21 and #16 and closed #23.

Drafting status

<Behnam> Draft: https://w3c.github.io/alreq/

Mostafa: Since I’m mostly done with the sections in my hand, I’m open to picking up another section.

Richard: I like to put more work into the document, but I’m restraining myself from actually drafting. Instead, I can put some questions that we have to answer.
... Like how to extend the text for justification. That level of questions. Do you think that is a good idea?

Behnam: Yes, adding those questions is good. They don’t even have to be related to a particular section.

Mostafa: +1

Behnam: How do you like to put the questions then?

<r12a> http://w3c.github.io/klreq/

Richard: One way to do that is put the questions in the document itself, and mark them separately. That way we expand the text around them.

<mostafa_> Behnam: We can put the questions in the HTML docuemnt, but keep the discussion in the issues.

<Behnam> action Richard to add ISSUE boxes to Draft sections

<trackbot> Created ACTION-40 - Add issue boxes to draft sections [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-12-22].

Behnam: We can put the questions in the HTML docuemnt, but keep the discussion in the issues.

<Behnam> ScribeNick: mostafa

Mostafa: I looked the list of topics and it seems like the section “Direction” hasn’t been started yet. I can start working on that.

Behnam: +1

<Behnam> action Mostafa work on a draft for 2.2. Direction

<trackbot> Created ACTION-41 - Work on a draft for 2.2. direction [on Mostafa Hajizadeh - due 2015-12-22].

Behnam: Anything else on the drafting status?

<najib> Directionality and bidi section 4) vs. Direction (section 2)

Najib: We have to subscetions which similar names: “direction” and “Directionality and bidi”.

Behnam: The first one talks about the basics of bidi, the second one elaborates on the issues of forming lines and paragraphs with bidi in mind.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/12/15 17:50:34 $